Why are there so many idiots in the Cabinet and UMNO?

After the statement by the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of EPU, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, that “only an idiot doesn’t know who that person was” as there is no secret who is Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) mentioned in the US Department of Justice (DOJ) civil lawsuits as everyone who has read the court documents or familiar with the issues would know who is the person being referred to, more and more Malaysians must be asking with every passing day why there are so many “idiots” in the Cabinet and UMNO.

Is the UMNO MP for Langkawi, Datuk Nawawi Ahmad an “idiot” for him to argue that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” is the Yang di Pertuan Agong.

What would have happened if it was a leader from the national Opposition, whether PKR, DAP, AMANAH or the yet-to-be-registered BERSATU who had postulated that “MO1” was the Yang di Pertuan Agong.

Former Langkawi Wanita Umno member Anina Saadudin has filed a police report against Nawawi asking for police investigations to protect the royal institution.

Would the police investigate Nawawi and would the authorities accept his poor excuse that he had not meant to imply that “MO1” was the Yang di Pertuan Agong?

If Nawawi’s excuse was valid, why then was the need to edit his Facebook posting?

The next personality under the “idiot” periscope is the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Paul Low, who pledged today that legal action against individuals named in the US DOJ lawsuits related to 1MDB if it is proven that money was misappropriated from the state investment fund.

Was Low expecting applause of approval or screams (silent at the symposium but howling outside) of disbelief?

Would action be taken against people referred to in the DOJ lawsuits, who though not named specifically but through codes like “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1”, “1MDB OFFICER 1”, “1MDB OFFICER 2”, “1MDB OFFICER 3” whose identities are quite obvious from the various descriptions in the DOJ lawsuits and “only an idiot does not know who they are”?

Does Paul Low know who is “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1”, and if not, is he prepared to ask Cabinet colleague Abdul Rahman to enlighten him, or he is too shy to be identified as an “idiot?

Paul Low’s speech at the symposium on governance jointly organised by the Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA) and Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance (MICG) is a laughing stock as it is proof that the Malaysian Government which he represents is not serious at all about issues of integrity and good governance when it could take such an irresponsible stance on the DOJ action.

As the Minister responsible for integrity and good governance, is Low prepared and able to answer all questions relating to these issues arising from the DOJ lawsuits?

The Cabinet had maintained an eerie silence on the DOJ lawsuits after its fourth meeting yesterday after the DOJ filings a month ago on July 20 for forfeiture of over US$1 billion MDB-linked assets in the United States, United Kingdom and Switzerland from the US$3.5 billion stolen, misappropriated, embezzled or laundered from 1MDB and the people of Malaysia.

Is Low conscious and weighed down by the knowledge that under his watch, Malaysia has overnight been turned into a global kleptocracy, not only because the DOJ complaint is the single largest US and global kleptocracy action, but the shocking inability and impotence of the Malaysian Government to debunk and rebut the grave allegations of kleptocracy against the Malaysian government, especially the litany of “criminal conduct” as well as the embezzlement and money-laundering of billions of dollars stolen from 1MDB meant for the country’s development?

Does Low agree with the President of Malaysian Bar, Steven Thiru that it is irresistible to conclude that Prime Minister Najib is “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” and that the DOJ document contained many other “troubling disclosures”, including the allegation that in March 2013, US$681 million was transferred to a bank account belonging to ‘MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1′, and that this sum emanated from a 1MDB bond sale – contradicting statements by the authorities that the funds were a “personal donation” to the Prime Minister from the Saudi royal family, given to him without any consideration.

In addition, the court document also alleges that US$20 million and a further US$30 million traceable to 1MDB funds, were transferred to the same personal bank account owned by “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” in 2011 and 2012, respectively- and that both tranfers had not been previously uncovered or disclosed by the Malaysian enforcement agencies?

In particular, can Low enlighten Malaysians as to the real relationship between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak and Penang billionaire Jho Low, as to who was making use of whom in the 1MDB global scandal – Najib making use of Jho Low or Jho Low making use of Najib?

This is a question which is on the mind of every concerned Malaysian in the past two years, but despite the investigations by the various national enforcement and investigative agencies, including the high-powered Special Task Force on 1MDB (which was ignominously dissolved after the sacking of the then Attorney-General Tan Sri Gani Patail who had chaired the Special Task Force and the Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin), Police, Bank Negara, Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Auditor-General and the Public Accounts Committee, Malaysians are no nearer to a truthful and satisfactory answer.

Will Low be able to enlighten Parliament on these issues of integrity and good governance when it reconvenes on October 17 for a 25-day budget meeting?


6 Replies to “Why are there so many idiots in the Cabinet and UMNO?”

  1. Truth is who say the idiotic things believe they are just thick skin, shameless but they ARE IDIOTS WHO DO NOT KNOW THEY ARE. Its not a matter of being shameless, or sycophantic. The fact is they cornered themselves into having to say the idiotic things that comes out from their mouth proves THEY ARE IDIOTS.

    So back to the question of why there are so many idiots and the answer is DYSFUNCTIONALITY – the system of choosing them has been broken for a long time and it does not work. The IDIOTS ARE WALKING TALKING PROOF AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR A SYSTEM BREAKING DOWN..

  2. Will somebody mention what needs to be done. Just getting PM to step down in not the only solution. Let the voters know on the followings:
    1. Job discrimination due to race and religion and minimum salary revision to RM 4,000 for locals.
    2. Medical benefits for the poor and less fortunate including surgery and medical spares.
    3. Free education for all including colleges and university.

    4. Affordable housing for people earning less then RM 8,000.

  3. Paul Low say there will be action against those guilty in the 1MDB scandal. Seriously, I really want to know what kind of actions Paul Low will be taking against his Boss? Also, the fact is that Paul Low still remains in Najib’s sinking ship begging the question, why?

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