Patto’s Malaysian Dream is the Dream of all Patriotic Malaysians

DAP MP for Batu Kawan, Kasthuri Patto, wrote a touching article on the occasion of the 21st anniversary of the death of her father, P. Patto, one of the giants in the pantheon of Malaysian leaders in the half-century history of the DAP.

Patto was never just an Indian leader as he was always a Malaysian leader.

He dedicated his life not for an Indian Malaysia, definitely not a Chinese Malaysia, but a Malaysian Malaysia where every Malaysian, regardless of whether Malay, Chinese, Indian, Kadazan or Iban; Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Christian or Taoist is proud to be a Malaysian first and last. Continue reading “Patto’s Malaysian Dream is the Dream of all Patriotic Malaysians”

What my father P Patto taught me

Kasthuri Patto
12th July 2016

COMMENT Today, July 12, marks the 21st anniversary of the passing of my father, P Patto.

Twenty-one years have passed and the void left behind hits hard, for not only my mother, my sister and my family but to all his old friends, party cadres, supporters and Malaysians alike, from all walks of life.

It was on a Wednesday morning that he left us so suddenly and the news shook many Malaysian comrades, parliamentarians, statesmen, leaders of nations and also from dear members of civil society.

Condolence messages poured in from all over the world via phone calls, letters, condolence cards, telegrams and bouquets of flowers. Continue reading “What my father P Patto taught me”