Najib’s inability to uncover from my 51 years of political life a single instance to demonstrate that I am anti-Malay and anti-Islam is the strongest proof of DAP’s commitment for more than half a century to the Malaysian Dream of a nation for all Malaysians regardless of race or religion

Two days ago, I exposed the three “Big Lies” ala-Nazi propaganda which the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had made in his UMNO presidential speech last Thursday, and I challenged him to list out three Big Lies as DAP had been accused of practicing Nazi-style propaganda of the politics of falsehood, lies, hatred and “Big Lie”.

Najib did not rebut my expose of his two Big Lies, viz: that the 14th General Elections will be a contest between UMNO and DAP and that the Malays would suffer “nightmares” if UMNO loses power in the next general elections.

But he tried to rebut my expose of his third Big Lie, that the DAP is anti-Malay and anti-Islam, but it was a most pathetic effort.

I have been in politics for 51 years. With all the resources at its command, with the Special Branch in Malaysia one of the world’s most competent and professional intelligence forces which had succeeded in defeating an armed communist insurrection, is it possible that Najib could not uncover a single instance or example in my more than half a century of political life if the allegations against me for being anti-Malay and anti-Islam have some basis?

What evidence did Najib produce in his winding-up of the UMNO General Assembly debate yesterday? Continue reading “Najib’s inability to uncover from my 51 years of political life a single instance to demonstrate that I am anti-Malay and anti-Islam is the strongest proof of DAP’s commitment for more than half a century to the Malaysian Dream of a nation for all Malaysians regardless of race or religion”

Najib’s fear campaign

Bridget Welsh
New Mandala
02 DEC, 2016

The Malaysian Prime Minister’s ruthless tactics to hold onto power at all costs demonstrate that he is the one who is most afraid while his people are willing to fight on, Bridget Welsh writes.

This week Najib Tun Razak is beating the Malay chauvinist drum at his party’s annual general assembly (AGM). Meetings of the United Malays National Organization (UMNO) have regularly followed this mode, but the use of racism and paranoia have taken on greater intensity in the face of its leader’s eroding political legitimacy.

For the past two years, Malaysia’s Prime Minister has been beleaguered by the 1MDB scandal that has involved not only nearly $700 million going into Najib’s personal account but also raised issues of criminal money laundering, embezzlement and economic mismanagement involving over $3.5 billion. The case is being investigated and prosecuted in over six jurisdictions, most notably by the US Department of Justice. The scandal featured centre stage in last month’s Bersih 5 rally in which thousands went to the streets to protest corruption, economic mismanagement and systematic inequalities in the electoral process.

Despite public discontent, Najib has adeptly used a variety of tactics to stay in power, which is crucial if he is to avoid international prosecution. The most obvious of these involves a crackdown on political opponents. Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim was jailed in 2015. Since then more than 10 opposition politicians have faced a variety of charges from sedition to challenges to ‘parliamentary democracy’. Last month whistleblower and parliamentarian, Rafizi Ramli, was convicted of violating the Official Secrets Act for releasing evidence associated with 1MDB. This week’s UMNO meeting has called for continued no-holds barred attacks on the opposition. Continue reading “Najib’s fear campaign”

Malaysians worry Trump will drop a corruption investigation into his “favorite prime minister”

Joon Ian Wong
December 01, 2016

Malaysia’s prime minister Najib Razak may have hundreds of thousands of his countrymen calling for his resignation — embroiled as he is in a multi-billion-dollar corruption case — but he has one thing to be grateful for: His onetime golfing partner is the next president of the United States, whose justice department happens to be pursuing that very same corruption case.

Najib has been talking up his close ties to Trump to the media. He recounted a victorious golf game played years ago at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey to the Star, a Malaysian daily. Najib had been in town for the United Nations General Assembly, and wanted to enjoy some R&R with his Malaysian delegation. Trump, hearing about the group, appeared and joined the game. So Najib and Trump partnered up.

At the game’s conclusion, Trump posed for a photo with Najib and the late Malaysian ambassador to the US, Jamaluddin Jarjis, and autographed it. It was inscribed: “To my favorite Prime Minister. Great win!” according to Najib. The Malaysian PM said he keeps the photo on his desk. “I did it before [Trump] became as famous as he is today,” Najib told the Star.

Najib is now reaping the rewards of that intuition. He says he had a “very warm and productive” phone call with his former golfing partner, and that ties between the two countries would be further strengthened.

Najib will hope that a friendly figure in the White House will help his chances in the biggest kleptocracy case brought by the US justice department to date. It’s seeking $1 billion in assets that it says are tied to “public corruption and a global money laundering conspiracy.” Continue reading “Malaysians worry Trump will drop a corruption investigation into his “favorite prime minister””