Lim Kit Siang

Poor MCA – so irrelevant and so lost that it is even following the lead of liars to scrape the bottom of the barrel

Poor MCA, so irrelevant and so lost in the woods of Malaysians politics that it is even following the lead of liars to scrape the bottom of the barrel!

This is not only my reaction, but the response of most Malaysians who came across new report like the one headlined: “MCA Youth join in to bash DAP over alleged Israeli link”.

I do not blame the MCA and MCA Youth for feeling so irrelevant and so lost, for what else can they do when MCA has established the most unenviable record of being the first political party in Malaysia which has a majority of members who do not vote for the MCA and Barisan Nasional in a general election?

Similarly, I will not waste any more time on the so-called Pro-Barisan Nasional NGOs Coalition whose president Zulkarnain Mahdar said that DAP should sue the Penang Chief Minister’s former special officer Mohamed Razali Abdul Rahman who alleged DAP of being offered RM1.2 billion in return for an Israeli base in Port Dickson if the opposition managed to capture Putrajaya in the last general election.

I cannot think of a more scatter-brained idea than a Israeli naval base in Port Dickson but that is a separate story.

Mohamad Razali was never Penang Chief Minister, Lim Guan Eng’s “former special officer” nor was he ever in any capacity connected to the Penang Chief Minister.

When a person could even lie about his own position, claiming to be a former special officer to the Penang Chief Minister when it was a total lie, we can imagine whether he could be believed and trusted when he made wild and preposterous allegations about an Israeli offer of RM1.2 billion to DAP in the last general election in exchange for an Israeli naval base in Port Dickson – when nobody but him had such top secret!

His right place is not in the courts, but a mental hospital!

This preposterous allegation was made four years ago.

If there is any iota of truth, the Police would have pounced on the DAP and DAP officials would have no peace whatsoever in the past four years over the matter.

This was why I said yesterday that those who were so desperate as to try to resurrect Razali’s baseless and preposterous allegations four years ago are in fact suggesting that the police had been guilty of a gross negligence of duty and that the Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar should be disciplined for grave breach of professionalism if there is any basis in Razali’s allegation.

The Pro-Barisan Nasional NGOs Coalition has shown its true colours as a totally discredited organization not worthy of any attention, when it could regard the lies of a liar as gospel truth, and I shall not waste any more time on it.

More noteworthy is the intellectual, moral, religious and political vacuity of a senior political leader who could believe in such lies and falsehood as to now recycle them, when for the past four years, he and his political “soul mates” had no problems with such “security” and “Muslim sensitivity” concerns as none of them had once asked the DAP about such wild allegations when they were with the DAP in the same political coalition.

So be it. But lets move on.