First thing MPs should do tomorrow is to redeem honour, dignity and privileges of MPs by censuring Executive contempt and disrespect of Parliament in imposing humiliating OSA conditions on Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB when presented to PAC

The first thing that Members of Parliament, irrespective of whether from ruling coalition or the Opposition, should do tomorrow is to unite on a common platform to redeem the honour, dignity and privileges of MPs by censuring Executive contempt and disrespect of Parliament in imposing humiliating Official Secrets Act (OSA) conditions on the Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB when presented to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC).

Not only is the Auditor-General’s final audit report of some 300 pages classified under the OSA, interfering with parliamentary privileges as to what Parliament intends to do about reports and documents presented to it which, in the process nullifies the principle of the supremacy of Parliament over the Executive, but even more serious, treat Members of Parliament as naughty school children prone to mischief and law-breaking who cannot be entrusted with state secrets!

It is the height of contempt of Parliament for the Executive to classify the Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB as under the OSA although submitted to the PAC on Friday and later today, and what is even more humiliating, imposing the rule that PAC members cannot take home the Auditor-General’s 300-page final audit report, and PAC members can refer to the AG’s final audit report only in Parliament’s “strong-room”!

Why not lock the “cari makan” PAC Chairman, Datuk Hasan Arifin together with the 13 other PAC members in the Parliament “strongroom”, requiring to digest, understand and master the Auditor-General’s final audit report before they are allowed to leave the Parliament “strongroom”?
Continue reading “First thing MPs should do tomorrow is to redeem honour, dignity and privileges of MPs by censuring Executive contempt and disrespect of Parliament in imposing humiliating OSA conditions on Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB when presented to PAC”

Call for Anwar Ibrahim’s release from Sungai Buloh prison to take part, like Nelson Mandela in South Africa in 1990, in national reconciliation talks to Save Malaysia from becoming a failed and rogue state

There have both been bouquets and brickbats following 304 (March 4) historic gathering on the signing and proclamation of the Citizens’ Declaration involving former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir, former Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, former Cabinet Ministers and Opposition and civil society leaders.

Undoubtedly, the Citizens’ Declaration on Friday had come as a total surprise and shock to many, including journalists whose profession is to smell out trends and news breaking stories, who would never imagine as possible such a get-together of long-time political opponents for a common cause.

I thank all for the bouquets and even welcome the brickbats, provided they are honest views and not pure venom soaked in lies and spite.

Can the Citizens’ Declaration to Save Malaysia calling on Datuk Seri Najib Razak to step down as Prime Minister and for democratic and institutional reforms succeed?

To be frank, I do not think anybody can answer that question in all sincerity. But to Save Malaysia from becoming a failed and a rogue state is a deserving, honourable and honest objective which is worth trying to achieve and even failing, instead of not trying at all. Continue reading “Call for Anwar Ibrahim’s release from Sungai Buloh prison to take part, like Nelson Mandela in South Africa in 1990, in national reconciliation talks to Save Malaysia from becoming a failed and rogue state”

Perjuangan 50 tahun DAP dan Lim Kit Siang

Thor Kah Hoong
The Malaysian Insider
6 March 2016

Ketua Parlimen DAP Lim Kit Siang berbual dengan THOR KAH HOONG, mengimbas kembali parti politik yang diterajuinya selama 50 tahun seiring dengan tempoh 5 dekad beliau sebagai seorang ahli politik, yang melihat banyak kenangan suka dan duka (termasuk pernah ditahan pihak berkuasa 3 kali), ketika pembangkang politik memusuhinya, meramalkan apa yang dijangka akan menjelang dan pendapatnya mengenai kemungkinan mencari titik persamaan dengan bekas musuh, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

TMI: Bila anda berminat dalam politik dan di mana ia mula berakar umbi?

Lim: Sejak zaman persekolahan saya. Continue reading “Perjuangan 50 tahun DAP dan Lim Kit Siang”