Parliament Speaker Pandikar should disclose how many oral questions, particularly on Najib’s twin mega scandals, had been rejected for the current five-week Parliament

Parliament Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Mulia Amin has yet to explain why there are such a large number of oral questions by Members of Parliament which had been rejected by him in the current five-week Parliament meeting on the ground of violation of Standing Orders, especially on the vexing subject of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s RM55 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion “donation” twin mega scandals.

From random reports, it would appear that the current meeting of Parliament has probably set a new record in the 57-year history of the Malaysian Parliament in the number of oral questions rejected by the Speaker – a dubious record which no Parliament Speaker has reason to feel proud, especially one who is talking the “parliamentary reform” language.

Pandikar should make public the full list of oral questions which had been rejected by him for the current five-week Parliament meeting, for scrutiny not only by MPs but the Malaysian public about the rationale and justification for the rejection of these parliamentary oral questions.

In fact, let Pandikar make public the total number and full list of oral questions by MPs from both sides of the House which had been rejected by the Speaker for every Parliamentary meeting since the May 5, 2013 General Election.

Although Dewan Rakyat has only met for the first of the five-week parliamentary meeting, there can be no dispute that the dominant issues continue to be Najib’s twin mega scandals, although the Prime Minister wants to create the illusion that they are no more issues for the people and country, as they had been resolved completely.

This is the greatest hallucination in the history of Malaysian governance since Merdeka in 1957, for Najib’s twin mega scandals not only continue to haunt and hound the Prime Minister and his Ministers, whether in Parliament or outside, the twin mega scandals continue to create adverse news for the country in terms of the Malaysian Government’s commitment to accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance in the international media.

The earlier the government ceases its attempt to spread illusion and hallucination that Najib’s twin mega scandals have ceased to be issues, and get down to the serious work of giving full answer and accountability to the thousand-and-one questions about the twin mega scandals, the better it is for the government and the nation.

I cannot attend the five-week parliamentary sittings from March 7 to April 7 as I am suspended for six months for wanting to get to the bottom of Najib’s twin mega scandals.

I will spend the next few weeks visiting Kelantan, Kedah, Perlis, Terengganu and Pahang in my “Mana RM2.6 billion?” national tour to get feedback from the people on the twin mega scandals – with the objective of visiting over 100 parliamentary constituencies when Dewan Rakyat adjourns on April 7.


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