One way to avoid three-cornered fights in 14 GE is for PAS to concentrate in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis while AMANAH focuses on all the other states, subject to adjustments to the arrangement by two parties

The various combinations and permutations in the Malaysian political arena, not only in the ruling coalition of UMNO/BN parties but in the Opposition, seem to be the hot topic of the day.

Yesterday, there was the grand announcement of new political alignment and co-operation between PAS and Perkasa, but such a development would not forestall the holding of three-cornered fights in the 14th General Election which must be held in 2018.

May be one way to avoid three-cornered fights in 14th General Election is for PAS to concentrate in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis while Parti AMANAH Negara focuses on all the other states, subject to adjustments to the arrangement by two political parties.

This may or may not be a workable proposition as I have not discussed it with any other political party or personality.

But it is an indication that Malaysia is in unchartered waters as far as political developments are concerned, as illustrated by the Monday gathering of former UMNO/BN government “big guns”, led by former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir, his arch rival Tengku Raleigh Hamzah, former Deputy Prime Minister and current UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, former Rural and Regional Development Minister and current UMNO National Vice President Datuk Shafie Apdal, former Cabinet Minister and former UMNO Secretary-General Tan Sri Sanusi Junid and two ex-MCA Presidents Tun Ling Liong Sik and Datuk Seri Ong Tee Kiat ganging up against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for the misuse of Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) against Khairuddin Abu Hassan and his lawyer Matthias Chang.

Is it possible that in the forthcoming Parliamentary meeting beginning on Monday, new political breakthroughs will take place where UMNO/BN Members of Parliament are prepared to rise above narrow individual and party considerations to take a common stand with Pakatan Harapan Members of Parliament to save Malaysia?

What will be the position of PAS Members of Parliament in such al situation?

A new political approach is needed if Malaysia is to avert being hit by a “perfect storm” with a multitude of political, economic, good governance and nation building crises all happening at the same time.

Whether Malaysia can avert such a “perfect storm” will depend on the wisdom and maturity of the present batch of Members or Parliament, regardless of political party, race, religion or region.

14 Replies to “One way to avoid three-cornered fights in 14 GE is for PAS to concentrate in Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis while AMANAH focuses on all the other states, subject to adjustments to the arrangement by two parties”

  1. Simply no hope of that. Firstly PAS ambition is NATIONAL, If they retreat, Hadi’s leadership, even if the feudal Ulamas will deny it louder than Najib’s sycophant, the grassroot will question for sure..

    Secondly, PAS Selangor is now a big part of PAS, who have gotten a taste of real power and benefits of real scale, they will never let go and in fact will be Amanah’s biggest problem and it will get NASTY..

  2. Before WWII, there was not any union/party have enough BARGAIN CHIPS demand independence self-governance from the British.

    After WWII, communist & later fighters in the jungle created a situation BARGAIN CHIPS leaded
    High Commissioner of Malaya Sir Gerald Templer – gain the “hearts and minds” of the non-Malays, who were the main source of communist support, Templer fought to grant Malayan citizenship to over 2.6 million Malayan residents, 1.1 million of whom were Chinese. Templer sought “political and social equality of all” Malayans.[26]
    And leaded armed the local communities to fight communist (a step forward to self-goverance).

    With continuous Communist fighters struggle years created the BARGAIN CHIPS in double in negotiation of independence self-governance after Churchill elected as Prime Minister in 1951 (cold war democracy vs communism).
    ..Things changed, he claims, with the election of Churchill as Prime Minister in 195l: “Churchill’s shrewd instinct grasped the fact that if Malaya fell under communist domination, the rest of Asia would quickly follow”. Note how this contention, often repeated in the declassified files, is presented as a “fact”.

  3. Before WWII, there was not any union/party have enough BARGAIN CHIPS demand independence self-governance from the British.

    After WWII, communist & later fighters in the jungle created a situation BARGAIN CHIPS leaded
    High Commissioner of Malaya Sir Gerald Templer – gain the “hearts and minds” of the non-Malays, who were the main source of communist support, Templer fought to grant Malayan citizenship to over 2.6 million Malayan residents, 1.1 million of whom were Chinese. Templer sought “political and social equality of all” Malayans.[26]

    And leaded armed the local communities to fight communist (a step forward to self-goverance).

  4. The BARGAIN CHIPS in double in negotiation of independence self-governance after Churchill elected as Prime Minister in 1951 (cold war democracy vs communism).
    ..Things changed, he claims, with the election of Churchill as Prime Minister in 195l: “Churchill’s shrewd instinct grasped the fact that if Malaya fell under communist domination, the rest of Asia would quickly follow”. Note how this contention, often repeated in the declassified files, is presented as a “fact”.

  5. British business exploit Malayan economic resources. Malaya possessed valuable minerals such as coal, bauxite, tungsten, gold, iron ore, manganese, and, above all, rubber and tin. A Colonial Office report from 1950 noted that Malaya’s rubber and tin mining industries were the biggest dollar earners in the British Commonwealth. Rubber accounted for 75 per cent, and tin 12-15 per cent, of Malaya’s income.

    Malaya’s rubber and tin mining industries were the biggest dollar earners in the British Commonwealth.

  6. ‘Invading from the north, the Japanese rapidly overran Malaya and took Singapore in 1942. After the war, in 1948, a Federation of Malaya was created under British protection, but British and Commonwealth troops had to put down a Communist insurrection, which lasted into the early 1950s. It was by now agreed that Malayan independence was the answer to the Communist claim that they were fighting to free the Malayan people from the British yoke. An election in 1955 was won hands-down by the United Malay National Organisation (UMNO) by running Malay candidates in Malay-dominated areas, Chinese candidates in Chinese areas and Indian candidates in Indian ones. The UMNO’s leader Tunku Abdul Rahman became prime minister when the independent Federation of Malaya came into being in 1957. ‘

  7. Before Independence those non-Malaya your citizenship granted by Sir Gerald Templer who was dictator control nearly all Malaya gov admin, wanted to win the war.
    It was not granted by any politic party or exchange for their special position. Before independence no party have any bargain power with the British Empire.

    High Commissioner of Malaya Sir Gerald Templer – gain the “hearts and minds” of the non-Malays, who were the main source of communist support, Templer fought to grant Malayan citizenship to over 2.6 million Malayan residents, 1.1 million of whom were Chinese. Templer sought “political and social equality of all” Malayans.[26]

  8. Before Independence those non-Malay your citizenship granted by Sir Gerald Templer who was dictator control nearly all Malaya gov admin, wanted to win the war.
    It was not granted by any politic party or exchange for their special position. Before independence no party have any bargain power with the British Empire.

    High Commissioner of Malaya Sir Gerald Templer – gain the “hearts and minds” of the non-Malays, who were the main source of communist support, Templer fought to grant Malayan citizenship to over 2.6 million Malayan residents, 1.1 million of whom were Chinese. Templer sought “political and social equality of all” Malayans.[26]

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