Futile to talk about double standards

By TK Chua
Free Malaysia Today
July 1, 2016

To be free from blemishes is not an option for any Opposition politician but an obligation to set the bar higher.


What is there to argue about on whether Lim Guan Eng should resign, take a leave of absence or continue doing his job as the chief minister of Penang?

To me there is really no answer to this argument. The choice really depends on which side of the political divide the individual in question is on – whether he is a supporter or adversary. This is what partisan politics has done to most of us. We have become blind and adamant in our struggle, regardless of the rights and wrongs involved.

This is the nature of our “legal system” – we cannot argue why someone is charged while others are not, even though they may have committed similar or even graver offences. We cannot argue why a person is charged even though the evidence is flimsy or probably ridiculous while others are let go even though the proof is substantial.

The system says the power to prosecute is discretionary. When it is discretionary, it could also mean arbitrary or selective. Seriously, which parts of these predicaments are we Malaysians still unable to understand?

The next issue is the risks politicians face each day. Again, let’s be honest with ourselves. It is never easy to be an Opposition politician in this country or in any third world country for that matter. One must be squeaky clean and not to indulge in whatever indiscretions – personal or official. Again, I expect Opposition politicians to understand this.

Why then are we still talking about double standards, selective prosecution, or ridiculous or trumped-up charges? Are these not what most Opposition politicians are expected to face?

But there is still hope left. First, Opposition politicians should try their level best not to provide a beachhead for others to attack/prosecute them. It is not easy, but they should try. To be free from blemishes is not an option but an obligation. Yes, it is a “double standard” i.e. Opposition politicians have to set the bar higher.

Second, if indeed some are unfortunate enough to be charged, there is no need to resign or to take a leave of absence. There is nothing to be ashamed of. They should salvage every minute of the positions they hold and try to do the best they can.

Any Malaysian with some sense of fair play, justice and morality in their hearts would understand perfectly why Lim does not have to resign or take a leave of absence. Only the bigots, the self-righteous, the self-conceited, and the hypocrites would suggest he does. I think the people have accepted a long time ago that there is no absolute principle, or shred of ethics and morality left in this country. Most are willing to accept the “the lesser of two evils.”

12 Replies to “Futile to talk about double standards”

  1. Dear Mr Chua, you argument is sound to a certain extend. Opposition politicians anywhere especially in a dictatorial state, must be extra careful. That is true. However, although prosecution is discretionary, legally, but in a state, that discretionary power must be exercise with great care as the state answers not to the legal courts but also to the court of public opinion. The state must be reasonable in being selective and discretionary. Embezzling RM 50 billion, accepting RM 4 billion into personal account, hiding, lying, sacking, replacing, and yet being declared innocent, has certainly gone beyond reasonableness. Added to that, being investigated in no less than 6 countries and appearing in international headlines, and still be declared innocent, is certainly beyond reasonableness by any stretch of imagination. The court of public opinion is watching and waiting to see when he shall be taught a lesson. In stake contrast, buying a house below market value, that is what we all like to do, that is what Mr Chua, you and your wife would like to do, is deemed a crime. Of course the culture amongst some people, is to buy a house above market value, so that their cronies may profit. MARA building purchase in Australia is a great example. There is a clash of culture here? I dont think so. Obviously Najis must “fix” LGE just as he “fix” DSAI, as they are both threats come GE 14. This is political persecution, nothing more nothing less. The court of public opinion can see that. He has now made LGE a martyr and a rallying point. That is what the opposition in Malaysia needs now. A rallying point to bring all Malaysians together, to see the ridiculousness of Najis behaviour. I feel very very sorry for daddy Kit, wife Betty and their kids. But if LGE’s persecution can mean a change in Malaysia, then though I feel sad LGE, but this sacrifice is worth it. NAJIS YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS AT GE 14.

  2. Correct, KOREK, correct

    Why then are we still talking about double standards, selective prosecution, or ridiculous or trumped-up charges? Are these not what most Opposition politicians are expected to face?

    Opposition kaki hv 2 b SNOWwhite clean
    CANNOT even hv 1 Hermes Birkin bag without proper accountability

    AI oredi paid d price of keeping a batang so closed 2 him

    Has LGE taken a poison apple?
    Cannot la go 4 chip chip stuff, BMV stuff

    UmnoB/BN mobilising their full force 2 hang him high high
    What’s new?

  3. Azmin says Najib has crossed the line into “politik jijik”, I put it to him that it’s “politik pesong aqidah” – it’s malevolent or malficent politics, they actually want real harm, personal even physical harm to their opponent over differences in opinion.

    It’s definitely pesong aqidah because it’s based on.assumption it’s underwritten by no less than Hadi’s PAS. Hadi’s PAS with all the Ulamas and self righteous decades of reading the Quran and Hadith is underwriting these new ill will politics.

  4. With due respect to those who argue DAP, LGE should be above reproach and those that argue it’s political like Dr.Ramasamy, they are both wrong. This is about politics in Malaysia itself, it is about values, it’s NOT even about ideology. It is about right and wrong.

    Najib has pushed this country into Malevolent and Malficent politics. They want to harm LGE himself, materially, personally even physically is acceptable – and it’s underwritten by foolish Hadi’s PAS. It’s literally good Vs evil. It is about “pesong aqidah”.

  5. Politics 101 for all opposition politicians (except PAS kaki la)

    In M’sia, AhCheat n UmnoB/BN kaki can do NO wrong
    Opposition politicians, on d other hand, can do NO right

    Everything opposition politicians do will b magnified, dissected, examined, n twisted
    So, they must live inside a glass house, clearly seen by one n all
    Pure, innocent, n naked

  6. Politics 101 for all opposition politicians (except PAS kaki la)

    In M’sia, AhCheat n UmnoB/BN kaki can do NO wrong
    Opposition politicians, on d other hand, can do NO right

    Everything opposition politicians do will b magnified, dissected, examined, n twisted
    So, they must live inside a gl@Ss house, clearly seen by one n all
    Pure, innocent, n n@ked

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