The Cabinet must take the opportunity to explain the 1Malaysia Development Bhd and the RM4.2 billion donation scandal after its specially arranged meeting in Kuching

In a Sarawak state election where a record number of top opposition leaders have been barred or placed with travel restrictions in Sarawak, the Barisan Nasional ministers and leaders have had a free run to campaign throughout the state.

In fact, never before in the history of Sarawak elections, had the Prime Minister practically “camped” in the state since nomination day, as if his personal survival is wholly at stake from the outcome of the elections.

The weekly Cabinet meeting has even been shifted temporarily to Kuching on Tuesday to fit itself into the hectic campaign schedule of the Federal Ministers. Under the circumstances, it becomes especially relevant and pertinent for the Cabinet to discuss the exploding 1MDB crisis, especially to the Sarawakian voters who are now increasingly concerned that their tax-payers’ monies are being used to bailout the scandal-ridden firm.

The Cabinet must discuss, decide, announce and explain:
Continue reading “The Cabinet must take the opportunity to explain the 1Malaysia Development Bhd and the RM4.2 billion donation scandal after its specially arranged meeting in Kuching”

How can Adenan doubt that his position as Sarawak Chief Minister is completely safe and unshakeable when he expects to win 70 of the 82 state assembly seats on May 7?

The caretaker Sarawak Chief Minister, Tan Sri Adenan Satem has said that he is confident that the Sarawak Barisan Nasional will win at least 70 out of the 82 seats in the 11th Sarawak State Election on May 7.

lf this is the case, how can Adenan doubt that his position as Sarawak Chief Minister is totally secure and completely unshakeable?

This is the ninth Sarawak state general elections contested by Sarawak DAP since it was established 38 years ago in 1978.

For 17 long years, DAP Sarawak struggled in five Sarawak state general elections to “break the egg” and make the breakthrough to get one Sarawak State Assemblyman elected into the Sarawak State Assembly. Continue reading “How can Adenan doubt that his position as Sarawak Chief Minister is completely safe and unshakeable when he expects to win 70 of the 82 state assembly seats on May 7?”