Why Ibrahim Ali did not find me objectionable as anti-Malay and anti-Islam when he sought my help in the seventies to escape detention under ISA as a student leader?

It is amusing and comical that Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali claims that he suffered sleepless nights after the DAP declared that it is not anti-Malay or anti-Islam.

He claimed to be shocked by the statement and said he could not sleep for 50 hours.

Clearly, Ibrahim Ali was still talking when sleep-walking.

Can Ibrahim explain why he did not find me objectionable as being allegedly anti-Malay and anti-Islam when he frantically sought my help as Parliamentary Opposition Leader when he was trying to escape detention under the Internal Security Act for his activities as a student leader in the seventies?

I had raised this issue once publicly some five years ago, and Ibrahim Ali did not dare to challenge the veracity of my statement.

This show the quality of leadership of the Perkasa chief. Continue reading “Why Ibrahim Ali did not find me objectionable as anti-Malay and anti-Islam when he sought my help in the seventies to escape detention under ISA as a student leader?”

Isu perkauman – cabaran Pakatan Harapan

A Shukur Harun
The Malaysian Insider
12 January 2016

Perjanjian Pakatan Harapan (PH) yang dimeterai pimpinan PKR, DAP dan Amanah Sabtu lalu mempunyai makna yang sangat besar dalam usaha gabungan baru pembangkang menghadapi PRU akan datang.

Perjanjian 7 perkara ini nampaknya memperkukuh dan benar-benar mengikat ketiga-tiga parti dalam Pakatan baru itu kepada suatu etika yang wajib dipatuhi untuk kelangsungan hayat gabungan pembangkang yang baru itu.

Meneliti 7 perkara yang termaktub dalam perjanjian tersebut, terserlah kesungguhan 3 parti itu untuk tidak lagi mengulangi kesilapan dan kelemahan Pakatan Rakyat (PR) diakhir hayatnya, walaupun mencapai kejayaaan gemilang dalam 2 PRU yang lalu.

Kelemahan Pakatan Rakyat dulu itu kerana ada parti gabungan yang bertindak sendiri menjelang PRU, dengan melanggar keputusan yang sudah dipersetujui di kalangan parti dalam PRU itu dan pelbagai krisis lagi. Semua ini sudah diketahui umum.

Jadi, pelbagai pihak berharap dengan termeterai perjanjian Pakatan Harapan ini, maka segala kelemahan dan kesilapan pembangkang dulu itu tidak akan berulang lagi. Continue reading “Isu perkauman – cabaran Pakatan Harapan”

Don’t have to invent the wheel, just have the political will to do what is right and just to implement the Cabinet decision of April 22, 2009 or resign as Ministers

All eyes are on the Cabinet meeting today – will the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak and his 36 Ministers in the jumbo Cabinet end one of the greatest injustices of the seven-year Najib premiership – the Indira Gandhi injustice where a mother had been forcibly separated from her 11-month old baby daughter not for one or two years but for seven long years!

For seven long years, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, Parliament and the Judiciary have all failed Indira Gandhi and her daughter, and the Constitution, the laws, the courts and the system of governance have been manipulated to deny Indira and her daughter their fundamental rights as a mother and a child to be to see, hold and touch each other!

There is no need for the Cabinet today to invent the wheel. Just have the political will to do what is right and just to implement the Cabinet decision of April 22, 2009 that there should be no unilateral conversion of children and that the children of parents where one parent chooses to convert to Islam must continue to be raised in the common religion at the time of the marriage. Or resign as Ministers!

Furthermore, the Minister should demonstrate that it is not only a Cabinet of compassion and humanity, but of justice and competence by directing the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and all relevant agencies to ensure that within 48 hours, Indira Gandhi should be able to re-unite with her daughter whom she had not seen for seven long years. Continue reading “Don’t have to invent the wheel, just have the political will to do what is right and just to implement the Cabinet decision of April 22, 2009 or resign as Ministers”