Five factors why Najib cannot shift responsibility for the country’s woes to external causes – twin mega scandals and prolonged crisis of confidence in Najib premiership

Yesterday, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak told the Malay Contractors Association that blame should not be placed entirely on the government for what is happening in the country right now, especially with the weakening ringgit, as the main factors causing this are external and out of the government’s control.

I do not think Najib would find much sympathy or support for his attempt to “pass the buck” and blame external factors for the country’s woes.

Najib is guilty of serious denial syndrome in refusing to accept that while the falling oil prices have a huge impact on the depreciation of the Malaysian ringgit, the prolonged crisis of confidence and the political turmoils in the country have been major factors undermining the economy.

Let me outline five factors why Najib cannot shirk or shake responsibility for the country’s present prolonged woes: Continue reading “Five factors why Najib cannot shift responsibility for the country’s woes to external causes – twin mega scandals and prolonged crisis of confidence in Najib premiership”

Tun Dr Ismail would’ve been disappointed with current leadership, says son

by Anisah Shukry
The Malaysian Insider
8 November 2015

Tun Dr Ismail Abdul Rahman, Malaysia’s second deputy prime minister, would have been disappointed by the state of the country’s leadership if he were alive today, his eldest son Tawfik Ismail said.

The government is paralysed and the country is “in a mess” because leaders are preoccupied with defending Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak over issues, such as 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) and his RM2.6 billion donation, says Tawfik in an interview with The Malaysian Insider.

“I think he would have been disappointed with the way the leadership is right now,” said the 64-year-old in an interview in conjunction with the release of Drifting into Politics, a collection of writings by Dr Ismail himself.

It was also the 100th birth anniversary of Dr Ismail on November 4. Continue reading “Tun Dr Ismail would’ve been disappointed with current leadership, says son”

Just as Deepavali celebrates eternal battle and victory of light over darkness, the darkness of the RM2.6 billion “donation” and RM50 billion 1MDB twin mega scandals must be exposed by the light of integrity, transparency and good governance

Deepavali celebrates the triumph of light over darkness, of truth and justice over falsehood and oppression.

The course of human history is replete with examples in different countries and civilisations of the hard and difficult battles fought by righteous men and women down the ages to uphold truth and justice against injustice, falsehoods and oppression and how eventually, light prevailed over darkness.

We must always be mindful that the darkest hour is just before dawn!

For me, the Deepavali this year will be quite out of the ordinary, for I have been suspended from Parliament for six months not because I had committed any crime but because I was speaking what was in the hearts and minds of ordinary Malaysians in Parliament – that the three-month derailment of the Public Accounts Committee in its investigations into the RM2.6 billion “donation” and RM50 billion 1MDB twin mega scandals was wrong and unacceptable and that the Parliament Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia had no such powers to stop the PAC from continuing with its 1MDB investigations for three months. Continue reading “Just as Deepavali celebrates eternal battle and victory of light over darkness, the darkness of the RM2.6 billion “donation” and RM50 billion 1MDB twin mega scandals must be exposed by the light of integrity, transparency and good governance”