Liow Tiong Tai and Mah Siew Keong should stop being pawns of UMNO-PAS political plot to polarize Malaysians into Muslims and non-Muslims and make “hudud” the primary issue in the two upcoming Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections

Although MCA president Liow Tiong Lai and Gerakan president Mah Siew Keong have threatened to resign from the Cabinet if PAS President, Hadi Awang’s hudud bill is passed in Parliament, both of them made it very clear that MCA and Gerakan would remain in the Barisan Nasional coalition.

It is quite unfathomable why two highly-educated persons like Liow and Mah, who have risen to become Cabinet Ministers in the land cannot see the gross contradiction in their positions.

Be that as it may, Liow and Mah should stop being pawns of a deep UMNO-PAS political plot to polarize Malaysians into Muslims and non-Muslims and make “hudud” the primary issue in the two upcoming Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections next month.

There is clearly a concerted attempt to create a “hothouse” political atmosphere and an artificial “national crisis” in the country by polarizing Malaysians into Muslims and non-Muslims over the “hudud” issue, after the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said, moved an unprecedented Ministerial motion in Parliament after lunch last Thursday to give priority to Hadi’s private member’s bill motion.

Why did Liow and Mah ignore the fact that Azalina’s Ministerial motion violated the Cabinet decision the previous week and went against the consensus of all Barisan Nasional leaders reached in March 2015 if the Azalina’s action is not part of a political plot to make “hudud” the primary issue in the two by-elections in Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar, overshadowing all other national issues, in particular the RM55 billion 1MDB global financial scandal.

This a dangerous and irresponsible political game as the real issues in the two by-elections are not “hudud” but the 1MDB global financial scandal, the premiership of Datuk Seri Najib Razak who has lost the moral compass of being able to distinguish between right from wrong, GST and a whole host of issues which have seen the country going backwards instead of forward as a united, harmonious, competitive, progressive and democratic country.

Liow and Mah should not continue to be pawns of the UMNO-PAS political plot to create an artificial national crisis over Hadi’s hudud bill, when the problem created by Azalina’s unprecedented Ministerial motion in Parliament last Thursday could be easily resolved.

All that Liow and Mah need to do is to requisition a Barisan Nasional Supreme Council meeting to repudiate Azalina’s Ministerial motion in Parliament as doubly unacceptable, firstly violating the Cabinet decision the previous week; and secondly, violating the consensus of Barisan Nasional leaders in March 2015.

With such a BN Supreme Council emergency meeting to reiterate the Barisan Nasional consensus of March 2015, the problem created by Azalina in Parliament last Thursday would be resolved immediately and fully, and there would be no need to create an artificial national crisis polarizing Malaysians into Muslims and non-Muslims, purportedly over the “hudud” issue till the end of the year, and there would be no need for the rigmarole and “drama” of empty threats to resign as Ministers if the “hudud” bill is passed at the end of the year.

My open invitation to Liow on my preparedness to meet him stands, as I really want to know whether it is true that the Malaysian Prime Minister never told him beforehand about the Ministerial motion by Azalina last Thursday to give priority to Hadi’s hudud motion.

As I had said, if Najib had told him beforehand about Azalina’s Ministerial motion, Liow should explain what he had done to stop Azalina from proceeding with the Ministerial motion, which doubly violated the Cabinet decision the previous week and the Barisan Nasional consensus in March last year.

Liow must clarify the political mystery of his ignorance of Azalina’s Ministerial motion as a day earlier last Wednesday, a Minister and head of a Barisan Nasional component party from Sabah had written an urgent letter to Najib expressing the opposition of the MPs of his party to any proposal to prioritise Hadi’s hudud motion.


6 Replies to “Liow Tiong Tai and Mah Siew Keong should stop being pawns of UMNO-PAS political plot to polarize Malaysians into Muslims and non-Muslims and make “hudud” the primary issue in the two upcoming Sungai Besar and Kuala Kangsar by-elections”

  1. Instead of paying any attention to these clowns, a more pertinent question is why we have heard NOTHING from PKR and Azmin in particular? MCA just revealed that the matter was raised in Cabinet before meaning Najib and Hadi has been talking for a long time.

    Why is PKR and Azmin acting like an abused wife that keeps going back for punishment?

  2. You can’t even practice justice in common law and abuse the law!
    This country independence achieved by multi-race share among the 3 races! Majority people still under self-sufficient economic achievement and many enforce abusing the law!
    Malaysia do not meet the condition to implement that kind of law in the multi-racial society!
    Malaysia do not meet the condition to avoid abusing hard law with injustice at wrong hands!

    This law is start to divide among the races and start to divide the states, a country as a whole!

    Malaysia do not meet the condition to implement this kind of law in the multi-racial society!

  3. Most Malaysians know that Islamic Law as practised during the middle-ages is not suitable to any modern society – Muslim or Non-Muslim. This is because people themselves have changed: history has changed people for the better in most respects. Our Constitution embodies that change by creating a secular country and indirectly prescribing relatively simple punishments for most crimes.
    As a citizen, I have a right to defend the Constitution and to try to keep this country secular. Malaysians, whether Muslims or Non-Muslims must be aware of what is involved in this issue of supposed amendments to merely State Laws that affect merely Muslims.

    If one wants to amend the Federal Constitution, one needs a two-thirds majority. How then can one pass a bill that in part has the effect of exceeding the Constitution, but pass the bill with only a simple majority?

  4. Now they have PAS saying they are not pushing Hudud law yet – all sounding very reasonable but clearly CLASSIC NAJIB squirming. It got Najib copyrighting advertisement all over it and we know how he loves advertising.. Hadi and PAS do not have any track record of sounding reasonable, the hand puppet is Najib and his fingerprint all over it..

    Who are they kidding?

  5. These two are not only pawns, they are also poodle allow to leave their cage every now and then. They bark, make some noise, then get caged again. As long as they are fed every now and then, they do not mind being cage and allow out every now and then. When will they ever learn and stand up, to gain some self respect? As for Azmin, he is not a pawn or poodle. He is a Trojan horse who has successfully infiltrated PKR.

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