Did Puad Zakarshi tell a lie to Malay students in Canberra about the RM2.6 billion “donation” in Najib’s personal banking accounts?

Did the Director-General of Department of Special Affairs (Jasa), Datuk Mohd Puad Zarkashi tell a lie to Malay students in Canberra during his “ Veracity Tour” in Australia about the RM2.6 billion “donation” in Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s personal banking account?

This question immediately comes to mind after the Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Nazri Abdul Aziz made a revealing admission today that the UMNO Supreme Council was never informed about the RM2.6 billion “donation” deposited into Najib’s personal banking accounts, which tallied with what the UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had been saying since his removal as Deputy Prime Minister in July last year.

This is what Nazri said today:

“He (Najib) never told us (UMNO supreme council). He didn’t have to tell us. He just have to get approval from Bank Negara, that’s all.” (Malaysiakini)

What Puad said in Canberra clearly contradicted what Nazri said today.

Puad claimed that Najib had admitted to UMNO leaders as soon as the Wall Street Journal carried the expose about the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal banking accounts that he had received the money and claimed that he had discussed the matter with the then Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Zati Akhtar Aziz and even received Bank Negara’s approval to bring in the money.

According to Puad, Najib even said he had Bank Negara documents of the approval to transfer the money into his personal bank accounts.

Was Puad telling a lie or is Nazri’s version correct, that Najib never told UMNO leaders about the source of the RM2.6 billion “donation”?

Puad should speak up – was he telling the truth or a lie in his “Veracity Tour” to visit Malay students in Australia?

The Prime Minister himself should end his silence and make public the Bank Negara documents which approved his transfer of the RM2.6 billion into his personal banking accounts.

Puad also owes an explanation to Malaysian taxpayers what is this “Veracity Tour” in Australia, the pretext for him to speak to Malay students in Australia to “brainwash” them into UMNO line of thinking.

It is indeed a great irony that Puad should be telling lies instead of the truth in his “Veracity Tour” of Australia.

Let Puad make public all the “Veracity Tours” he had undertaken as Director-General of Department of Special Affairs (Jasa), what are the countries and cities he had visited and when, the total expenses incurred, and the real motive and outcome for such “Veracity Tours”.


2 Replies to “Did Puad Zakarshi tell a lie to Malay students in Canberra about the RM2.6 billion “donation” in Najib’s personal banking accounts?”

  1. Actually, it’s more important to demand Najib what he meant in London when he charged that Mahathir “benefitted a lot” during his tenure?. Is Najib justifying the monies in his accounts and his scandal by comparing his to Mahathir’??

  2. All of them ( DUMNO ministers and staff ) is lying and spinning until we can no longer know who is lying and who is telling half truths. From the sequence of events on this issue of Zeti’s permission, looks like this Puad fella is lying. Trying to angkat boss.

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