Malaysia dalam bahaya, Baju Merah jangan buang masa

oleh Edry Faizal Eddy Yusof
31 Mac 2016

Tengah hari tadi, kumpulan yang menggelarkan diri mereka Gerakan Baju Merah 1Malaysia yang diketuai Ali Tinju telah datang ke Ibupejabat DAP untuk menyerahkan satu memorandum. Saya telah diamanahkan menerima memorandum itu mewakili Ibupejabat DAP dan parti.

Melihat pertemuan ini merupakan peluang untuk mengajak pihak Gerakan Baju Merah agar melakukan sesuatu yang manfaatnya jauh lebih besar demi kebaikan rakyat kebanyakan, saya membawa bersama saya satu memorandum untuk diserahkan kepada Gerakan Baju Merah melalui Ali Tinju.

Memorandum saya itu bertujuan mengajak Gerakan Baju Merah untuk melihat permasalahan negara ini dari sudut pandang yang lebih luas. Selain memahami bahaya yang sedang mengancam negara ini.

Di bawah adalah kandungan memorandum saya itu: Continue reading “Malaysia dalam bahaya, Baju Merah jangan buang masa”

President of Malaysia’s Embattled 1MDB Says My Job Is Done Here

Shamim Adam/Laura Zelenko
March 31, 2016

Former investment banker Arul Kanda took a job in Malaysia last year and walked into the crossfire of the country’s biggest political crisis since Prime Minister Najib Razak came to power in 2009.

Now, even as the finances of 1Malaysia Development Bhd. are being investigated in at least three countries, Kanda, president of the government-linked fund, says his job sorting out the organization is done.

“I only signed up for one-third of what I ended up doing,” he said in an interview on Wednesday at the fund’s headquarters in Kuala Lumpur. “I did not sign up for the investigations because that happened after I joined, and I definitely didn’t sign up for the extent of the comms-slash-politics that I had to deal with.”

Kanda was brought in in January 2015 when the debt-ridden fund was teetering on the edge of default. Within months the company became embroiled in allegations of financial irregularities that sparked probes in Malaysia, Singapore and Switzerland. 1MDB, whose advisory board is headed by Najib, has consistently denied wrongdoing.

Kanda echoes statements by Najib and other government officials that the allegations are unfounded and politically motivated. He said 1MDB hasn’t been contacted by any foreign legal authorities to help with investigations. Continue reading “President of Malaysia’s Embattled 1MDB Says My Job Is Done Here”

Najib government in two minds over ABC Four Corners’ documentary “State of Fear: Money and Murder in Malaysia”

The Najib government is clearly in two minds over the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) Four Corners’ documentary “State of Fear: Money and Murder in Malaysia” aired on Monday and widely shared on the Internet.

The first response to the ABC programme was from the Prime Minister’s Office, which said that the Four Corners documentary had confirmed the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s statement and the findings of Malaysian authorities that the money deposited into his personal accounts was a donation from a Saudi royalty.

“The investigations included forensic examination of every wire transfer,” said a government spokesperson in a statement issued by the Prime Minister’s Office yesterday.

“Malaysian authorities also travelled to Saudi Arabia to examine documentation and interview members of the royal family, and the officials who administered the donation.

“As the leaked letter from Saudi Arabia states, the donation was a gift to the prime minister for promoting moderate Islam, and his leadership in combatting terrorism and extremism – such as by launching his Global Movement of Moderates initiative.

“The letter makes clear the gift was to be used as the prime minister saw fit; would be transferred directly or through the donor’s companies; and no benefit was expected in return.”

Journalist with Australian ‘Four Corner’s’ programme Linton Besser has dismissed speculations that a letter from Saudi prince Saud Abdulaziz Majid to Najib was planted by Putrajaya to exonerate the Prime Minister.

When contacted by Malaysiakini, Besser called such claims preposterous and stressed that the letter did not exonerate anyone.

Besser said: “If anything, it raises further and more difficult questions. The remittances we reported were associated with the letter pledging the money came from an altogether different person, from the personal accounts of someone calling themselves Prince Faisal bin Turki bin Bandar Alsaud.

“Meanwhile, who is this HRH Prince Saud Abdulaziz Al-Saud? And crucially, who is behind Tanore Finance and Blackstone? None of these questions has been answered.”

A few hours after the Prime Minister’s Office statement, the Foreign Ministry issued a separate statement that the ABC Four Corners programme was “one-sided” in attacking the accountability of the Prime Minister and the government system. Continue reading “Najib government in two minds over ABC Four Corners’ documentary “State of Fear: Money and Murder in Malaysia””