Political leaders can meet and discuss Mahathir’s interesting proposition to see how far it could advance the cause of “Save Malaysia”

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Pemimpin-pemimpin politik boleh bertemu dan membincangkan cadangan menarik Mahathir untuk melihat sejauh mana ia boleh membawa kepada matlamat “Menyelamatkan Malaysia”

Pada Mac tahun ini, saya telah menyarankan agar rakyat Malaysia mengumpul keberanian untuk memikirkan perkara-perkara yang tidak terfikirkan, termasuk membayangkan kemunculan seorang Perdana Menteri baru dan gabungan kerajaan baru sebelum Pilihanraya Umum ke-14 dalam tempoh tiga tahun ini bagi “Menyelamatkan Malaysia”, mempertahankan Perlembagaan Malaysia, kedaulatan undang-undang dan membentuk urus tadbir yang baik.

Menerusi beberapa kenyataan media dan ucapan sepanjang Mac dan April, saya telah membincangkan kemungkinan wujudnya satu pakatan besar “Menyelamatkan Malaysia” pasca-BN dan pasca-PR.

Saya juga telah menyatakan dengan jelas bahawa jika pakatan besar “Menyelamatkan Malaysia” pasca-BN dan pasca-PR itu dibentuk, ia mestilah tidak terhad kepada hanya kaum atau agama tertentu tetapi meliputi semua kaum, agama, dan daerah, atau dalam ungkapan lain, sebuah kerajaan gabungan yang jamak-kaum, jamak-agama dan jamak-daerah, meliputi Muslim dan bukan-Muslim, Melayu dan bukan-Melayu, serta warga Malaysia dari Semenanjung Malaysia, Sarawak dan Sabah.

Gabungan itu juga mesti melampaui pakatan dan parti politik sedia ada, merangkumi Ahli-Ahli Parlimen dari kedua-dua kubu politik dan juga kedua-dua sisi Laut Cina Selatan, iaitu meliputi Sabah, Sarawak dan Semenanjung Malaysia, bagi mempertahankan perlembagaan dan kedaulatan undang-undang dengan seorang Perdana Menteri baru dan sebuah kerajaan Malaysia yang baru. Continue reading “Political leaders can meet and discuss Mahathir’s interesting proposition to see how far it could advance the cause of “Save Malaysia””

Call on Najib to help ensure the success of Bersih 4 as it is Malaysia’s “coming of age” as a democracy in the world stage

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak should send a clear directive to the Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar to facilitate and ensure the success of Bersih 4 to demonstrate to the world the Malaysian Government’s respect of the people’s rights to free expression and peaceful assembly and readiness to listen to the people’s legitimate views and criticisms.

There has been a lot of irresponsible talk recently by those in power about plots to topple the elected government of Malaysia.

There are no such subversive plots involving violent and/or unconstitutional means to topple the elected Prime Minister or elected government, as I dare say after five decades in politics that Malaysians regardless of race or religion do not want any violent or unconstitutional change of government, and everyone is committed to upholding the fundamental principles of the Malaysian Constitution – which means a change of the elected government only by peaceful, democratic and constitutional means, not just during a general election, but also at times in between general elections as by a vote of no confidence in Parliament. Continue reading “Call on Najib to help ensure the success of Bersih 4 as it is Malaysia’s “coming of age” as a democracy in the world stage”

Ambiga: Why we need Bersih 4

By Ambiga Sreenevasan
Aug 20, 2015

COMMENT We have to fix this nation for the next generation. We cannot hand them a broken nation

There is no change in the usual anti-Bersih rhetoric. “It is anti-government, it will ruin businesses, it will cause chaos.”

Pictures of (Bersih chairperson) Maria (Chin Abdullah) are being defiled. They have simply run out of ideas, and no one is really listening to them.

Judging by the thousands of t-shirts being sold every day, Bersih 4 is set to see a massive turn out. Why? Because people are sick to death of the dishonest governance of our beautiful nation.

And it is time our leaders know they are not fooling us with their ridiculous responses. Continue reading “Ambiga: Why we need Bersih 4”