Time for Najib to prove his patriotism – that the twin scandals of 1MBD and RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts can cause his personal political undoing, but they must not be allowed to cause the undoing of Malaysia with unmitigated political and economic catastrophes

On Sunday, I made the most unusual and unorthodox proposition of issuing an Open Invitation to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to make a joint appearance at Bersih 4 rally where the Prime Minister can hold face-to-face dialogue with Bersih 4 organisers and principal supporters on the state of democracy in Malaysia.

This was a follow up to my suggestion on Saturday that the Prime Minister should co-operate with the Bersih 4 organisers to turn the Bersih 4 overnight rally on August 29/30 into a Human Rights Carnival or Festival, where the human rights of freedom of expression and assembly of Malaysians are celebrated rather than suppressed, which will make it an unique event and milestone in the 58th Merdeka Day Celebrations – not only in Malaysia but globally.

I said the Prime Minister can be assured of full security and courtesy, as the police as well Bersih 4 organisers and principal supporters will ensure that the Prime Minister is not only safe but accorded the full courtesies and politeness which Malaysians show to their leaders and officials.

The Prime Minister’s dialogue with Bersih 4 organisers and principal supporters can be an historic occasion for Najib to do what he had failed to do in almost two months to “tell all” about the twin scandals which have not only haunted the Malaysian body politic but causing grave crisis of confidence as witnessed by the triple freefall of the Malaysian ringgit, the Malaysian stock market and the country’s international reserves – the 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion deposited into his personal accounts in AmBank in March 2013 just before the dissolution of Parliament and the holding of the 13th General Election.

In response, the Prime Minister said that he would rather discuss the RM2.6 billion donation controversy privately with UMNO members instead of issuing public statements.

He said: “I can explain. No problem, but not openly because it can affect the party.”

But obviously, Najib finds great “problem” in explaining the two scandals not only to the three million UMNO members, but even to the UMNO chieftains – which was why UMNO Deputy President Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had vehemently protested that he did not know anything about both the 1MDB and RM2.6 billion scandals up to his summary sacking as Deputy Prime Minister on July 28.

The new Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi had promised at the Tanah Merah UMNO delegates meeting on 8th August that the government and UMNO leadership will give a detailed explanation to UMNO members “soon” on the issues of 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion political fund, but seventeen days have passed and there are absolutely no signs that there would be any such explanation on these scandals except a series of “cock-and-bull” stories about the purpose of the RM2.6 billion donation to Najib.

In not wanting Malaysians and UMNO members to talk about the twin scandals, Najib is acting like King Canute trying to stop the rising tide.
Najib may shut the mouths of the majority of the “UMNO 300” who are helping him to impose “command and control” of the UMNO machinery, whether at the Cabinet, UMNO supreme council or divisional levels, but he cannot stop ordinary UMNO branch leaders and members from speaking up.

This is why the speech by a Merbok UMNO delegate Anuar Abd Hamid at the division meeting of August 22 on the debate on the motion calling on Najib to step down which was passed unanimously had gone viral.

Anuar urged Putrajaya to form a Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate the company and to “kill off the issue, once and for all”.
He had listed out several problems with 1MDB, in particular the decision to take on RM42 billion in debts via questionable ventures.
He said he had lost sleep and angry over the massive 1MDB woes.

Anuar’s sense of despair, frustration and anger is understandable, as it is the common feelings not only of the three million UMNO members, but also the 30 million ordinary Malaysians.

In fact, Najib, Zahid and the top UMNO leadership are hand-in-glove in the latest 1MDB conspiracy of silence, pretending that the total debts of 1MDB are only RM42 billion when it should now be over RM50 billion as revealed by Muhyiddin in his last speech as Deputy Prime Minister to the Cheras UMNO Division on July 26, 2015.

Anuar joins the list of UMNO grassroots leaders who are not prepared to be cowed into silence but are prepared to pay the price to speak truth to power, like

• Parit Sulong UMNO division chief Zulkarnain Kamisan who recited Indonesian Mustofa Bisri (Gus Mus)’s poem “Kau Ini Bagaimana Atau Aku Harus Bagaimana”;

• Langkawi Umno delegate Anina Saaduddin whose honest and courageous “kencing tiga juta Ahli UMNO” speech had gone viral;

• Pontian UMNO division chief Datuk Hasni Mohammad who made the shocking revelation that Najib bypassed the Umno Supreme Council and simply used mobile messaging app WhatsApp to decide whether he should reshuffle the Cabinet;

• Pagoh UMNO deputy division chief Ismail Mohamad who warned that UMNO leaders should not allow one man to single-handedly be the cause of UMNO’s downfall;

• Tampin Youth wing which passed a resolution asking Najib to step down;

• Kuala Kedah division chief who criticised Najib for postponing UMNO party election; and

• Pasir Gudang Wanita Umno delegate who handed over a 12-point memorandum to Najib asking him to “take a rest”.

Najib cannot continue to run and hide to avoid and evade giving a full and satisfactory explanation of the these twin scandals.

The time has come for Najib to prove his patriotism – that the twin scandals of 1MBD and RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts can cause his personal political undoing, but they must not be allowed to cause the undoing of Malaysia with unmitigated political and economic catastrophes to the nation.

Najib has procrastinated long enough, and he should take concrete steps by this weekend before the nation celebrates our 58TH Merdeka Anniversary to “tell all” about these two scandals, in particular where the money came from for the RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts in AmBank in March 2013, where the money have gone to, including the beneficiaries from the pay-outs from Najib’s personal accounts, how much each received, what is the balance of the funds remaining after all the pay-outs and the whereabouts of this remainder balance in the account.


2 Replies to “Time for Najib to prove his patriotism – that the twin scandals of 1MBD and RM2.6 billion in his personal accounts can cause his personal political undoing, but they must not be allowed to cause the undoing of Malaysia with unmitigated political and economic catastrophes”

  1. D government’s economic reforms hv strengthened d nation’s finances besides easing d burden on d people, said peeM

    Keh, keh, keh – larf his brother
    He cannot even convince his own banker brother 1

  2. ALMOST everything DOWN, DOWN, down (except cost of living, car accident n crime rates UP, up, UP)
    Even WATER, got 2 buy fr S’pore – d ultimate insult 2 our incompetent governance
    Sicko corrupt self-proclaimed leaders

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