Sebagai juara hak asasi manusia, Aung San Suu Kyi mesti membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah juara untuk semua lapisan manusia, tanpa mengira kaum, agama, wilayah dan latar belakang

Setakat hari ini dilaporkan sekurang-kurangnya 86 orang telah terbunuh manakala 300,000 lagi telah melarikan diri di tengah-tengah keganasan yang semakin memuncak di wilayah Rakhine, Myanmar.

Human Rights Watch sejak Sabtu lalu telah melaporkan beberapa gambar satelit menunjukkan beberapa perkampungan etnik Rohingya di wilayah tersebut telah dibakar, dan menjadi bukti kepada pembersihan etnik yang tidak boleh dinafikan lagi.

Apa yang lebih mengecewakan ialah kegagalan pemenang Hadiah Keamanan Nobel, Aung San Suu Kyi untuk menawarkan keamanan, bahkan dituduh pula tidak mendengar keluh kesah nasib penduduk Islam Myanmar. Suu Kyi tidak menafikan tuduhan-tuduhan tersebut.

Kegagalan Suu Kyi untuk bersuara bagi pihak etnik Rohingnya yang teraniaya adalah keaiban dan penghinaan kepada hadiah Nobel yang telah dianugerahkan kepada beliau. Apatah lagi setelah partinya yang mengusung nama ‘demokrat’ berjaya meraih kemenangan yang begitu besar tahun lalu, bagi menafikan kekuasaan pentadbiran tentera selama lebih dua dekad lampau.

Walaupun operasi ‘pembersihan’ di wilayah Rakhine digerakkan oleh pihak tentera yang masih menguasai 25% kerusi parlimen Myanmar, kerajaan pimpinan Suu Kyi tidak seharusnya duduk diam, apatah lagi melarikan diri daripada berhadapan krisis pembantaian dan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia pada skala yang begitu besar.

Etnik Muslim-Rohingnya yang didakwa minoriti tak bernegara dan terus diburuk-burukkan oleh nasionalis Myanmar sebagai pendatang Bangladesh meski telah menetap selama bebeberapa generasi di wilayah tersebut tidak sewajarnya terus dilayan seperti haiwan tanpa tempat untuk mencari tempat berlindung.

Myanmar telah sekian lama menafikan hak-hak asasi buat etnik Rohingya, termasuk hak bernegara, berkahwin, beribadat dan mendapatkan pendidikan. Ini seterusnya mengakibatkan mereka ditindas dan memilih untuk melarikan diri, menaiki kapal-kapal menyeberang lautan tanpa mengetahui bila dan di mana mereka akan berlabuh dan menemukan tempat selamat untuk didiami.

Aung San Suu Kyi tidak boleh terus berdiam diri berhadapan penindasan zaman berzaman ke atas rakyat negaranya, apatah lagi setelah menggalas harapan yang begitu besar sebagai pembawa perubahan bagi menghentikan penderitaan etnik Rohingnya. Suu Kyi tidak boleh terus memilih untuk tidak peduli, apatah lagi enggan menyebut perkataan ‘Rohingnya’ dan memilih untuk merujuk etnik tersebut sebagai ‘Bengali’. Sikap yang sedemikian langsung tidak mencerminkan seorang pemimpin yang diharapkan untuk membawa keamanan kepada negaranya, apatah lagi sebagai seorang pemenang hadiah Nobel.

Kerajaan pimpinan Suu Kyi sekurang-kurangnya harus membuka jalan bantuan kemanusiaan untuk mereka yang masih terperangkap di wilayah bergolak itu, kalau pun tidak mempunyai kemampuan dan keazaman politik untuk menghentikan pergolakan dan pembersihan etnik atas dasar perbezaan agama dan keturunan.

Sebagai juara hak asasi manusia, Aung San Suu Kyi mesti membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah juara untuk semua lapisan manusia, tanpa mengira kaum, agama, wilayah dan latar belakang, dan bukan sekadar menayangkan ilusi juara hak asasi untuk kaum yang beliau suka sahaja, atau kelompok yang memberi kelebihan atau kemudahan politik untuk dirinya sahaja.

Malaysia juga harus mengambil iktibar daripada tragedi yang melanda Myanmar, bahawa pertelingkahan yang bertitik tolak daripada perbezaan agama dan keturunan boleh membawa akibat yang amat buruk kepada fabrik masyarakat Malaysia yang berbilang agama, budaya dan keturunan.

Untuk ke sekian kalinya saya menyeru rakyat Malaysia semuanya untuk menolak politik perkauman sempit, yang bermodalkan ekstremisme agama dan ketuanan keturunan, supaya negara tidak terjerumus ke kancah keganasan.


3 Replies to “Sebagai juara hak asasi manusia, Aung San Suu Kyi mesti membuktikan bahawa beliau adalah juara untuk semua lapisan manusia, tanpa mengira kaum, agama, wilayah dan latar belakang”

  1. Aung San Suu Kyi has no control over the army and the politicians linked to the army is manipulating circumstances to bring her down. The equivalent of those people are our Tajuddin and Hadi Awang with Najib as their leader. Only those who oppose Najib, Tajuddin and Hadi’s PAS has a right to say anything.

  2. I remember how those jokers expelled all Indians from Burma. They also oppress the Karen tribe, among others. Time to use the leash, even if they are on kissing terms with other ASEAN leaders.

    If today Syu Kyi openly opposes the military regime that calls the shots, tomorrow she will be arrested and imprisoned in a house surrounded by a lake.

  3. “Aung San Suu Kyi: Silent on Rohingyas in Myanmar”

    The President & Aung San Suu Kyi are still beholden to their “Masters” of the NWO Agendas.

    “…The move is based on the research of Norwegian lawyer Fredrik S. Heffermehl who in his books has called for respect for Alfred Nobel and the peace plan he wished to support.

    – “In his last years Nobel joined the peace movement and wished to support financially its idea of co-operation on disarmament to replace military force and forces. The Norwegian Parliament appoints the five-member selection committee that must step down and be replaced by people who favor the idea of the prize,” says Heffermehl.

    He claims that his demands through 6 years, and even an order in March 2012 from the Swedish Foundations Authority have not led “the awarders to show any interest in Nobel and what he really wanted.”

    – “This is unlawful and criminal, and the requested police investigation comes as a last resort to secure justice for “the champions of peace” Nobel specified in his will.

    The letter of accusation points in particular to Thorbjørn Jagland, the chair of the Nobel Committee and the incumbent Secretary General of the Council of Europe, and to Geir Lundestad, the powerful secretary of the committee.

    – “The laws must be respected also by politicians, it is particularly worrisome that the Nobel awarders act as if they were above the law and seem to feel confident that society will not enforce the law against them,” says Sweden´s Tomas Magnusson, a former president of the International Peace Bureau.

    – “Ignoring dissent and mowing down dissidents is a dangerous path to embark on. If we allow such norms to become political standard, how much democracy do we then have?”

    Next to share this…

    Suu Kyi’s Followers Have Brutalized the Rohingya for Years…

    May 30, 2015 – Who’s Driving the Rohingya into the Sea? –

    Finally to share this holistic understanding of the NWO agenda…

    “…Politicians such as former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, shrewdly bestow the innate right to intervene in sovereign countries of the world to protect their people from suffering just as the early colonial settlers and missionaries justified their imperialism by bringing “civilization” to the savage indigenous inhabitants.

    The story of Myanmar or Burma as it was once called cannot be told without the story of vain territorial ambitions of the British Empire. The British East India Company was an early English joint stock company created to further pursue the trading of commodity riches of the East Indies and beyond.

    Under the guise of free trade, It laid the blueprint for total economic exploitation as the powerful ancestor of today’s soulless transnational corporations by running militarily enforced “monopolies on cotton, silk, exotic textiles, tea and opium; effectively dominating the regions we refer to today as India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Myanmar into submission as Queen Elizabeth’s personal plot of real estate, entitling the Crowd to be the sole proprietor of it’s revenue and wealth.”

    The Colonial Administration sought to instill its language, philosophical outlook, moral principles, legal system and penal code on the natives in an attempt to engineer a class of people “Indian in blood and color, but English in opinion, in taste, in morals and in intellect”, setting the collective philosophical justification for their conquest by instilling a desired ethical outlook towards their subjects, the ‘swine of the Orient’. By the time the conglomerate officially dissolved in 1874 before handing all colonial administrative functions to the British Raj, the companies administration over saw the hundred-fold depreciation and demonetization of the Indian Rupee, countless lives lost over battles of territorial expansion, and a famine which killed seventy percent of inhabitants in the area of modern day West Bengal.

    By 1885, the entire landmass of Myanmar was swallowed up by the British Empire after nearly a century of calculative annexation and three Anglo-Burmese Wars. A period of selective economic prosperity began, enabling the British to exploit the resources and local labor of the ‘natives’ while creating an economic climate where local farmers and business owners were forced to take high interest loans to meet demand if they intended to stay in business, mirroring today’s IMF lending protocol.

    The collective British opinion regarded the Burmese population closer to ‘creatures’ rather than human beings and unsurprisingly public discontent grew in the form of Student-led Nationalist Uprisings around the 1920’s.

    Around the mid 30’s, Aung San (the father of today’s British-backed and foreign funded democracy icon) was regarded as the chief architect of the Nationalist Movement, founding The Communist Party Of Burma on staunch anti-British sentiments. Seeking greater Burmese autonomy and eventual independence,

    Aung San and his comrades received arms and military training in Japan which resulted in the successful capturing of Yangon in 1942 by the Japanese Military with assistance from Burmese Nationalist forces.

    Aung San – The region then became a proxy state for the Japanese Empire, resulting in a harsher occupation than what had been experienced under the British times.

    This was not surprising; considering the Japanese administration had been conducting mass killings, rape campaigns, forced amputations and bizarre human experimentation on the populations of Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, and elsewhere.

    Aung San, (having been duped by promises of sovereignty by the Japanese) approached the British for military assistance, which forced the Japanese into surrender, thus reinstating British colonial rule until 1948, Burma was finally granted independence amidst a climate of staunchly anti-British public discourse, refusing even entry into the Commonwealth.

    Aung Sang never lived to see his country free; he and his inner circle were assassinated in 1947 by a group of paramilitary fighters armed by British officers, it was discovered that hundreds of guns were missing from a nearby British-run police department.

    Aung San was loathed by Winston Churchill among others; High-ranking British Government officials were complacent in his murder because they knew he was irreplaceable, being one of the few people who could seriously threaten further British interests in the region.

    Through various front groups such as ‘The Friends Of The Burma Hill Peoples’, agents of British Intelligence armed and funded various ethnic groups, most notably the Karen tribes in an attempt to foster a breakaway state and to overthrow the post-independence government.

    It is no question that foreign intelligence groups are using identical tactics today in an effort to install a globalist compliant regime at whatever cost…

    Myanmar contains vast natural resources and mineral riches, being one of Asia’s most prosperous regions containing everything from gems and teak to oil and natural gas. The foundations of maladroit and obdurate economic planning laid by Ne Win resulted in the granting of least developed nation status by the UN and the lowest annual GDP of any country in Greater Mekong Sub region. After years of being subject to British colonial administration and foreign funded domestic ethnic conflict, policies of autarky were created with the intent of developing without external assistance, thus blocking the bidding of the World Bank and other disingenuous institutions, rightfully so.

    Western Media and NGO’s parrot stories of totalitarian Governmental brutality and mass exodus from Myanmar during the early seventies when the Burmese Way To Socialism was in practice, yet they fail to explain that this exodus was caused by economic reasons, such as the priority treatment given to the Barmar ethnic group, the nationalization of industries run by ethnic Chinese and Indians, and several spontaneous currency demonetizations…”

    23 September 2012 – Aung San Suu Kyi: ‘I have personal regrets’ –

    You be the judge.

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