Pak Samad buat apa di Kuala Kubu Baru 3 hari?

The Malaysian Insider
30 September 2015

Suatu hari Ridzuan memberitahu saya – wakil rakyat Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) di kawasannya, Yang Berhormat Lee Kee Hiong, ingin menjemput Sasterawan Negara A Samad Said atau Pak Samad datang ke Kuala Kubu Baru (KKB) dan tinggal di sana selama 3 hari.

Saya tak bertanya untuk apa atau apa tujuannya. Saya kenal siapa Ridzuan dan siapa Lee Kee Hiong, dan saya juga tahu KKB.

Jadi saya fikir saya tahulah apa tujuan Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) tersebut hendak menjemput Pak Samad menjadi tetamunya di KKB selama 3 hari itu. Continue reading “Pak Samad buat apa di Kuala Kubu Baru 3 hari?”

Salleh should ask himself: What he can do for ICT in Malaysia and not what ICT can do for him!

Former Cabinet Minister Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz hit the nail on the head when she advised the new Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak to improve Internet services instead of shooting himself in the foot by saying Malaysians prefer slower Internet.

She said: “That is embarrassing if the world has the perception that most Malaysians prefer the slower option, and that the government is happy with that!”

Let us see whether Salleh could make amends for his howler that 71 percent of Malaysian Internet users preferred the slower Streamyx broadband package that offered speeds of between 384 kilobyte per second (Kbps) to 1 megabyte per second (Mbps) because Malaysians could not afford faster Internet plans that were more expensive.

There are no countries in the world which would prefer slower Internet unless it is peopled by cretins and idiots. Continue reading “Salleh should ask himself: What he can do for ICT in Malaysia and not what ICT can do for him!”

Congratulations in order for Malaysia moving up two spots in global competitiveness ranking but commiserations also for “perfect storm” of crisis of confidence with no light at end of tunnel

Congratulations are in order for Malaysia moving up two spots in terms of global competitiveness, ranking 18th from last year’s 20th position in the Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016 released by World Economic Forum (WEF).

Malaysia is now ranked ahead of Belgium (ranked No. 19 ) and Luxembourg (No. 20). Malaysia was ranked No. 20 last year with a score of 5.16, behind Belgium (ranked No. l8 with score of 5.18) and Luxembourg (ranked No. 19 with score of 5.17).

There is a confusion however as according to the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Competitiveness Report 2015-2016, although Malaysia is placed No. 18, it shares the same score of 5.2 with Belgium and Luxembourg both of whom also scored 5.2.

Be that as it may, congratulations should not be begrudged Malaysia’s ranking, although commiserations are also in order for Malaysia’s “perfect storm” of a crisis of confidence in the government with no light at the end of the tunnel. Continue reading “Congratulations in order for Malaysia moving up two spots in global competitiveness ranking but commiserations also for “perfect storm” of crisis of confidence with no light at end of tunnel”