Lim Kit Siang

Communications and Multimedia Minister Salleh challenged to televise live the forum next Wednesday in Shah Alam featuring PAC Chairman Hasan Arifin and PAC member Tony Pua on “Has the PAC Report on 1MDP exonerated Prime Minister Najib from wrongdoings in RM50 billion 1MDB scandal?”

Tasek Gelugor is the 102nd parliamentary constituency I am visiting since my six-month suspension on Oct. 22 last year basically for demanding that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should be accountable and responsible to Parliament for his RM42 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion “donation” twin mega scandals.

Although I have not been able to attend the recent month-long parliamentary meeting, my visit to over 100 parliamentary constituencies in Kelantan, Kedah, Perlis, Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negri Sembilan, Malacca and Johor has given me an unique insight into the thinking of Malaysians regardless of race, religion, region or politics – that they want answers to simple questions as to where the monies from the twin mega scandals had come from and where the monies had gone to.

In the past six months, such answers had not been forthcoming, although the twin mega scandals have become even greater – as we are now talking about RM50 billion 1MDB scandal and not RM42 billion 1MDB scandal, and RM4.2 billion Najib’s “donation” scandal and no more RM2.6 billion “donation” scandal.

Yesterday, during my 100th parliamentary constituency visit in Bukit Gelugor, I challenged the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Chairman Datuk Hasan Arifin to a forum in Shah Alam next Wednesday on “Has the PAC Report on 1MDP exonerated Prime Minister Najib from wrongdoings in RM50 billion 1MDB scandal?”, as Hasan has claimed that the PAC Report on 1MDB exonerated Najib from any wrongdoing or abuse of power in the RM50 billion 1MDB scandal.

I have read the PAC Report on the 1MDB and I do not find any such exoneration of Najib in the Report. Are we referring to the same PAC Report?
However, I am assured of my sanity and that I am not reading a different PAC Report as the DAP MP for PJ Utara, Tony Pua, agreed with me, when he publicly said that the PAC Report on 1MDB did not clear the Prime Minister as claimed by several BN Ministers, and that the more correct thing to describe the situation is “Instead of saying PAC cleared the prime minister, the way to say it is PAC failed to clear the prime minister”.

To provide balance to Hasan Arifin for the “Has the PAC Report on 1MDP exonerated Prime Minister Najib from wrongdoings in RM50 billion 1MDB scandal?” forum in Shah Alam on Wednesday, I have invited Tony Pua who has accepted the invitation.

Other Malaysians, including the 1MDB CEO, Arul Kanda Kandasamy, the former 1MDB CEO Shahrol Azral Ibrahim Halmi who is unfairly blamed by the PAC Report as the worst culprit in the 1MDB scandal, are welcome to take part in the forum – for Malaysians would want to know the full and real truth about the first global scandal in the nation’s history.

I want to challenge the Communications and Multimedia Minister Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak to televise live the forum next Wednesday in Shah Alam featuring PAC Chairman Hasan Arifin, PAC member Tony Pua and others on “Has the PAC Report on 1MDP exonerated Prime Minister Najib from wrongdoings in RM50 billion 1MDB scandal?”.

Salleh had been very “gung-ho” in wanting to televise live the debate on the Taman Manggis land between the Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government Minister Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan and Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng through the slot of RTM programme called “Democracy”.

Is Salleh prepared to be equally quick and efficient to announce that RTM would televise live the public forum in Shah Alam on “Has the PAC Report on 1MDP exonerated Prime Minister Najib from wrongdoings in RM50 billion 1MDB scandal?”, featuring the PAC Chairman Datuk Hasan Arifin, PAC member Tony Pua as well as others including myself?

(Speech at the DAP “Pantang Undur – Berani Kerana Benar” kopitiam ceramah in visit to 102nd parliamentary constituency Tasek Gulogor at Sungei Dua on Sunday 10th April 2018 at 1pm)