Hasan Arifin should move a motion in name of PAC to censure the Executive for classification of Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB under Official Secrets Act as a contempt of Parliament and breach of parliamentary privilege

The Chairman of Public Accounts Committee (PAC) Datuk Hasan Arifin should move a motion in the name of PAC in Parliament which reconvenes on Monday to censure the Executive for classification of Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB under the Official Secrets Act as a contempt of Parliament and breach of parliamentary privilege.

The reason which had been given for the classification of the Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB is not only unacceptable, it has never been done before as far as the Auditor-General’s reports were concerned.

For instance, the Auditor-General’s interim report on 1MDB which was presented to PAC in July was never classified under the Official Secrets Act (OSA).

Why is it necessary to classify the Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB under OSA, a contempt of Parliament which must be challenged by MPs at the first available opportunity, i.e. on Tuesday on March 8.

Surely, PAC is not barred from presenting the Auditor-General’s final audit report to Parliament or has the Auditor-General’s final audit report have to be excluded in whastever PAC report on the 1MDB to be tabled in Parliament.

The Auditor-General’s final audit report is an classified official secrets with the department so long s it had not been presented to PAC, but once presented to the PAC, the OSA classification ceases to apply as the final audit report is now parliamentary property and any leak involved a breach of parliamentary privilege and it should no more come under the OSA.

I do not believe that Auditor-General wants his final audit report on 1MDB to be classified under the OSA, just as he had not classified his earlier interim report on 1MDB under the OSA.

Let MPs and Malaysians be informed as to who in government who want the Auditor-Generl’s final audit report to be classified under the OSA, even after it has been presented to the PAC.

Is it the Attorney-General, Tan Sri Mohd Apandi Ali or the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, himself.

Let Najib come out forthright whether he agrees that the Auditor-General’s final audit report on the 1MDB should continue to be under OSA even after presentation to tne PAC?

Here we see the Executive intruding and trespassing into the province and jurisdiction which should be exclusive preserves of Parliament.

This must be deplored by all MPs in the strongest possible terms, at the first available opportunity, which is why the first item of business of the March/April Parliament on Tuesday must be to censure such Executive abuses of power interfering, intruding and trespassing into exclusive parliamentary jurisdictions.

The classification of the Auditor-General’s final audit report on the 1MDB to the PAC is also against all principles and precepts of accountability, transparency and good governance.

6 Replies to “Hasan Arifin should move a motion in name of PAC to censure the Executive for classification of Auditor-General’s final audit report on 1MDB under Official Secrets Act as a contempt of Parliament and breach of parliamentary privilege”

  1. Dis 1deful land is in DEEP sh!t, piles n piles of poop

    D people ELECTED 2 power 2 SERVE rakyat abuse d power n appointed no-principle kaki (their die hard slaves who care only 4 $$ n titles) 2 serve n protect them

    Rakyat, d REAL boss, must kick them out n make them accountable 4 their sins, greed, abuse of power

    Rakyat of dis 1derful land r SUFFERING bcos d land is POK KAI liao owing 2 unending corruption n failed governance

  2. This cari makan guy is wading in a pile of sh!t and he knows it. He is one of those who said “yes sir, yes sir, three bags full” when told to helm the PAC ! Don’t expect these people to do anything honourable, the sun will rise in the west if that happens !

  3. It is quite obvious. Najis does not trust nor respect opposition MPs in PAC. He puts the full report under OSA and will release a sanitised abridged report for the public, knowing that YB Tony cannot complain.
    What a corrupt government is this?

  4. Team Najib is now in the territory of total no self-respect and self-loathing for the things they say and do. It’s not just ridiculous. Even the most casual citizens do not believe what they are hearing, coming from them. Incredibility what they experience.

  5. Dis is Y dis land is so much loved by UmnoB
    OSA, ISA, Sedition, etc etc etc
    Cium, cium – so wonderfully used by UmnoB under d name of demoncrazy
    All thanks 2 MMK who used them so creatively many years ago

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