Apa dah jadi dengan Negara kita?

Oleh Yunus Tasim
Free Malaysia Today
February 10, 2016

Harapkan pegar, padi dimakan semua. Bila bapak borek, rakyat kan rintik melata!

Apa dah jadi dengan Negara kita?
Bila wang berbillion di katakan derma
Masuk akaun peribadi bukan satu tapi dua
Setelah sekian lama mengarang cerita
Semuanya serba tak kena
Apa lagi untuk diterima dan dipercaya
Tiba-tiba wang dipulang semula
Kepada penderma yang tak tahusiapa
Katanya Arab yang dah kaya raya
Kan lebih baik diberi kepada rakyat yang melara Continue reading “Apa dah jadi dengan Negara kita?”

Malaysia’s sovereignty lies somewhere between A-G and IGP

– Sir Wenger Khairy
The Malaysian Insider
11 February 2016

For the last 58 years, brave men in uniform fought and died to protect the sovereignty of the country. By the term “sovereignty”, I mean the power or authority of the country.

If the country is invaded by the Royal Sulu Army, or if the communists attack and set fire to villages and plantations, it is quite clear to see that those two agents were engaged in acts that challenge the sovereignty of the country.

The same is true if a political leader engages in corrupt acts and there is no action taken against the leader. This is because the leader breaks the laws of the land and challenges the power and authority of the Parliament and the Yang DiPertuan Agong, as the supreme authority in the country. Continue reading “Malaysia’s sovereignty lies somewhere between A-G and IGP”

Raped and plundered

Azrul Mohd Khalib
Malay Mail Online
February 11, 2016

FEBRUARY 11 ― Those were the two words which came to my mind when I first saw and heard what had happened. I wish it was an exaggeration. But it really wasn’t.

The Lynas debacle was a picnic compared to the fallout from uncontrolled and unregulated bauxite mining. You have to see it with your own eyes and listen to the stories from those living there to know, to understand and to even believe what the hell is going on in Kuantan.

I was recently in Pahang to participate in a discussion on the issue of corruption in the country. It was apt that the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (Ideas) forum was in the one place where the dire consequences of widespread corruption and the failure of regulations and enforcement of laws could be visibly seen, breathed in, and even drank.

Despite a three-month moratorium on bauxite mining currently in place since January 15, it is clear that massive damage to the environment and to the long-term wellbeing of the surrounding communities had already been done. Continue reading “Raped and plundered”

How to get rid of monkeys of Putrajaya?

– Bakri Musa
The Malaysian Insider
10 February 2016

I was visiting my old village near Sri Menanti, Negri Sembilan, recently and was struck by an unexpected but common sight. That is, the absence of any fruit trees or vegetable plots around what few remaining houses there which were still occupied.

Such a scene would have been unthinkable during my youth. Then there were always nearly-ripe papayas or bananas ready to be picked for breakfast, and enough long beans in the garden or chickens scurrying around to fill a cooking pot should unexpected guests arrive for lunch.

On querying my few elderly relatives still there and loving the serene kampung lifestyle, they replied that the monyet and kera (monkeys) have descended from the jungle to destroy everything, including the chickens.

Those monkeys have become so brazen and aggressive that my relatives now fear for their safety.

That is one of the many consequences of our having destroyed the primates’ natural habitat through illegal logging and replacing it with the hostile monoculture plantations of rubber and palm oil. Continue reading “How to get rid of monkeys of Putrajaya?”

The banker at centre of Swiss bank BSI, 1MDB relationship

Feb 11, 2016

Singapore – A private banker, caught up in Singapore’s money laundering probe linked to 1Malaysia Development Bhd, was a key link between the embattled state investor, a Swiss private bank and a Malaysian businessman connected to the troubled fund.

Yak Yew Chee, a senior banker at Swiss-based BSI Singapore, has emerged for the first time as a key figure in Singapore’s money laundering probe, according to documents released at Singapore High Court last week.

Yak was not personally at the Singapore High Court on Friday, when he sought to unfreeze his Singapore funds to pay taxes and legal fees. His lawyer agreed to withdraw the petition after the prosecutor raised no objection in allowing Yak to transfer S$1.76 million ($1.3 million) from his overseas bank accounts.

In an affidavit filed at the court, he denied any wrongdoing or getting unlawful benefits from managing the accounts of 1MDB or its affiliates. Continue reading “The banker at centre of Swiss bank BSI, 1MDB relationship”

UMNO defeat in next general election is not only good for UMNO but also good for the country

I cannot agree more with veteran journalist A. Kadir Jasin who said today that defeat in the next general election will be good for UMNO.

I will go one step further and say that UMNO defeat in the next general election is not only good for UMNO but also good for the country.

Kadir Jasin said it is only after UMNO suffers defeat in a general election that it is likely work towards regaining the prestige it once had. Continue reading “UMNO defeat in next general election is not only good for UMNO but also good for the country”

‘Vanishing Ice’ Makes Beautiful Bid For Action on Climate Change

Vanisihing - Ice Crop

By Rachael Myrow
FEBRUARY 10, 2016

Vanishing Ice: Alpine and Polar Landscapes in Art, 1775-2002, a new exhibition at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, explores the way artists since the late 18th century have depicted the frozen parts of our planet. It’s a show that forces people to stop seeing the polar ice caps as bleak, alien landscapes, and instead as delicate ecosystems full of life and color -– all of it under threat as a result of climate change.

Continue reading “‘Vanishing Ice’ Makes Beautiful Bid For Action on Climate Change”

Was Psy of “Opah Gangnam Style” brought to Penang for the Barisan Nasional CNY Open House on 1MDB expenses?

I am reminded of the unforgettable Barisan Nasional Chinese New Year Open House in Penang in February 2013 and the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s equally unforgettable public relations disaster when he introduced the top South Korean pop star Psy of “Opah Gangnam Style” asking four times “Are you ready for Psy?” followed three times with the question “Are you ready for BN?”

The crowd at Hang Chiang College field shouted “Yes” to the question “Are you ready for Psy?” but were equally vehement in their shout of “No” when Najib asked “Are you ready for BN?” – a video which went viral throughout Malaysia during the Chinese New Year before the 13th General Election.

This recollection was prompted by the report quoting Najib as saying that every working visit he makes was all for him to be with the rakyat, to listen to their problems and find solutions together.

A question that is still unanswered is whether Psy was brought to Penang for the Barisan Nasional CNY Open House on 1MDB expenses?

Probably the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) can find the answer to this question before it winds up its investigations on 1MDB today and tomorrow, as announced by the “cari makan” PAC Chairman, Datuk Hasan Arifin. Continue reading “Was Psy of “Opah Gangnam Style” brought to Penang for the Barisan Nasional CNY Open House on 1MDB expenses?”