Confirmation of Muhyiddin statement that the “Citizen’s Declaration” is Mahathir’s brainchild

I confirm the statement made by former Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, that the “Citizen’s Declaration” calling for Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s removal as Prime Minister was first formulated by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and his comrades.

Muhyiddin made this disclosure in his interview with Sinar Harian, while rebutting vitriolic demonisation campaigns by UMNO leaders and propagandists claiming that the Citizen’s Declaration was an Opposition initiative, and that Mahathir and other UMNO leaders like former Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, former Cabinet Ministers Tan Sri Sanusi Junid and Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal were trapped by DAP or by the Opposition.

Muhyiddin also expressed shock and surprise at the selective, mischievous and tendentious reporting of the historic event of the Citizen’s Declaration last Friday on 4th March 2016 and the ensuing events in the past week.

He said the joint declaration was not about personalities like him, Dr Mahathir, former Kedah mentri besar Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir or Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Shafie Apdal as Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, who is now in prison, had also expressed support, commenting: “That is extraordinary, because we know the history between Dr Mahathir and Anwar.” Continue reading “Confirmation of Muhyiddin statement that the “Citizen’s Declaration” is Mahathir’s brainchild”

Semiling Challenge to Najib to immediately hold 14th General Election to ascertain whether the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia represent the majority view of Malaysians

I have just read the news that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak claimed in Kuching that the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia signed by 45 political and civil society leaders last Friday does not represent the majority view of Malaysians.

He said that the Declaration was mooted only to promote the agenda of a select few.

Najib cannot be more wrong which shows how serious is his problem of being consistently cut off from the ground.

Although there are some voices of qualification and reservation among Malaysians as to whether the Declaration could lead to Najib’s removal as Prime Minister as well as the fate of democratic and institutional reforms to ensure that a second Najib with world infamous mega financial scandals cannot appear again in Malaysia, there is no doubt that the Declaration has the support and endorsement of the majority of Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region even politics.

Najib seems to have forgotten that he is the first minority Prime Minister who does not have majority support of the popular vote in Malaysia. Continue reading “Semiling Challenge to Najib to immediately hold 14th General Election to ascertain whether the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia represent the majority view of Malaysians”

Greatest naivety for anyone to think that there are those among the 45 signatories of the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia who believed that the day after signing the Declaration, Najib would be removed as Prime Minister

It is the greatest naivety for anyone to think that there are those among the 45 signatories of the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia who believed that the day after the signing of the 304 Declaration on March 4, 2016 that Datuk Seri Najib Razak would be removed as Prime Minister.

The road to fundamental political changes in Malaysia is a long and arduous one, with the Citizen’s Declaration on March 4 only the first step.

Malaysia is in uncharted political waters and we can only take the political tests and challenges we have assumed with the signing and proclamation of the Citizen’s Declaration on March 4 one step at a time, fully putting national interests above all racial, religious, regional, party and individual interests.

As stated in the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia, the signatories are fully aware that leadership change must be accompanied by democratic and institutional changes or the country would be back to square one. Continue reading “Greatest naivety for anyone to think that there are those among the 45 signatories of the Citizen’s Declaration to Save Malaysia who believed that the day after signing the Declaration, Najib would be removed as Prime Minister”

Paul Low must be the only Minister responsible for integrity in the world who was neither moved nor concerned about revelations of mega money politics and corruption like Mukhriz’ and Idris Haron’s disclosures of RM1.5 billion or more spent in 13GE

Paul Low Seng Kuan must be the only Minister in the world responsible for integrity who is neither moved nor concerned about revelations of mega money politics and corruption like former Kedah Mentri Besar Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir’s disclosure of RM1.5 billion spent by Barisan Nasional – Malacca Chief Minister Datuk Idris Harun said its more than RM1.5 billion – in the 13th General Election.

It is rather amusing, even comical but most outrageous that Paul Low had protested that he was “definitely” not sleeping on the job, when evidence had just surfaced publicly that he was doing exactly that – “sleeping” on the job.

Can Paul Low explain what he had done as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department in charge of integrity and good governance to Mukhriz’ shocking disclosure when speaking to UMNO grassroots members at a function in Kelantan on Monday that Najib had revealed that BN spent RM1.5 billion for the 13th General Election in a meeting with UMNO liaison chiefs?

Mukhriz has recounted that he was told about this after quizzing Najib in a meeting of the Prime Minister with UMNO liaison chiefs about the RM2.6 billion that was deposited into the latter’s personal bank accounts, which the prime minister stated was a political donation from the Middle East. Continue reading “Paul Low must be the only Minister responsible for integrity in the world who was neither moved nor concerned about revelations of mega money politics and corruption like Mukhriz’ and Idris Haron’s disclosures of RM1.5 billion or more spent in 13GE”

Sanusi: Instead of Kit Siang, Umno should be wary of Jho Low

11 March 2016

Umno veteran Sanusi Junid has hit out at some in Umno for demonising DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang, arguing instead that the person who is more dangerous to Umno and the country is billionaire Low Taek Jho, popularly known as Jho Low.

Jho Low has been linked to the 1MDB and RM2.6 billion scandals which are threatening to tear Umno apart.

“The Chinese that we should abhor, is Chinese like that Jho Low… and the scoundrels that are his friends, those are the ones we should hate, but that is the person which is seen as a good person (by Umno).

“If he is asked to go before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), he wants that his testimony be kept secret. Cannot be revealed to the people, because it might show his bad side,” he lamented in an exclusive interview with Blogger Din Turtle.

Sanusi sarcastically pointed out that despite being opposed to Umno for many years, Lim has not done Umno and the people any harm, hinting that Jho Low has perhaps had a hand in worse things. Continue reading “Sanusi: Instead of Kit Siang, Umno should be wary of Jho Low”

Parliament Speaker Pandikar should disclose how many oral questions, particularly on Najib’s twin mega scandals, had been rejected for the current five-week Parliament

Parliament Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Mulia Amin has yet to explain why there are such a large number of oral questions by Members of Parliament which had been rejected by him in the current five-week Parliament meeting on the ground of violation of Standing Orders, especially on the vexing subject of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s RM55 billion 1MDB and RM2.6 billion “donation” twin mega scandals.

From random reports, it would appear that the current meeting of Parliament has probably set a new record in the 57-year history of the Malaysian Parliament in the number of oral questions rejected by the Speaker – a dubious record which no Parliament Speaker has reason to feel proud, especially one who is talking the “parliamentary reform” language.

Pandikar should make public the full list of oral questions which had been rejected by him for the current five-week Parliament meeting, for scrutiny not only by MPs but the Malaysian public about the rationale and justification for the rejection of these parliamentary oral questions. Continue reading “Parliament Speaker Pandikar should disclose how many oral questions, particularly on Najib’s twin mega scandals, had been rejected for the current five-week Parliament”