An open letter to Paul Low

By Robert Hum
Aug 1, 2015

Mr Paul Low
Malaysian Minister of Integrity and Good governance

Dear Sir

Please allow me to add some comments concerning your press statement of July 31, 2015.

Excerpt from your press statement: “I was brought into the federal cabinet specifically to promote good governance and to strengthen transparency and accountability in the government.”

Firstly the all important concept of good governance involves the rule of law, transparency and accountability.

Mr Low, all of these basic points were missing in the unceremonious dismissal of the attorney-general (AG) on Monday by PM Najib Abdul Razak. The incongruent statement of dismissal of the AG due to ill health by the chief secretary to the government smacks of the arrogance and the contempt of the PM for the office of the AG in order to stay in power at all costs.

There was no rule of law evidenced in the dismissal of the AG who was in the process of leading the investigation into the conduct of the PM concerning 1MDB. On the contrary the AG’s dismissal from office by PM Najib is against natural justice and is a direct interference by the PM who is being investigated.

From the onset of the investigation of 1MDB, it was clear that there could never be an objective, fair and thorough investigation when the person under investigation is the PM himself. Good governance would have dictated that PM Najib temporarily stand down from office so that a without prejudice, fair and thorough investigation could be carried out. But this did not happen.

By removing the AG from office and promoting three key public accounts committee (PAC) investigating members to cabinet positions has now rendered the demise of a fair and thorough investigation of the 1MDB saga and is now a laughing stock to the whole world. Where is the good governance in all these? Where is the accountability that you referred to?

All these happened on July 28 and you have the audacity to issue your press statement of July 31 about good governance and transparency.

How could you as a follower of Jesus Christ, participate in activities that are highly irregular, suspicious, undemocratic and lack moral decency in every aspect?

How could you partake of idolatrous delicacies at Najib’s cabinet table on the weekdays and break bread at the Lord’s table on Sundays?

The Christian community is indignant, annoyed and very disappointed with Najib’s summary and contemptuous removal of the AG, the PAC members and the deputy prime minister when the investigation of 1MDB is on-going. No amount of platitude from you about the Najib’s intention concerning good governance will have any effect on anyone in light of these events, including many young Malaysians.

What example are you and your boss, the PM, setting for the younger Malaysians who will be the leaders of the country tomorrow?

On the wrong side of Malaysian history?

Dear Mr Low, I believe you are on the wrong side of Malaysian history. Fifty years from now, Malaysian history will record your duplicity concerning this shameful episode and your name will be remembered as one who stood with the unjust rulers who were despots and greedy, supporting nepotism, cronyism and corrupt to the very core in Malaysian society. History reminds us of Marcos, Suharto and Mubarak, to name a recent few.

Are you not aware that your position in the Malaysian cabinet as a minister to promote good governance, transparency and accountability is but a game played by Najib? Wake up! You have been sucked into it without fully understanding the ramifications of your participation and complicity in the evil deeds.

The Malaysian Christian community is highly suspicious of Najib’s move against the DPM. Would he be arrested and suffer a black eye in the holding cell at Bukit Aman, like one infamous incident that Malaysians are reminded of, not too long ago?

Would he also be charged with morality offences now that he is no longer in the executive?

Your continued presence in Najib’s cabinet bring disrepute and shame on the Christian community in Malaysia since you have identified yourself to be a Christian. You are supposed to be the light for them that walk in darkness but alas, you, too, walk in darkness.

Your continual presence in the Malaysian cabinet could only allow me to conclude that you are a man of poor judgment and of highly doubtful moral and ethical standards.

Let me in closing quote you from the writing of the Apostle Paul to the church in Ephesus.

Ephesian 5:11. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them.

Your other seven Christian colleagues in the cabinet, namely Idris Jala , Maximus Ongkili, Douglas Uggah,Wilfred Madius Tangau, Richard Riot, Joseph Entulu and Joseph Kurup should all hang your heads in shame, bearing the name of Christ and yet participating in the works of darkness.

Remember what Jesus said to his disciples. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of Heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in Heaven.” Matthew 7:21

ROBERT HUM is a retired accountant.

9 Replies to “An open letter to Paul Low”

  1. Agree. Paul Low… you came to my church in your capacity as President of Transparency International Malaysia once spouting a sermon and blew what I thought was a whole lot of hot air for almost an hour. I thought to myself not to judge you, but since this whole affair started, I realize that it WAS right of me to judge you. After all, we are called to judge what is good and what is bad. I am ashamed that you bring disrepute to Christians. People look at your docile kow-towing to your boss and see a “Christian” who has found clever ways to compromise on principles as you embrace the broad way. Enjoy your cushy seat in the cabinet brother Paul.

    I say this to the other “Christians” in the cabinet : Shame on you.

  2. This Paul Low fella is a dead lost. His father will roll in his grave. He has been totally bought and turned over. Let us not talk about him. His is best forgotten as a bad Chinaman who sold out his soul.
    Paul Low, you are a disgrace.

  3. A-doi, Y such a letter 2 d low life kaki
    Oredi crossed over 2 d DARK side liao many moons ago what
    Sold his soul n ancestors 4 a cabinet post, shiok mah

    Anyway, lots of rakyat got a request n seeking help of d low life kaki
    Hi ya, since U know ACK so well
    Can seek your help or not aah – here’s my bank account number (xxxxxxxx)
    Pls ask ACK 2 DONATE his RM2,600,000,000.00 in2 my A/C
    For JUST 1 month enough la – then RE-DONATE it back 2 ACK’s A/C, promise
    At 2% pa, interest will b RM4,333,333.00
    Cukup la, GOOD enuf 2 TRANSFORM my life

    Dis is REAL n effective 1 M’sia transformation
    Just continue 2 DONATE d RM2,600,000,000.00
    Every year, 12 rakyat will b truly transformed

    Don’t b so selfish, SHARE share la
    Rakyat also want 2 buy handbags, diamond ring, apt in NYC

    TQVM low life kaki n ACK

  4. “””How could you as a follower of Jesus Christ, participate in activities that are highly irregular, suspicious, undemocratic and lack moral decency in every aspect?….”

    Yes you can. After you have sold your soul to the Devil, as this man has done. After all Rm2.6bn is a huge temptation.

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