Call on all Malaysian organisations, whether political, civic, religious , commercial or even communal and clan associations, to take a common patriotic stand in a national and international campaign to purge and cleanse Malaysia of the international indictment of an overnight global kleptocracy

A week before the 59th National Day, the issue dominating the warongs, coffee shops and national conversations was “TANGKAPMO1”.

In the past three days, another issue had overtaken “Who is MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” as the hottest topic of the country – the worldwide admission by the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of EPU, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, in his interview with BBC on Sept. 1 that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” (MO1) is none other than the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

And the question: Why Abdul Rahman “outed” Najib publicly and internationally as “MO1” when for the past six weeks, the entire government apparatus from the Prime Minister to the Cabinet and the heads of the national enforcement and investigative institutions like the Attorney-General’s Chambers, the Police, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, Bank Negara, the Auditor-General and the Public Accounts Committee had engaged in a national “cat-and-mouse” game, putting up a national and international pretence that they do not know who is “MO1”.

Is Abdul Rahman a friend or foe of Najib? Continue reading “Call on all Malaysian organisations, whether political, civic, religious , commercial or even communal and clan associations, to take a common patriotic stand in a national and international campaign to purge and cleanse Malaysia of the international indictment of an overnight global kleptocracy”

1MDB: Malaysian minister names PM Najib Razak as key figure in corruption scandal


A Malaysian cabinet minister says Prime Minister Najib Razak was the mysterious unnamed official who the US Justice Department claimed took part in rampant looting of state funds.

The admission confirmed widespread suspicions that Mr Najib was “Malaysian Official 1” mentioned in a Justice Department lawsuit filed in July.

The lawsuit — part of US moves to seize more than $1 billion in allegedly ill-gotten assets — repeatedly fingered the official as someone conspiring to divert vast sums from state investment fund 1MDB.

1MDB, or 1Malaysia Development Berhad, was launched by Mr Najib in 2009 and closely overseen by him.

In an interview with the BBC, Malaysia’s Minister of Urban Well-Being, Housing and Local Government Abdul Rahman Dahlan admitted “Malaysian Official 1” was Mr Najib. Continue reading “1MDB: Malaysian minister names PM Najib Razak as key figure in corruption scandal”