Najib’s Ministers have been very busy indulging in sophistry, prevarication, obfuscation and downright evasion instead of being true and frank about the RM50-55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion “donation” global financial scandals

Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s Ministers have been very busy indulging in sophistry, prevarication, obfuscation and downright evasion instead of being true and frank about the RM50-55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion global financial scandals.

It would be difficult to find a denser statement than the one made by the Communications and Multimedia Minister, Datuk Salleh Said Keruak that the Wall Street Journal cannot convince Malaysians if it does not reveal the sources of its stories.

In fact, WSJ must thank Salleh for giving greater publicity to its latest report about Najib’s stepson Riza Aziz’s purchase of a RM137 million property in London is now part of the 1MDB probe by international investigators.

Salleh cannot be more wrong when he suggested that WSJ reports have no credibility unless they reveal the sources of its stories, as it is the Prime Minister and his ministers who have been haemorrhaging from a credibility crisis since the 1MDB global scandal burst on the global scene more than a year ago, till today there is considerable truth in the claim that “For foreign media, Malaysia now synonymous with kleptocracy”.

What commands attention is the fact that despite the avalanche of foreign media reports about Najib’s twin mega scandals – RM50-55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion “donation” scandal – neither Prime Minister Najib nor 1MDB dared to sue anyone of these publications for their mountain of revelations for more than a year.

It is now some ten months since Salleh had abused his Ministerial powers to block access by Malaysians to the whistle-blowing website, Sarawak Report, but this had not prevented the website from continuing its exposes of Najib’s twin mega scandals.

Can Salleh cite the instances of Sarawak Report website exposes for over a year about Najib’s twin mega scandals which are false or untrue?
Herein lies the answer as to who does not have credibility, whether locally or internationally.


3 Replies to “Najib’s Ministers have been very busy indulging in sophistry, prevarication, obfuscation and downright evasion instead of being true and frank about the RM50-55 billion 1MDB and RM4.2 billion “donation” global financial scandals”

  1. 该报引述银行记录和知情人士指称,刘特佐当时是通过Tanore Finance Corp公司,来购买《Destheads》和其他画作,而Tanore Finance Corp公司的资金,就是来自一马公司。就是来自一马公司。就是来自一马公司。

  2. In 2009, soon after 1MDB’s first deal, at least $500 million that originated with 1MDB was deposited into a bank account controlled by Mr. Low, according to people familiar with the matter and bank records. That money was in turn transferred to other accounts, as well as to members of his family, and part of it was spent at U.S. casinos and at an airplane chartering service, the bank records show.

  3. Sophistry? Earlier when little is known, they have had some sophistication. NOW? It’s as crude as can be. It’s downright just BRUTE REFUSAL to acknowledge the facts and obvious. They are just talking animals, beast driven by their most bases instinct BUT added with perversions animals are not capable of.

    But the same can be said of PKR – PAS? They are going about acting scripts only their blind hardcore supporters will buy. One moment Azmin is sacking PAS exco. But then he says he do not blame Hadi and then deny threatening them. PAS accuses Azmin and then says he insults Hadi. ONLY the blind loyalists gives a crap about their political indulgence. These are not serious.minded public servants and leaders, these are over entitled political franchisees.

    Malay leadership is a joke.

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