The Merdeka Centre poll that Najib for the first time lost the approval of majority of Malay voters must have tilted his decision not to seek a confidence motion in Parliament on Monday

The Merdeka Centre poll that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has for the first time lost the approval of the majority of Malay voters must have tilted his decision not to seek a confidence motion when Parliament reconvenes on Monday.

Members of Parliament were only informed yesterday about the order of business for the 25-day budget Parliament beginning on Monday, which is most unusual as Members of Parliament would normally have been given the order of business a week before the start of a new parliamentary meeting.

This is the first time in my years in Parliament since 1969 that Parliament failed to give about a week’s notice of the parliamentary business to be transacted in a new meeting of Parliament – and this could be because Najib was agonising over whether to seek a confidence motion at the beginning of the parliamentary meeting on Monday instead of allowing the issue of whether there would be a no-confidence motion in him as Prime Minister whether moved by Pakatan Harapan or even by a MP from UMNO/BN hanging over Parliament for the next two months.

However, the latest Merdeka centre poll has changed the whole picture.

According to the latest Merdeka Centre survey, only 31 per cent of Malay voters is satisfied with the government – the first time approval for the government among Malays has fallen below 50 percent since Merdeka Centre began recording the data in February 2012. The fall among Malay voters had been drastic as it had stood at 52 percent this January.

The government’s overall approval rating also plummeted to 23 percent, the worst since the polls started in 2012.

The latest Merdeka Centre poll should serve as a reminder that Najib should stop dilly-dallying about giving a full and satisfactory accounting to Parliament on the 1MDB scandal as the first item of government business in Parliament, especially as international news report about Najib’s involvement in the 1MDB scandal is becoming a regular feature. Such international reports do not rain, it pour.

International reports like Reuters and Wall Street Journal have just reported about FBI reviewing Goldman Sachs’ business relationship with Malaysia’s sovereign wealth fund as part of a broader, wide-ranging investigation into 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).

Malaysians, including Members of Parliament, are tired to reading about 1MDB developments in the international media, as thet are nothing to be proud about but events for Malaysians to feel thoroughly ashamed.

Will Najib present a White Paper on the RM50 billion 1MDB scandal in Parliament on Monday?

19 Replies to “The Merdeka Centre poll that Najib for the first time lost the approval of majority of Malay voters must have tilted his decision not to seek a confidence motion in Parliament on Monday”

  1. AhCheatKor n UmnoB r hanging on 2 power n they will remain in power come next GE
    Oredi gerrymandering, with help fr d EC n judges, WILL ensure dat (See d recent new constituencies carved out in S’wak)

    MMK n other senior UmnoB kakis canNOT get corrupt AhCheatKor n his band of thieves 2 b kicked out

    D best thing 2 happen next is 4 Johor 2 b an independent nation
    LKS, anak Johor, must b thrilled

    First Johor, next Sabah n Sarawak, followed by ……….
    Rakyat must consider words fr Johor

  2. Who will write the “White Paper”? Will it be directed to objectively and accurately explain the 1MDB imbroglio to the MPs & Rakyat the causes, solutions and the way forward or to justify? Why would it be more interesting, credible and less ‘tiring’ to read white paper as compared to (say) the international media?

  3. The poll’s findings, even if reflective of ground reality, do not translate to equivalent BN’s MPs support for no confidence motion. Even if such a motion were introduced, it is better not initiated by an opposition MP who is not a top opposition leader, much less a non malay one, and no one should initiate it prematurely without certainty of securing majority MPs support.

  4. First you need to clear first blockage that our independence not because of UMNO but because of communism threat especially after Churchill as British Prime Minister

    Churchill as Prime Minister in 195l: “Churchill’s shrewd instinct grasped the fact that if Malaya fell under communist domination, the rest of Asia would quickly follow”

    They were SELECTED to preparing for independence, they did not fought for independence like other country independence.
    The British plan that if Malaya fell under DEMOCRATIC domination, the rest of Asia would quickly follow
    These were the factor later Sarawak, Sabah & Singapore formed MALAYSIA

  5. Second you need to clear second blockage that those non-Malay citizen was not granted by UMNO or any political party or related to any special position.

    Their citizenship granted because of the communist war event in the Malaya and by the Sir Gerald Templer who wanted to win the war

    To further gain the “hearts and minds” of the non-Malays, who were the main source of communist support, Templer fought to grant Malayan citizenship to over 2.6 million Malayan residents, 1.1 million of whom were Chinese. Templer sought “political and social equality of all” Malayans.[26]

  6. Invading from the north, the Japanese rapidly overran Malaya and took Singapore in 1942. After the war, in 1948, a Federation of Malaya was created under British protection, but British and Commonwealth troops had to put down a Communist insurrection, which lasted into the early 1950s. It was by now agreed that Malayan independence was the answer to the Communist claim that they were fighting to free the Malayan people from the British yoke. An election in 1955 was won hands-down by the United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) by running Malay candidates in Malay-dominated areas, Chinese candidates in Chinese areas and Indian candidates in Indian ones. The UMNO’s leader Tunku Abdul Rahman became prime minister when the independent Federation of Malaya came into being in 1957.

  7. The no confidence motion submitted by PKR’s Petaling Jaya Selatan MP Hee Loy Sian is premature, done without certainty of the numbers & not a smart move. If it fails as it is likely to be – which is why the motion will be accepted and put to move without problems- it will likely achieve the opposite result that it was intended, and close the door to this option/procedure for some time to come.

  8. The motion is doomed to fail, but the failure will allow us to gauge the state of play in Parliament. In effect, we will be forcing the hands of both sides of the divide. Will PAS vote for the motion ? Who in BN will vote for the motion ? How many will even bother to show up for the debate ?

  9. The primary purpose of the no confidence motion is to prove that the majority of MPs have no confidence in the PM. It is not to ‘gauge’ the state of play in parliament. If the primary purpose is ‘doomed to fail’ then it should not be prematurely ventured.

    For its failure will be spun to prove that there is majority confidence. A premature motion that is likely to fail in its primary purpose and by its failure will not only close this option but also succeed to establish the very opposite result of prolonging the stay of the very person it intended to remove is an illogical and reflects the foolishness and incompetence of its promoters .

  10. I think it gives us voters who are sick and tired of the shenanigans of this administration to gauge what needs to be done for GE14. Nothing will move the den of thieves to ditch Ali Baba, but the key is to judge where the rest (especially PAS) stand and how we should vote, and who we should put up as candidates. This is not foolishness or incompetence – just another tool to enable us to form our strategies for the big battle ahead.

    There is no doubt that BN will spin that Najib still has confidence of the majority, but who believes in the BN propaganda machinery nowadays ?

  11. The other conceivable motive (for what I consider a premature motion at this juncture) may possibly be that the Opposition (esp PKR) feels it necessary to be seen “walking the talk” (for credibility reasons) to not just criticize but actually move a no confidence motion as none is conceivable to be initiated from BN’s side in the foreseeable future – but if that were the case, then at least it should be moved by the Opposition head (Wan Azizah) than PKR’s Petaling Jaya Selatan MP. At least it will not be perceived trivialised. There is merit in DAP’s reservations when it calls for a withdrawal of the motion.

  12. LKS, LGE, Azizah, what’s wrong with DAP and PKR. Why go public with the retraction and resubmission on the no confidence motion? You three surely know how to manage to work together in the pact. A rose is a rose by any name, so whoever submits that motion is ok. Tony Pua also needs to zip his lips more and talk with Sivarasa privately. DAP looking like fools. Don’t disappoint us.

  13. The new oppo pact is the laughing stock because of DAP and PKR, they had all the time to consolidate their strategy for a no confidence vote and came out badly. Even the indecisive old man Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said the rakyat would view Pakatan Harapan’s indecisiveness over the motion as a lack of cohesiveness within the Opposition pact. You want our votes, be focused and act together. Azizah, your PKR needs to strategise, the world does not start and end with Anwar,

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