DAP bakal lahirkan ‘anak sulung’ di Indera Kayangan?

– Abdul Aziz Isa
The Malaysian Insider
10 September 2015

Pada Pilihan Raya Umum ke-13 (PRU13), DAP buat pertama kalinya meletakkan calon di negeri Perlis di Dewan Undang Negeri (DUN) Titi Tinggi. Calon DAP iaitu Teh Seng Chuan memperoleh undi sebanyak 2,439, calon MCA iaitu Khaw Hock Kong memperoleh undi sebanyak 3,925 manakala calon bebas Yaacob Man memperoleh undi sebanyak 968. Majoriti undi calon MCA adalah 1,486.

Jika berlaku 2 penjuru, tidak mustahil undi calon bebas (andai kata sahaja, kita hiraukan sama ada undi calon bebas itu majoriti Melayu atau ada undi Cina) akan pergi ke calon DAP dan kemungkinan besar calon DAP akan memperoleh undi sebanyak 3,407 dan ini akan mengurangkan majoriti MCA sebanyak 518 undi.

Hal ini menunjukkan pada PRU14 akan datang DAP akan dapat menewaskan calon MCA di DUN Titi Tinggi dan seterusnya mencipta sejarah baharu dengan melahirkan “anak sulung” DAP di negeri Indera Kayangan itu. Continue reading “DAP bakal lahirkan ‘anak sulung’ di Indera Kayangan?”

Biarkan si baju merah berarak

Hafidz Baharom
The Malaysian Insider
9 September 2015

Saya tidak menyokong perbuatan tersebut, tapi saya berpendapat rakyat Malaysia patut membiarkan ia berlaku tetapi motif saya berlainan.

Biarlah si baju merah semuanya berkumpul di Bukit Bintang, beraksi semula dengan kayu-kayan, berguling sana sini, mengucapkan apa-apa yang mungkin bersifat perkauman dan anti Cina, menunjukkan mereka kononnya perwira bangsa Melayu.

Biarlah setiap kata-kata mereka direkodkan dan dimuat naik ke semua laman sosial. Biarlah setiap kata-kata mereka diterjemahkan ke semua bahasa yang rakyat Malaysia dan warga asing di sini faham.

Biarlah video-video berserta terjemahan dalam setiap bahasa ini disebarkan oleh rakyat Malaysia sendiri melalui laman sosial ke Bangladesh, Korea Selatan, Jepun, Amerika Syarikat, Kanada, New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, China, Vietnam, Singapura dan Rusia – mana-mana negara yang mempunyai kepentingan perdagangan dengan Malaysia.

Maka dengan aksi sedemikian rupa, kerajaan sendiri perlu menanggung tanggungjawab penyokong politik mereka sendiri. Continue reading “Biarkan si baju merah berarak”

Congrats to UMNO for being “more united than ever” although the UMNO President had for the first time in history to sneak in and out of UMNO headquarters from the backdoor to avoid the unfriendly UMNO crowd in front

After yesterday’s UMNO Supreme Council meeting, UMNO leaders including the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director, Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan who is also Minister for Urban Wellbeing, Housing and Local Government, were at pains to convince all and sundry that UMNO is now “more united than ever”. (NST)

Congratulations is in order to UMNO for being “more united than ever” although the UMNO President and Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak had, for the first time in history of any UMNO President, to sneak in and out of UMNO headquarters from the backdoor to avoid the unfriendly UMNO crowd in front.

But the UMNO Supreme Council meeting failed miserably in assuring the public and the world that the governing coalition has the blueprint and the political will to end the prolonged crisis of confidence plaguing the country.

The UMNO/BN leadership were not only unable to bring a closure to the two mega financial scandals which had undermined national and international confidence in the Malaysian government – the RM50 billion 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion “donation” in the Prime Minister’s personal accounts twin scandals – but have allowed new issues to escalate and deepen the crisis of confidence in the country like the Red Shirt “Kebangkitan Maruah Melayu” rally in Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 16. Continue reading “Congrats to UMNO for being “more united than ever” although the UMNO President had for the first time in history to sneak in and out of UMNO headquarters from the backdoor to avoid the unfriendly UMNO crowd in front”

Raja Bahrin tebus baiah taklik beri makan orang miskin, lapor akhbar

The Malaysian Insider
10 September 2015

Ahli Parlimen Kuala Terengganu Datuk Raja Kamarul Bahrin Shah memilih untuk memberi makan kepada 10 orang miskin sebagai menebus sumpah baiah yang dilafazkan sebelum ini berhubung ketaatannya terhadap perjuangan PAS, lapor Sinar Harian hari ini.

Tindakan itu diambil selepas beliau melanggar lafaz baiah yang diikrarkannya secara sukarela di hadapan Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang dua tahun lalu dan kini mengambil keputusan menyertai Parti Amanah Negara (PAN).

Beliau berkata, tindakannya itu dirujuk berdasarkan kepada ayat al-Quran berhubung ruang untuk menebus sumpah baiah jika berlaku pelanggaran sumpah.

“Hukumnya adalah memerdekakan seorang hamba, beri makan 10 orang miskin daripada apa yang kita makan dan berpuasa 3 hari.
“Saya memilih yang kedua, akan beri makan 10 orang miskin,” katanya kepada akhbar itu.

Sebelum ini, melalui baiah tersebut, beliau bersumpah perkahwinannya akan terbubar dengan talak 3 sekiranya beliau meninggalkan PAS. Continue reading “Raja Bahrin tebus baiah taklik beri makan orang miskin, lapor akhbar”

Najib should cancel the Sept. 16 programme in Kota Kinabalu for signing of commemorative Malaysia Day document with Sabah and Sarawak Chief Ministers and have it either one day earlier or later so as not to be overshadowed by the Red Shirts pro-Najib rally in Kuala Lumpur

When the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak endorsed the greenlight given by the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi for the Red Shirts “Kebangkitan Maruah Melayu” rally in Kuala Lumpur on Sept. 16, it marked not only a great failure of Najib’s premiership, but a pathetic admission of the failure of his signature 1Malaysia policy when he became the sixth Prime Minister some six years ago to create a united nation where every citizen will regard himself or herself as Malaysian first and race, religion, region and socio-economic status second.

Six years after Najib’s 1Malaysia Policy, the country should be having “Kebangkitan Maruah Malaysia” rallies and not regressing to hold “Kebangkitan Maruah Melayu” rallies – which is the very antithesis of Najib’s 1Malaysia policy.

Is Najib suggesting that there should also be “Kebangkitan Maruah Cina Malaysia”, “Kebangkitan Maruah India Malaysia”, “Kebangkitan Maruah Orang Asli”, “Kebangkitan Maruah Iban” or “Kebangkitan Maruah Kadazan-Dusun-Murut” rallies all over the country?

Najib and the Cabinet should be asking Zahid why the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister is practicing double standards in warning of “stern action” against organisers and participants of Bersih 4 rally but gave the okay for UMNO members to attend the Red Shirts rally?

Why did Zahid personally sign a ban of the yellow Bersih 4 T-shirt on the eve of Bersih 4 rally, but endorsed the sale of red “Kebangkitan Maruah Melayu” T-shirts? Continue reading “Najib should cancel the Sept. 16 programme in Kota Kinabalu for signing of commemorative Malaysia Day document with Sabah and Sarawak Chief Ministers and have it either one day earlier or later so as not to be overshadowed by the Red Shirts pro-Najib rally in Kuala Lumpur”

Bar Council seeks lawyers’ nod to sue anyone blocking probe into 1MDB, RM2.6 billion donation

The Malaysian Insider
9 September 2015

The Bar Council wants its members to give their mandate to take legal action against any person responsible for obstructing investigations into the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) fiasco and the case of the RM2.6 billion “donation” channelled into the prime minister’s private accounts.

This is among the suggestions forwarded by president of the Malaysian Bar Steven Thiru, who will move the motion at its emergency general meeting in Kuala Lumpur on Saturday.

Copies of the motion were sent to 16,000 lawyers in the peninsula yesterday.

A copy of the motion, sighted by The Malaysian Insider, also stated that the Bar mandates the council to take steps to affirm and preserve the rule of law, to uphold the Federal Constitution and to protect the administration of justice. Continue reading “Bar Council seeks lawyers’ nod to sue anyone blocking probe into 1MDB, RM2.6 billion donation”

A new low for Wisma Putra

– Dennis Ignatius
Former Malaysian High Commissioner to Canada
7 Sep 2015

The newly minted deputy minister of foreign affairs, Reezal Merican, has warned that Wisma Putra would be monitoring Malaysians involved in BERSIH rallies overseas and be reporting them to the relevant agencies for follow-up action. [Malaysiakini, September 4th 2015]

Obviously, he has a lot to learn about the proud traditions of our foreign service. In the first place, Wisma Putra is not a spy agency with embassies abroad keeping tabs on the activities of Malaysian citizens. That is something that countries like North Korea, China and Iran do. In all my 36 years in the foreign ministry, we never spied on our citizens, kept records of their activities or threatened them. In fact, we went out of our way to build rapport with them because we recognized that they could contribute to promoting Malaysia.

Of course, there were times when we disagreed with their actions or the positions they took on national issues. Our response, however, was always to engage them, explain government policies and endeavour to win them over. We won some and we lost some; that’s the way it goes in a democracy. Whatever the outcome, the Malaysia I represented then always respected the rights of its citizens even when we disagreed with them. There was no question of trying to intimidate them. Continue reading “A new low for Wisma Putra”