Imagine a Minister who can be confused between a turtle egg and a chicken egg accusing me of being confused between a civil and criminal case over DOJ billion-dollar forfeiture lawsuits over 1MDB-linked assets and MO1!

Imagine a Minister who can be confused between a turtle egg and a chicken egg accusing me of being confused between a civil and criminal case over the US Department of Justice (DOJ) billion-dollar forfeiture lawsuits over 1MDB-linked assets in the world’s biggest single kleptocracy and money-laundering action and the mystery of MO1!

Sabri may be hoping that the world’s biggest kleptocracy and money-laundering 1MDB scandal will end up like his “turtle-egg” scandal – lost in a maze of contradictory statements, denials and bureaucratic inertia.

Can Sabri enlighten Malaysians what is the outcome of his “turtle egg” scandal in Sandakan last August?

When Sabri’s “turtle egg” scandal first broke in November last year about his feast of “turtle eggs” with Beluran UMNO division chief James Ratib in Sandakan three months earlier, he put the blame squarely on Beluran UMNO as the organiser of the function responsible for serving turtle eggs.

Sabri denied eating turtle eggs as he had eaten fish at the dinner, claiming that it had been “a long time since I’ve eaten turtle eggs” as it is “high in cholesterol”.

When Sabri said it was “a long time since I’ve eaten turtle eggs”, was it a confession he had violated the Wildlife Conservation Enactment 1997 which protected turtle eggs under Section 41(1) with a fine of RM50,000 or a jail sentence of up to five years, or both, upon conviction?

Later, new photographs appeared in the social media showing a half-eaten, full-boiled egg on Sabri’s dinner plate, and the fresh evidence provided a new impetus to the investigations by the Sabah Wildlife Department.

Sabri should tell Malaysians of the outcome of the investigations into the “turtle egg” dinner of the Umno Beluran division meeting dinner at Restoran Indah Keranamu in Sandakan in August last year before his creates new confusion over the 1MDB global scandal which is clearly completely out of his depths.

Sabri would not have made any accusation that I am confused between a civil case and criminal case over the DOJ lawsuits if he had understood simple English by verifying and reading my statements and speeches on the DOJ-1MDB issue since the admission by the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of EPU, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, with BBC on Sept. 1 that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” in the DOJ lawsuits is none other than Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

It is Sabri who is very confused – whether deliberately or otherwise – over the DOJ-1MDB controversy.

This was why while coming to the defence of the Inspector-General of Police, Sabri had no answer to the question I had posed whether the Police was going to haul up Abdul Rahman for interrogation for admitting that “MO1” was Najib, in the same way the DAP National Publicity Secretary, MP for PJ Utara and member of Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Tony Pua was hauled up by the police for investigation for naming Najib as the “Malaysian Official 1” figure in the DOJ lawsuits.

And if not, why not and the reason for the double standards in upholding law and administering justice in Malaysia?

Was the IGP and Police confused between criminal and a civil proceedings in the DOJ lawsuits, leading to double standards in the police treatment of Tony Pua and Abdul Rahman Dahlan?

Sabri was just echoing Khalid when repeating the fallacy that the DOJ was a civil suit and not a criminal proceeding.

Khalid was looking for a pathetic excuse to turn the Malaysian police’s blind eye to the series of criminal conduct in the international conspiracy in the multi-billion dollar theft, embezzlement, misappropriation and money-laundering of 1MDB funds which formed the basis of the DOJ’s civil action in rem for the forfeiture of the 1MDB-linked assets in the United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland.

If the persons named, whether directly or in code like “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1”, “1MDB Officer 1”, “1MDB OFFICER 2”, “1MDB OFFICER 3” in the 136-page DOS lawsuits had referred to Pakatan Harapan or civil society personalities, Sabri would undoubtedly be among the first to demand that the Police investigate the criminal conduct against the individual personalities highlighted by the DOJ’s civil action!

As a law graduate of University of Malaya, Sabri should be calling on the Inspector-General of Police not to fail in his duty and higher national calling to act on the information in the DOJ lawsuits about the hosts of criminal conduct in the theft, embezzlement, misappropriation and money-laundering of 1MDB funds which ran into tens of billions of ringgit, completely without fear or favour of the high-ranking positions of the criminals implicated, instead of maintaining the fallacy and fiasco of the distinction between civil and criminal cases.

For instance, “1MDB Officer 3” was identified in the DOJ lawsuits are “a Malaysian national who served as 1MDB’s general counsel and executive director of group strategy during, at a minimum, 2012 and 2013. 1MDB OFFICER 3 was a main point of contact between 1MDB and Goldman in connection with the three Goldman-underwritten bond offerings in 2012 and 2013.”

Jasmine Loo Ai Swan, who was previously 1MDB’s general counsel and executive director of group strategy, has been identified as “1MDB Officer 3”.
Bank Negara had made a public appeal for her whereabouts in July last year.

Paragraph 119 of the DOJ lawsuits revealed that in December 2012, US$5 million of the misappropriated 1MDB funds were transferred to a Swiss account “beneficially owned by 1MDB OFFICER 3”, who was then ”1MDB’s General Counsel and Executive Director of Group Strategy”.

Is Sabri and IGP seriously suggesting that the Malaysian Police should not be interested in this new information about the hosts of criminal conduct contributing to the Great Kleptocracy in the 1MDB global financial scandal, including the US$5 million which ended up in the Swiss account of “1MDB OFFICER 3”, the Swiss account’s actual owner?

If true, this does not speak highly about the efficiency, professionalism and integrity of the Royal Malaysian Police Force as the country’s major national institution to uphold law and order and in the administration of justice in Malaysia.
Finally, is Sabri a Malaysian patriot?

Would he agree that the DOJ complaint involves two grave issues: firstly, the guilt and culpability of Najib and other “public officials and their associates” in Malaysia in the 1MDB global financial scandal; and secondly, the international indictment that Malaysia has become an overnight global kleptocracy.

Whether it is right, proper or ethical to allow time to elapse pending the outcome of the DOJ lawsuits before determination of the question of Najib’s culpability in the 1MDB global financial scandal, it is clearly wrong, improper and unethical to allow Malaysia’s good name and reputation to continue to be besmirched and stained without immediate national response and redress.

Would Sabri agree that there should be a special session of Parliament this month to discuss how Malaysia should respond to defend and protect Malaysia’s national sovereignty and international good name and reputation by purging and cleansing Malaysia of the international indictment of an overnight global kleptocracy?

Two things can be done: Firstly, as Prime Minister, Najib should be the foremost advocate and defender of Malaysia’s international reputation and good name by speaking at the United Nations General Assembly at the end of the month to purge and cleanse Malaysia of the international indictment of an overnight global kleptocracy.

Secondly, an all-party parliamentary delegation should also be sent to the United Nations Special Assembly session to help purge and cleanse Malaysia of the international indictment of an overnight global kleptocracy.

Is Sabri prepared to raise in Cabinet on Wednesday this issue of a special session of Parliament, Najib’s mission to the UN General Assembly and an all-party parliamentary delegation to the annual UN General Assembly session at the end of the month to purge and cleanse Malaysia of the international indictment of an overnight global kleptocracy?

Does Sabri agree that all Malaysian organisations, whether political, civic, religious , commercial or even communal and clan associations, should take a common patriotic stand in a national and international campaign to purge and cleanse Malaysia of the international indictment of an overnight global kleptocracy?


4 Replies to “Imagine a Minister who can be confused between a turtle egg and a chicken egg accusing me of being confused between a civil and criminal case over DOJ billion-dollar forfeiture lawsuits over 1MDB-linked assets and MO1!”

  1. Ismail Sabri is a GNAT. What Mohd Nor says is a lot worst. He wants to politicize Zika – people can die but he can’t help himself to politicise it.. AND the Malays their leaders including Hadi’s PAS will not end up flushing them down the drain???

  2. I sometimes thing that this Zika virus must have been in Malaysia for a few decades and have produce many babies with micro-cephaly and brain subnormality. What I have yet to figure out is why these Zika induced micro-cephaly, all ended up in DUMNO leaders. Looks like we have a cluster of them and they are all in DUMNO. Ismail Sabri is a classical example.

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