The Lessons From Our Encounter With Islam

M. Bakri Musa

The smooth assimilation of Malays into Islam was the result of both “down-up” and “up-down” dynamics. The average Malay peasant in his or her interactions with the ancient Muslim traders saw the value of this new faith. This message then spread laterally among the other villagers and later upwards to the nobility and ultimately the sultans. They too saw the merit of this new religion and that acceptance trickled down to the masses. The result was the quick transformation of Malay society.

Today in the retelling of the arrival of Islam to the Malay world, there is not a dissenting voice. All agree that it was a positive development, for the faith as well as for Malays. We also agree that our culture adapted well to Islam.

Those sentiments have more to do with the human tendency to romanticize the past, especially one perceived as being glorious, rather than a true reflection of the reality. We spare ourselves from looking more critically at our past for fear that we would discover something that could blight that pristine image and sweet memory. Continue reading “The Lessons From Our Encounter With Islam”

IGP Khalid’s admission that issues of no-confidence motion are neither police nor criminal matters most welcome as country faces various political possibilities before the 14th GE

I welcome the belated admission by the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar that the police should not interfere in any no-confidence vote in Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, as in the absence of criminal elements, such matters are for the political parties themselves to resolve.

Specifically, the IGP said the police will not interfere in the allegation against a senior UMNO politician that he is attempting to unseat Prime Minister Najib through a vote of no confidence in Parliament.

Khalid told Malaysiakini: “This does not involve the police. We are only concerned with attempts to topple the government or prime minister through undemocratic means.”

I had earlier in the day asked Khalid to declare whether the police have found any plot to topple the elected government by violent or unconstitutional means as it is now ten days since the new Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi had launched a rampage with his tall tale of a heinous and treacherous plot to topple the elected government in Malaysia.

I said the Police should not allow Zahid to send them on a “wild goose’s chase” under Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy” when changing the Prime Minister or government is a legitimate process of parliamentary democracy – provided this is carried out in a peaceful, democratic and constitutional manner without resort to violent or unconstitutional means.

In fact, the very persons who should be investigated and even prosecuted under Section 124B of the Penal Code should include people like Zahid who are illegally and unconstitutionally abusing the legal process to deny the parliamentary democratic process from carrying out one of its functions – to change the Prime Minister or government of the day through the democratic process! Continue reading “IGP Khalid’s admission that issues of no-confidence motion are neither police nor criminal matters most welcome as country faces various political possibilities before the 14th GE”

Ten days have passed, IGP Khalid should declare whether the police have found any plot to topple the elected government by violent or unconstitutional means

For ten days, the new Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister, Datuk Seri Zahid Hamidi had been on a rampage with his tall tale of a heinous and treacherous plot to topple the elected government in Malaysia, aimed at sending the country into a frenzy with two objectives:

• to distract the nation from the twin scandals of 1MDB and the RM2.6 billion in Najib’s personal bank accounts; and

• to neutralise and flush out potential challengers to his new-found position as the heir-apparent to the highest office of the land.

He even got the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar to play second fiddle by getting the police to go on a “wild goose’s chase” to investigate police reports based on Zahid’s claim of a plot by an Umno leader to topple the government under Section 124B of the Penal Code on “activities detrimental to parliamentary democracy”. Continue reading “Ten days have passed, IGP Khalid should declare whether the police have found any plot to topple the elected government by violent or unconstitutional means”