Senior political leader who lied about the DAP being offered RM1.2 billion in exchange for an Israeli naval base in Port Dickson will have to pay the heavy price in court for making false and defamatory statement

There is recently a culture of political desperation in the country.

This could be seen from the New Year Message by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak yesterday claiming that his twin RM2.6 billion and 1MDB mega scandals are no more, when they are never more alive and kicking, growing ever bigger in scale and impact, that Malaysia has just been “crowned” as the world’s third most corrupt country – thanks to Najib’s twin mega scandals!

What beggars the imagination is how Najib could make such an outrageous claim when he himself could not possibly believe it, unless he has left the real world of politics and entered the world of make-believe!

Another example of such political desperation is the regurgitation of wild and reckless allegation by a senior political leader of another political party about the DAP’s ties with Israel, and the preposterous allegation that the DAP was offered RM1.2 billion by Israel if we win the general elections in exchange for the building of an Israeli naval base in Port Dickson.

Senior political leaders from other political parties who lied about the DAP, like the one who made the preposterous allegation about the DAP being offered RM1.2 billion in exchange for an Israeli naval base in Port Dickson, will have to pay the heavy price for such baseless and reckless allegations in the courts.

All political leader must learn the hard lesson that they cannot just get away with lies or the most preposterous allegations, or seek refuge for their nefarious and dastardly deeds by claiming they were merely recycling such lies and falsehoods by “men of straw” or some insubstantial characters!

According to Al-Quran, slander is a crime worse than murder.

I expect DAP lawyers to initiate legal proceedings in a day or two.
Malaysia is entering the new year of 2016 with issues of corruption, integrity and good governance becoming even bigger and more central than at any time in the nation’s history.

We all miss the leadership and guidance of Tok Guru Nik Aziz, former PAS Mursyidul Am and Kelantan Mentri Besar, for if he is still with us today, his voice would be heard loud and clear denouncing the rampant corruption, widespread injustices and abuses of power as represented by Najib’s RM2.6 billion “donation” and RM55 billion 1MDB twin mega scandals and calling for national reform.

It is sad that instead of being important lessons to underline the urgency to unite all progressive Malaysian forces against the worst corruption and injustices in the nation’s history, the twin mega scandals are used to justify propping up a Prime Minister and a coalition government tottering under the weight of national and international criticisms for such rampant corruption, widespread injustices and nation-building failures.

I am very impressed by the success of “Semangat Kelantan in Kuala Lumpur” dinner organized by AMANAH Kelantan, which illustrates that Parti Amanah Negara, together with DAP and PKR in Pakatan Harapan, are prepared for the challenge to give Malaysians a new hope that change in the political landscape in Malaysia with a new Pakatan Harakan government in Putrajaya in the 14th General Election is possible, doable and achievable.

(Speech at the “Semangat Kelantan di Kuala Lumpur” Dinner organised by AMANAH Kelantan at MPPJ Civics Centre on Friday, 1st January 2016 at 11pm)

4 Replies to “Senior political leader who lied about the DAP being offered RM1.2 billion in exchange for an Israeli naval base in Port Dickson will have to pay the heavy price in court for making false and defamatory statement”

  1. Hadi’s PAS is more UMNO Baru then UMNO Baru. As said before Hadi and Najib are more alike than most people think – and their parties are now similarly alike. That is why they are trying to join.

    BUT its precisely they are alike they may fail. Only way two feudal group can come together is there is an exorbitant spoils to share. The losers are the people.

    People think 1MDB, donation-gate and other Najib’s scandals are too much? UMNO-PAS joining will eventually make it look paltry. Hadi’s PAS already think so..

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