Was Leo DiCaprio’s ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Paid for With Stolen Money?

The Daily Beast

The Oscar-winning actor’s charity and the production company behind Wolf of Wall Street have come under scrutiny for ties to a $3 billion embezzlement scandal.

When was the last time a celebrity scandal—not a body part—truly broke the internet? In the age of long lens paparazzi, 24/7 reality TV coverage and conscious uncoupling, we’ve been subsisting on cheap, disposable drama and scripted Bachelor breakups. Nobody thinks big anymore.

Surprisingly, the man to finally bring some old school Hollywood glamour back to the celebrity scandal game may be none other than the founder of the pussy posse himself, Leonardo DiCaprio. Yes, it’s come to this. Continue reading “Was Leo DiCaprio’s ‘Wolf of Wall Street’ Paid for With Stolen Money?”

Leonardo DiCaprio, the Malaysian Money Scandal and His “Unusual” Foundation

By Gary Baum
The Hollywood Reporter
August 17, 2016

According to the Justice Department, certain donations to the Oscar winner’s charity came directly from a multibillion-dollar embezzlement drama in Southeast Asia.

On the evening of July 20, under a tent at a vineyard in St. Tropez brimming to his specifications with booze, billionaires and babes, Leonardo DiCaprio was preparing to host one of the glitziest charitable events of the year: the third annual fundraiser for his Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Earlier that same day, under far less glamorous auspices half a world away, the U.S. Department of Justice was filing a complaint with the U.S. District Court in downtown Los Angeles that suggested the recent Oscar winner is a bit player in the planet’s largest embezzlement case, totaling more than $3 billion siphoned from a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund called 1MDB.

While the complaint does not target DiCaprio — he’s referred to twice in the 136-page document and only as “Hollywood Actor 1” — the scandal shines an unfamiliar light on the charitable foundation of the most powerful actor in Hollywood thanks to the way the LDF has benefited directly from DiCaprio’s relationship with key figures in the saga. And much like the gala in St. Tropez, with its expressions of one-percenter excess ostensibly in support of saving the environment (guests helicoptering in to dine on whole sea bass after watching a short film about the dangers of overfishing), a closer look at the LDF itself raises questions about its ties to the 1MDB players as well as the lack of transparency often required (or offered in this case) for the specific structure the actor has chosen for his endeavor. Continue reading “Leonardo DiCaprio, the Malaysian Money Scandal and His “Unusual” Foundation”

Why are there so many idiots in the Cabinet and UMNO?

After the statement by the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director and Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of EPU, Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan, that “only an idiot doesn’t know who that person was” as there is no secret who is Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) mentioned in the US Department of Justice (DOJ) civil lawsuits as everyone who has read the court documents or familiar with the issues would know who is the person being referred to, more and more Malaysians must be asking with every passing day why there are so many “idiots” in the Cabinet and UMNO.

Is the UMNO MP for Langkawi, Datuk Nawawi Ahmad an “idiot” for him to argue that “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” is the Yang di Pertuan Agong.

What would have happened if it was a leader from the national Opposition, whether PKR, DAP, AMANAH or the yet-to-be-registered BERSATU who had postulated that “MO1” was the Yang di Pertuan Agong.

Former Langkawi Wanita Umno member Anina Saadudin has filed a police report against Nawawi asking for police investigations to protect the royal institution.

Would the police investigate Nawawi and would the authorities accept his poor excuse that he had not meant to imply that “MO1” was the Yang di Pertuan Agong?

If Nawawi’s excuse was valid, why then was the need to edit his Facebook posting? Continue reading “Why are there so many idiots in the Cabinet and UMNO?”