Lim Kit Siang

As IGP and AG have rubbished Charles Morais’ statutory declaration, an independent international inquiry into killing of Kevin Morais provides a golden opportunity to clear Malaysian government’s good name and integrity which have been dragged into the mud by recent scandals

As the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar and the new Attorney-General Tan Sri Mohamad Apandi Ali have rubbished the shocking revelations in the statutory declaration by Charles Morais in connection with the murder of his brother and Deputy Public Prosecutor Kevin Morais, a golden opportunity opens up to clear the Malaysian government’s good name and integrity which had been dragged into the mud by recent scandals.

If there is no basis whatsoever to the shocking allegations in Charles’ statutory declaration in connection with the equally shocking murder of Kevin, an independent international inquiry into the killing of Kevin would clear and go a long way to rehabilitate Malaysia’s good name and integrity, especially in the important areas of law enforcement and the upholding of the rule of law.

It is trite to say that Malaysians have lost confidence and trust in the credibility and even legitimacy of any local investigations into “high profile” cases – whether involving the police and the Inspector-General of Police, the new Attorney-General (bearing in mind the circumstances of his sudden appointment on 24-hour notice job-switch from a Federal Court judgeship and the sacking of the Tan Sri Gani Patail as Attorney-General) or worst of all, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, now bearing all the “crosses” of his ever-ballooning twin mega scandals.

This is why at the “Solidarity with Lim Kit Siang & Mana RM2.6 billion?” DAP ceramah at Prai, Penang last night, I had called for a new, full and independent international inquiry into Kevin’s murder, following Charles’ statutory declaration.

Charles claimed to be in possession of a pen drive sent to him by Kevin clearly revealing information on details of his last case, before being murdered, and implicating certain high-ranking personalities.

Immediately after public revelation of Charles’ statutory declaration, which is eerily reminiscent of the previous Statutory Declarations by private investigator PI Bala in connection with the murder of Mongolian Altantunya Shaariibuu, there is a high-powered campaign to discredit Charles with an expose of his past corporate failures, including unearthing a Wall Street Journal article entitled “A Hotel Empire Unravels – Kronos Owners Grapple with Bankruptcy, Criminal Charges” directly linked to Charles.

I have never met Charles and is in no position to judge his personality or character.

I would think that as a man of the world, Charles would know that he risks not only an expose but a demonization of his past and even systematic character-assassination if he proceeds with his explosive statutory declaration – and he must have agonised over it for quite some time, “To Be nor Not To Be”.

Either Charles is an inveterate liar and big-time moneygrubber or he was speaking what he perceived to be the truth, and his preparedness to take the risk of an expose and demonization of his past and even character-assassination are points to his credit in his agony over what he should do to protect the memory of his brother.

Let everybody show that they have nothing to hide with the Malaysian government inviting an independent and international investigation into the murder of Kevin, which will help to restore national and international confidence in the Malaysian system of justice after the many setbacks caused by so many scandals, not least of which are the still unresolved twin mega scandals involving RM2.6 billion “donation” in Najib’s personal banking accounts and 1MDB.

(Speech at the DAP “Solidarity with Lim Kit Siang & Mana RM2.6 billion?” Ceramah in Lunas, Kedah on Thursday, 26th November 2015 at 9 pm)