Guan Eng’s arrest and two corruption charges one of the eight after-effects of Barisan Nasional victories in the twin Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections

DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng’s arrest and two corruption charges is one of the eight after-effects of the Barisan Nasional victories in the twin Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections on June 18.

The Barisan Nasional twin by-election victories have given the Prime Minster, Datuk Seri Najib Razak confidence to go on an all-out political offensive, believing that he has the licence to do whatever he likes to consolidate his political power position despite creating a paradox for Malaysia – a Prime Minister who is seemingly more powerful and unshakeable inside the country but who is increasingly regarded in international society as the worst Prime Minister for Malaysia who had virtually made Malaysia synonymous with global corruption with his RM55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion “donation” twin mega financial scandals, which are being investigated in seven different countries.

The eight twin by-election effects are:

1. Giving Najib the confidence and belief that he can sweep the twin RM55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion “donation” scandals under the carpet at home, either by intimidating or silencing critics or dissent, whether in the media, civil society or political front, closing media publications, blocking internet sites, arrests and prosecutions, and just ignore growing international clamour for accountability for the 1MDB scandal of global embezzlement, money laundering and corruption. In fact, in the ten days after the twin by-elections, the world’s media have continued with exposes of the ramifications of the 1MDB global scandal, including spotlighting on the whereabouts of the Penang billionaire Jho Low and his real role in Najib’s twin mega scandals.

2. The sacking of Tan Sri Muhyiddin and Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir from UMNO and the suspension of Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal as UMNO member.

3. Series of actions against former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir, including propaganda attacks, police investigations for his remarks likening Najib to Uganda dictator Idi Amin and the withdrawal of government funding for Mahathir projects like the Perdana Leadership Foundation.

4. Major purge in the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) involving the two top men in the MACC, reminiscent of the earlier purges of the key figures in the former Special Task Force on 1MDB, involving topmost officers in Attorney-General’s Chambers, Bank Negara, the Police and MACC.

5. The campaign to incite racial and religious tensions in Utusan Malaysia after the twin by-elections, including falsely painting DAP as anti-Malay and anti-Islam.

6. The irresponsible, incendiary and seditious “kafir harbi” statement by the Pahang Mufti, which is not only given national prominence and front-page treatment by UMNO mouthpiece, Utusan Malaysia, but condoned and “white-washed” by the Prime Minister’s Office, instead of a forthright repudiation by the Prime Minister and his Cabinet.

7. Cabinet reshuffle to bring in more mediocrity and sycophancy and “yes men” whose sole loyalty are to Najib’s survival and not to the nation or people.

8. The arrest of DAP Secretary-General and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng on two corruption charges in the latest attempt to destroy the Opposition and defend Najib’s political position.

It is matter of sorrow and anger that Najib and Cabinet of sycophants do not see the need to check Malaysia continuing its trajectory towards a fractured, failed and rogue state.

The whole object of the arrest and prosecution of Guan Eng was revealed in a confession made in a statement issued by the Barisan Nasional Strategic Media Director, Abdul Rahman Dahlan, the new Minister in the Prime Minister’s Departmenht yesterday, who said that Guan Eng’s arrest shows DAP is not so clean after all.

This is the time for all Malaysians to rise above race, religion, region or even political affiliation to Save Malaysia from hurtling onwards towards a fractured, failed and rogue state.

(Media Statement the Penang Sessions Court on the arrest and two corruption charges against Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng)


6 Replies to “Guan Eng’s arrest and two corruption charges one of the eight after-effects of Barisan Nasional victories in the twin Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections”

  1. DAP is not like any other opposition party in Malaysia. Take away LGE and it at best can cause some problems if UMNO plant saboteurs within the party..It has enough organisation strength and talent to survive the lost of even more senior leaders than LGE. The next generation of DAP leaders are almost ready to take over will step up even if they lop off all the senior leaders.

    So what is the real point of LGE arrest especially with so much drama? Why the drama? The arrest of Rafizi Ramli, he had to dramatise with a fake handcuff. So why make so much drama on purpose.

    I put it the reason is to feed enthusiasm of the rabid UMNO AND PAS horde and their machineries as preparation for going in the coming GE. The rabid hordes have wanted this for a long time and Najib is just throwing them the meat to get them going.

    Hence its a mistake to let this thing get dramatise. While its grave injustice and we want to defend against it, the real offensive is to attack with calm strategy. . The real offensive is to point out LGE’s arrest and Pahang Mufti views and Ammar Wan Harun view are essentially comes from the same inspiration – Najib’s political strategy and selfish survival and hence the likes of Pahang Mufti, Ammar Wan Harun, etc are the future of Malay Muslim in this country..

  2. Again, the choice to Malay is not between LGE/DAP and Najib-UMNO-PAS. The choice is between Amanah-Pakatan Harapan OR the likes of Pahang Mufti, Ammar Wan Harun, Ridhuan Tee, and ISIS and Taliban..

    Change this narrative now before the next GE..

  3. Arresting an opposition Chief Minister must be the dream of the Barisan government.They must have studied in detail before moving in to arrest him.Unfortunately the sale was of consent and so the price does not make any difference.To the layman DAP had been a good opposition which checked the Barisan government from their excessiveness in finance and crime.The move had made the people even more resolute and even more sure of giving support to the opposition to win the next election.At least we will see how the opposition rule the country even though the fear that the country will go to the dogs had been told thousand times by the Barisan.

  4. Finally, UmnoB/BN got a handle 2 nail LGE
    D FULL forces of d gomen-controlled agencies will b used against LGE
    Fast n furious 2 exterminate LGE n DAP
    AhCheat got an upper hand now, 100% victory in sight
    To b crowned a super supreme leader of UmnoB/BN – THE Only ONE

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