Thanks to Najib’s RM55 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion donation twin mega scandals, Time magazine today cited Malaysia as second example of worst global corruption

Malaysia ended last year with the dishonor of being named by the international website,, as the host country for the world’s third “worst corruption scandals of 2015” because Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s RM55 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion donation twin mega scandals.

Although two days after such unprecedented international dishonor, Najib said in his 2016 New Year message that his twin mega scandals had been resolved and are no more issues, the first eleven weeks of 2016 have proved that the Prime Minister could not be more wrong – Najib’s twin mega scandals have not only not been resolved or ceased to be issues, they continue to haunt and hound the Najib premiership and the nation inside and outside the country, almost every other day!

All this despite the rejection of an unprecedented number of oral questions by Members of Parliament on Najib’s twin mega scandals violating the parliamentary standing orders, culminating in the arbitrary and unparliamentary decision by the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said to refuse to respond to questions about Najib’s twin mega scandals on the spurious excuse that it would be “sub judice” as the Bar Council is seeking a judicial review.

What is very clear is that the Najib government is using all its might and resources to make the twin mega scandals vanish into thin air, and its utter failure to achieve this objective for the twin mega scandals are mushrooming into an ever greater spectre, despite all the best efforts of Najib and his clique of sycophants like Azalina and others.

Today, Najib’s twin mega scandals have given Najib as the sixth Prime Minister and the nation a new peak of international notoriety when international TIME magazine cited Malaysia as second worst example of current global corruption. Continue reading “Thanks to Najib’s RM55 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion donation twin mega scandals, Time magazine today cited Malaysia as second example of worst global corruption”

DAP@50 – the struggle continues

by Liew Chin Tong
18th March 2016

COMMENT | There was very little prospect of winning elections, not to mention running government, when Chen Man Hin and the first generation leaders formed the DAP, with Lim Kit Siang as the party’s sole full-time staff, on 18th March 1966.

As Lim Kit Siang puts it, the DAP had “no icon, no money (resources) and no gelombang (political waves).” The then closest rival competing for the same opposition space, Gerakan (founded in March 1968), boosted household names like former MCA president Lim Chong Eu, scholars Syed Hussein Alatas and Syed Naguib Alatas, well-known opposition MP Tan Chee Khoon, unionists V David and Yeoh Teck Chye, among its ranks.

Yet, the DAP perseveres, survives and prevails. Today, we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the Democratic Action Party. Over those fifty years, there were plenty of memorable moments; probably more difficult moments than the easy ones. Continue reading “DAP@50 – the struggle continues”