Zahid’s guarantee of no more arrest of MACC officers welcome but there must be full inquiry of why and whether there were “hidden hands” behind the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya” with Police and MACC on war footing against each other

The guarantee by the Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that there would be no more arrests of MACC officers by the police, only to take their statements, is welcome but this cannot be the end of the sorry story of the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya” with Police and the MACC on war footing with each other.

There must be a full inquiry of who were responsible and whether there were “hidden hands” behind the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya”, when there was a complete breakdown of orderly governance and the rule of law in the country.

This inquiry into the “seven-day madness in Putrajaya” of Police-MACC “warring” must be a full, independent and comprehensive one, even in the form of a Royal Commission of Inquiry or by way of a Parliamentary Inquiry, to ensure that there could be recurrence of this “seven-day madness in Putrajaya”.

Clearly, the prompt and strong protests by DAP, PKR and Gerakan Harapan Baru leaders and Members of Parliament, with the visit to the MACC headquarters in Putrajaya yesterday, as well as adverse public reactions against such gross abuses of police powers, interfering with the MACC’s role to fight corruption, had not been completely in vain.

We in the DAP, PKR and Gerakan Harapan Baru cannot stay silent to allow the MACC, which has already disappointed Malaysians in being unable to act with independence, impartiality and professionalism to combat corruption, to be further undermined and subverted by the powers-that-be. Continue reading “Zahid’s guarantee of no more arrest of MACC officers welcome but there must be full inquiry of why and whether there were “hidden hands” behind the “seven-day of madness in Putrajaya” with Police and MACC on war footing against each other”

Muhyiddin’s daughter Najwa commended for her filial piety for her song “After the Rain” but it would be greater if she could compose and sang for higher cause of “saving Malaysia”

I commend Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s daughter, Najwa Mahjaddin for her filial piety for her song “After the Rain” to give support to her father in his political travails after being sacked as Deputy Prime Minister.

This is the lyrics of her song:

We may all fall down, but we all get up.

Hold your head up, Malaysia.. after the rain comes the sun.

When life gets cold and skies aren’t blue, you’re not alone, I’m here for you.

My brothers and sisters, we’ll see you through.

These are the times we must get through, courage and wisdom must live in you.

The way of our future lies in you.

From the rising of the sun, together

we are one, we are stronger forever.

Continue reading “Muhyiddin’s daughter Najwa commended for her filial piety for her song “After the Rain” but it would be greater if she could compose and sang for higher cause of “saving Malaysia””

When a new political party emerges from Gerakan Harapan Baru in a few weeks time, a new Pakatan Rakyat – whether PR Baru, PR 2.0 or whatever name – will be ready to carry the torch for a Malaysia Baru

DAP Johor State Assemblyman for Pekan Nenas Yeo Tung Siong told me just now that Ayer Baloi tonight breaks record with the biggest crowd ever in history, signifying the powerful public support for Gerakan Harapan Baru and hopes for political change after nearly six decades of UMNO/Alliance/Barisan Nasional rule.

However, we want to create history not only in Ayer Baloi but in Johore and the whole of Malaysia in the forthcoming 14th General Election – when we are not only setting our sights on the Federal government in Putrajaya but also the state government in Nusajaya.

For over half a century, Johore had been regarded as an impregnable fortress for UMNO/MCA/MIC coalition and an invincible UMNO/Barisan Nasional “fixed deposit state”.

UMNO/BN leaders were so arrogant that they even talked about Johore being a “zero-opposition” state until such cockiness were buried by the historic Pakatan Rakyat breakthrough in the 13th General Election in 2013, winning 18 State Assembly seats – one seat short of denying UMNO/BN two-thirds majority in the Johore State Assembly.

But now Pakatan Rakyat is no more and the country needs a new Islamic political party which is all-embracing and inclusive which can unite not only Muslims and Malays but also non-Muslims and non-Malays, in other words, with all Malaysians to achieve the Malaysian Dream of ensuring that all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or region, are entitled to basic human rights and dignity as citizens of a modern society. Continue reading “When a new political party emerges from Gerakan Harapan Baru in a few weeks time, a new Pakatan Rakyat – whether PR Baru, PR 2.0 or whatever name – will be ready to carry the torch for a Malaysia Baru”