Call on Police to uphold law and order and on all Malaysians regardless of race and religion to be calm and unite against corruption and abuses of power

The Low Yat rampage in Kuala Lumpur is a stain on Malaysia’s reputation.

The Police have established that it was a simple case of theft.

This is clearly reported by the media, for example the New Straits Times, “Low Yat theft case solved, says police”, which stated:

“Police have solved a theft case at Low Yat Plaza in Bukit Bintang, here, which sparked a riot incident on Saturday.

“Police sources said the case was a clear-cut theft involving a 22-year-old suspect, who took away a cellular phone from a shop there without paying.

“’Investigation revealed that the man had stolen a phone, which led to him being arrested by public members.

“’Police have also acquired CCTV recordings, which showed him discussing with a sales representative, before he took the phone and walked away when the trader was looking the other way.’

“Sources said the sales representative, who was shocked upon noticing that his product was stolen, then shouted for help.

“This had prompted the suspect to start running down an escalator, before he stumbled and fell.

“The suspect was arrested by a group of men at the scene, before he was handed over to the plaza’s security personnel.

“The suspect’s arrest had upset his friends, who went to the plaza about 7.50pm Saturday to retaliate.

“The group of seven ran amok there – where they beaten up several workers of a cellular phone outlet and damaged its products and equipment.”

It is most unfortunate that the events in Low Yat were allowed to get out of hand in the ensuing hours, resulting in a major stain on Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia’s reputation.

I call on the Police to uphold law and order and on all Malaysians regardless of race and religion to be calm and unite against corruption and abuses of power.

There must be no distraction from the great scandals bedeviling the country, like the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal or the economic crisis and hardships caused by the unjust implementation of the Goods and Services Tax as well as the plunge in the value of the Malaysian ringgit.

This is the time when ordinary Malaysians, regardless of race or religion, should realise that they have more common ground to unite to ensure that the government must serve the larger interests of all Malaysian citizens and not to allow themselves to be used as pawns to be divided whether along race or religious lines to serve the interests of a few in the country.

One Reply to “Call on Police to uphold law and order and on all Malaysians regardless of race and religion to be calm and unite against corruption and abuses of power”

  1. The way the IGP and 47% PM is trying to spin it insults our intelligence. Did they not see the myriads of cameras and phone cameras going off there, to record the event. Yes it started as a Phone theft ( quite obvious ), which was reported. The suspects were arrested and one was allowed to be released ( so nice. I suspect must be abang-adek ), That fellow when to bring his friends to beat up the vendors who helped to apprehend the thief. We all know that. Did we all see Police standing there while that man ( ? Pekida member ) was shouting making the hate speech?. With the Police in attendance. Then Sunday nght with the Police having supposedly disperse the first gathering, allowed the 200 samsengs to go rampage, smash cars, shouting threats and beating up people. There were also reports of explosions? How can this be a simple theft. It shows that Police is selective in enforcing law. That we have lost the rule of law. That any business transaction is not longer a simple transaction. If the unhappy customer is of a certain kind, you must beware of further trouble. And all this in a tourist district with tourists busy capturing everything with their cameras. That is their impression of Malaysia.
    We have to change this dysfunctional system, before more damage is done to Malaysia. Out with UMNO

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