Najib administration should immediately declassify the Auditor-General’s Report on 1MDB not only to take the wind out of the sails of Sarawak Report but to show to the world that the Malaysian Prime Minister and government have nothing to hide about allegations of 1MDB multi-billion ringgit global embezzlement, money-laundering and corruption

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should immediately declassify the Auditor-General’s Report on 1MDB not only to take the wind out of the sails of the whistleblowing site, Sarawak Report, but to show to the world that the Malaysian Prime Minister and government have nothing to hide about allegations of 1MDB multi-billion ringgit global embezzlement, money-laundering and corruption.

The option to keep the Auditor-General’s Report on 1MDB secret and classified under the Official Secrets Act (OSA) was never a tenable, sustainable or wise decision in this information age when information travels at the speed of light in a borderless world, especially when the decision went against all notions of good governance and principles of accountability and transparency, as well as public pledges by the Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and the Auditor-General himself that the AG’s Report would be made available to the public.

With the announcement by the Sarawak Report website that it is publishing in full the Auditor-General’s Report on 1MDB, after it had carried daily exposes of the AG’s Report on 1MDB in the past few days, Najib and the Malaysian Government are only inviting global scorn, contempt and humiliation if they continue to keep the AG’s Report under wraps in Malaysia under the OSA while it is available to the world as well as to Malaysians on the borderless Internet.

The Cabinet at its meeting yesterday should have discussed the subject of the declassification of the AG’s Report to defend Malaysia’s international reputation and image. Was this subject discussed by the Ministers yesterday?

Najib and the Malaysian Government should cut their losses and immediately declassify the Auditor-General’s Report on 1MDB unless there are compelling reasons which do not allow the Najib administration to do so – and if so, it could have nothing to with the national security as the AG’s Report had been the basis of the PAC proceedings and report on the 1MDB, and in fact, the AG’s Report on 1MDB is an integral part of the PAC Report on 1MDB and should have appeared as an appendix of the PAC Report on 1MDB when it was tabled in Parliament on April 7.

There could only be one reason why the AG’s Report on 1MDB cannot be made public, that it would point incriminating fingers unerringly on the culpability and guilt of those responsible for Malaysia’s first global scandals – the RM55 billion 1MDB and Najib’s RM4.2 billion twin mega scandals – and the charges of multi-billion ringgit global embezzlement, money-laundering and corruption which are the subject of investigations by seven other national jurisdictions.

Is this the reason?

Najib cannot continue to be silent and must speak up why he is compromising the nation’s international reputation and standing by obstinately refusing to make the AG’s Report on 1MDB public?

2 Replies to “Najib administration should immediately declassify the Auditor-General’s Report on 1MDB not only to take the wind out of the sails of Sarawak Report but to show to the world that the Malaysian Prime Minister and government have nothing to hide about allegations of 1MDB multi-billion ringgit global embezzlement, money-laundering and corruption”

  1. It looks like the Najis administration has come to the conclusion that they cannot do much about Sarawak Report ( SR ) and WSJ revelations. They are tolerating these external media revelations allowing them to act as a distant check on our corrupt administration. Providing a sort of a fourth estate for our government, to give it some semblance of democracy, knowing that they can easily negate their effectiveness, and that the SR / WSJ revelations count for nought in the kampongs. Of course Najis have everything to hide, they did embezzle the money and have probably spend all the money. They did launder money and they did abuse their position and is corrupt. However, they know the Malaysia mind, that if they can sell and cover up, before GE 14, they will be forgiven by the rural folks. So the frentic distractions in whatever form and kind, even if innocent people are harmed. Under these clouds of distraction, they are frentically covering up. Of course, a fractured opposition allow them more leeway, so that even if they are less than perfect, they will still win GE 14. The opposition must get their act together. This “convenient laison” of working together with Mamak will be a fatal distraction for the opposition as Mamak has his own agenda, quite different from ours. HE WILL SNAKE THE OPPOSITION IN THE END. Just watch. He may even be another Trojan Horse. Some opposition leaders are taken in too easily by his ability to get headlines and press conferences, yet get nothing done. Beware of the snaky Mamak who has led us to this malignant Malaysian political course. It is all because of him. Please never forget that.

  2. The real crime is Hadi crying PAS cannot ” walk with duplicitous” given who he is holding hands with given these clear evidence ( not to mention his own history of betrayal).

    DAP may have problems with young immature bucks but PAS’s elders and senior leadership are a mess. At least DAP bucks take personal responsibility, PAS old ones are just lost and stubborn

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