DAP calls for a special session of Parliament to consider sending an all-party parliamentary delegation to the UN General Assembly session at the end of the month to purge and cleanse Malaysia of international indictment as an overnight global kleptocracy

DAP National Publicity Secretary, MP for PJ Utara and member of Public Accounts Committee (PAC), Tony Pua was hauled up by the police for investigation for naming the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as the “Malaysian Official 1” figure in the US Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuits for forfeiture of US$1 billion assets in the United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland as a result of an international conspiracy of theft, embezzlement, misappropriation and money-laundering of US$3.5 billion 1MDB funds.

Three days ago, the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of EPU, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, told the world in his interview with BBC that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” is none other than Prime Minister Najib, after saying earlier that “only an idiot doesn’t know who that person was” as there was no secret who is Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) mentioned in the DOJ civil lawsuits as everyone who has read the court documents or familiar with the issues would know who is the person being referred to.

Two questions are in order:

Firstly, had the police hauled up or is proposing to haul up Abdul Rahman for police questioning like Tony Pua, and if not, why not? It is the teeming examples of such double standards in upholding law and administering justice in Malaysia which are the surest signs that Malaysia is heading towards a failed state.

Secondly, are the Inspector-General of Police and the Royal Malaysian Police “idiots” that they do not know who is the person “MO1” referred to in the DOJ lawsuits, when according to Abdul Rahman, “everyone who has read the court documents or familiar with the issues would know who is the person referred to”?

Can IGP Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar give answers to these two questions? Continue reading “DAP calls for a special session of Parliament to consider sending an all-party parliamentary delegation to the UN General Assembly session at the end of the month to purge and cleanse Malaysia of international indictment as an overnight global kleptocracy”

Call on Najib to confirm that he is “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” referred to in the US DOJ lawsuits on forfeiture of 1MDB-linked assets in United States, and if not, to explain why not

The MCA Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong has confirmed my belief that the admission by the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan in his interview with BBC that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” (MO1) referred to in the US Department of Justice (DOJ)’s biggest kleptocratic action against 1MDB and Malaysia was Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak had caught most Cabinet Ministers by surprise.

When asked by reporters today to comment on Abdul Rahman’s admission, Wee said he did not know who is “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” and suggested that the press should question Abdul Rahman himself.

I am astonished by Wee’s admission that he did not know who is “MO1” as it was six weeks ago that the US DOJ filed lawsuits which made reference to “MO1” 36 times.

Didn’t Wee think that it was a matter of national importance and even a public duty for him to try to find out who was this “MO1”, especially as he appeared to be the king-pin together with Penang billionaire Jho Low responsible for Malaysia’s international infamy and odium as an overnight global kleptocracy?

Wee’s admission is all the more shocking, especially as Abdul Rahman had gone on public record to say that “only an idiot doesn’t know what that person (i.e. MO1) was” as everyone who has read the court documents or familiar with the issues would know who was the person being referred to.

Is Wee, the MCA Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, an “idiot”? Continue reading “Call on Najib to confirm that he is “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” referred to in the US DOJ lawsuits on forfeiture of 1MDB-linked assets in United States, and if not, to explain why not”