Malaysia intent on becoming laughing stock of the world – from “hotdog” furore to Speaker of global kleptocracy trying to ensure integrity of justice system in United States when we cannot ensure integrity of Malaysian judiciary

Malaysia seems intent to be constantly in international headlines as the laughing stock of the world – the latest being the “hotdog” furore and the Speaker of a global kleptocracy trying to ensure integrity of justice system in the United States!

I fully agree with former Cabinet Minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz who lamented that Malaysia’s reputation as a moderate Muslim nation is being negated with unfavourable developments which paint the country as nation governed in some spheres by people with horses blinkers – like the furore involving Auntie Anne’s “pretzel dog”, with people in power who had gone “doggone loco” trying to change the name of popular Western snack.

Then we have the Speaker of Parliament of a country which is the latest entry of the obnoxious club of “global kleptocracies” trying to ensure the integrity of the justice system in the United States, when we cannot ensure the integrity of the Malaysian judiciary in the first place.

Yesterday, Dewan Rakyat speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia says it is sub judice to discuss the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) suit on 1MDB assets, because the Hansard could then be cited by the DOJ in the US hearing.

He said: “Even if no one from Malaysia is called to testify in the trial in America, they can quote what is being said in the Malaysian Parliament in order to influence the trial in the America.

“This is why I did not allow the debate, because every argument made here can be used in the American trial, even if it is in a foreign land.

“What the minister said here can be quoted in the American trial. In my opinion, this can influence the trial.” Continue reading “Malaysia intent on becoming laughing stock of the world – from “hotdog” furore to Speaker of global kleptocracy trying to ensure integrity of justice system in United States when we cannot ensure integrity of Malaysian judiciary”