The Peninsula dominoes

— Liew Chin Tong
The Malay Mail Online
July 10, 2015

JULY 10 — Let’s be clear, elections are won or lost in marginal seats.

For the new Opposition coalition to form the next government which is stable and with a strong legitimacy, defeating Umno in the Peninsula has to be the priority.

But to cause Umno to fall like dominoes, we should not set our sights on its strongholds but work on where it is weakest: the marginal seats.

Umno won 88 seats nationally, of which 14 are in Sabah and one in Labuan. The rest of the 73 seats are in the Peninsula.

Of these 73 Peninsula seats, Umno would win at least 30 rural seats, which were “tailored-made” for Umno in the first place anyway, with the “built-in” Felda votes, postal votes and government machineries assisting Umno in campaign. The Opposition should forget about these 30 seats.

But the rest of the seats, which are mostly multi-ethnic, are ready to fall on the back of antipathy against Umno since 2008 among non-Malay voters and a Malay tsunami against the economic hardships imposed by the Umno government.

Of the 38 marginal seats which Barisan Nasional won with less than 10 percent margin in the last election, 32 are Umno seats.

This is the battleground where the next election will be fought.

Focusing on the middle ground with strong leadership, clarity in policy and a convincing message to unite all ethnic groups while riding on the wave of a brewing Malay revolt could just tilt the balance.

The 6 per cent line

The balance is not difficult to tilt if one looks at the 37 parliamentary seats that Barisan Nasional won with a margin of less than 10 per cent in the 2013 general election. On top of the 37 seats, BN won Teluk Intan in a by-election in 2014 with a 0.6 per cent margin.

Indeed a 6 per cent uniform swing would wipe out 27 marginal seats and send Barisan Nasional to the opposition bench.

Of the 38 marginal seats, 10 were won with a margin of less than 2 per cent, namely P76 Teluk Intan (0.6 per cent), P89 Bentong (0.7 per cent), P96 Kuala Selangor (0.8 per cent), P159 Pasir Gudang (1.1 per cent), P93 Sungai Besar (1.1 per cent), P142 Labis (1.1 per cent), P29 Machang (1.6 per cent), P26 Ketereh (1.8 per cent), P12 Jerai (1.9 per cent) and P119 Titiwangsa (1.9 per cent).

Another 11 were won with a margin between 2 per cent and 4 per cent, namely P78 Cameron Highlands (2.1 per cent), P158 Terbrau (2.3 per cent), P58 Bagan Serai (2.5 per cent), P118 Setiawangsa (2.7 per cent), P140 Segamat (3.1 per cent), P144 Ledang (3.3 per cent), P53 Balik Pulau (3.6 per cent), P18 Kulim Bandar-Baharu (3.6 per cent), P3 Arau (3.6 per cent), P161 Pulai (3.8 per cent) and P67 Kuala Kangsar (3.9 per cent).

A further six were won with a margin between 4 per cent and 6 per cent, namely P146 Muar (4.1 per cent), P11 Pendang (4.3 per cent), P94 Hulu Selangor (4.6 per cent), P90 Bera (5.1 per cent), P92 Sabak Bernam (5.3 per cent) and P14 Merbok (5.7 per cent).

The 6 per cent line is significant. Umno retained the very safe seat of Rompin in a by-election in May 2015 but its vote share declined from 67 per cent to 61 per cent, a 6 per cent drop.

If the Rompin by-election result is a gauge of the potential Malay swing to the Opposition nationwide, Umno would have lost 27 marginal parliamentary seats.

A further 12 seats were won with a margin between 6 per cent and 10 per cent, namely P16 Baling (6.3 per cent), P42 Tasek Gelugor (6.4 per cent), P75 Bagan Datok (6.5 per cent), P13 Sik (6.8 per cent), P5 Jerlun (7.3 per cent), P141 Sekijang (8.2 per cent), P77 Tanjong Malim (8.3 per cent), P27 Tanah Merah (8.6 per cent), P41 Kepala Batas (9.1 per cent), P81 Jerantut (9.3 per cent), P61 Padang Rengas (9.4 per cent) and P2 Kangar (9.5 per cent).

Battles in mixed seats
Of the 38 seats, 5 seats have more than 90 per cent Malay voters, 6 seats with between 80 per cent and 90 per cent Malay voters, and 5 with between 70 per cent and 80 per cent Malay voters.

Another 8 seats have between 60 per cent and 70 per cent Malay voters, 7 seats with between 50 per cent and 60 per cent Malay voters, and 8 additional seats with Malay voters below 50 per cent.

In other words, of the 38 seats, there are 16 seats, which have Malay composition of more than 70 per cent, while the remaining 22 seats are mixed in nature with less than 70 per cent Malay voters.

West Coast battles

If one looks at the states of which the marginal seats are from, apart from the 3 Parti KeADILan Rakyat seats in Kelantan, which were allegedly lost due to sabotage by local PAS branches, and the 7 seats from Kedah, there rest are essentially West Coast Peninsula, semi-urban, multiethnic seats, most of them with a small Malay majority in ethnic composition.

Perlis – 2 seats – P2 Kangar (PAS); P3 Arau (PAS)

Kedah – 7 seats – P5 Jerlun (PAS), P11 Pendang (PAS), P 12 Jerai (PAS), P13 Sik (PAS), P14 Merbok (PKR), P16 Baling (PAS), P18 Kulim Bandar Baru (PKR)

Kelantan – 3 seats – P26 Ketereh (PKR), P27 Tanah Merah (PKR), P29 Machang (PKR)

Penang – 3 seats – P41 Kepala Batas (PAS), P42 Tasik Gelugor (PAS), P53 Balik Pulau (PKR)

Perak – 6 seats – P58 Bagan Serai (PKR), P61 Padang Rengas (PKR), P67 Kuala Kangsar (PAS), P75 Bagan Datok (PKR), P76 Teluk Intan (DAP) P77 Tanjong Malim (PKR).

Pahang – 4 seats – P78 Cameron Highlands (DAP), P81 Jerantut (PAS), P89 Bentong (DAP), P90 Bera (PKR)

Selangor – 4 seats – P92 Sabak Bernam (PKR), P93 Sungai Besar (PAS), P94 Hulu Selangor (PKR), P96 Kuala Selangor (PAS)

KL FT – 2 seats – P118 Setiawangsa (PKR), P119 Titiwangsa (PAS)

Johor – 8 seats – P140 Segamat (PKR), P141 Sekijang (PKR), P142 Labis (DAP), P144 Ledang (PKR), P146 Muar (PKR), P158 Tebrau (PKR), P159 Pasir Gudang (PKR), P161 Pulai (PAS)

There needs to be a separate set of strategies to win the Kedah seats that were actually won by the Opposition in 2008 but lost in 2013 due to a swing against the Azizan Razak State Government.

Beyond that, the characteristics of most other seats are relatively uniform: mixed, mostly semi-urban, West Coast.

In short, for the Opposition, the Peninsula battle is crucial in winning the next government and the legitimacy to govern. And to win in the Peninsula is to first concede about 30 of those “tailored-made” small rural Umno seats to Umno but to focus on the 38 swing marginal seats.

In the Malay economic tsunami that is to come, Umno will be buried in these mixed, semi-urban constituencies.

* Liew Chin Tong is the DAP National Political Education Director, DAP Johor Chief and Member of Parliament for Kluang.

5 Replies to “The Peninsula dominoes”

  1. Forgive me if I am ignorant, but I think you are basing your numbers on a PAS that was once with PR. PAS is a whole new animal now. As much as we’d like to believe that a tidal wave of disgruntled PAS members are against the Ulama, truth is, they are more than likely to be docile lambs following their leader for fear of repercussions in the afterlife. Yeah… I can talk to my older PAS friends and they will say they are not so happy with the direction fo the new PAS, but when it comes to their vote, they will go with status quo. So, even if the seat was a marginal one of 1-4%, with PAS now on UMNO’s side now, the numbers are probably a lot different.

  2. Again, COUNTING chickens before they’re hatched
    Ignoring FIXED deposits n dubious/biased erection process n mechanism
    Never learn fr d past n totally UNrealistic
    Wake up fr day dream n self syiok wet dream lar

  3. Agree with homeblogger.

    PAS’s insistence its still in PR, is probably because it fears it will be challenged come GE14. PAS forced PR into 3 cornered fights in GE13, and lost 3 PR seats.
    DAP or PKR must forced 3 corner fights, where PAS will stand, come GE14.

    This analysis can be equally useful to BN to be defensive.
    Sometimes DAP likes to brag. Why not keep this strategy till near election time? so that BN have no time to plan,esp when they are preoccupied with the scandal?

  4. Agree with Sallang… many times, we see PR politicians letting the cat out of the bag too soon… bragging about how they’re going to do this and that, but in the end, all they’re doing is letting the enemy know their strategy. As far as 3 cornered fights go, I think it will only benefit UMNO. The folks who once voted for PAS will vote new coalition partner. The PAS folks will not want to go against the Ulama for fear of ending up in h*ll, which means the non-UMNO/BN vote is split, giving UMNO the edge, whatever slim margin it was in GE13.

  5. D momentum built in d last 2 erections ALL lost now
    Cos d dynamics r different now, PAS d Trojan horse of UmnoB/BN exposed
    Come erection time, DAP n PKR will also experience internal fraction fights in a number of constituencies owing 2 biased candidate nominations, as rakyat saw in d last 2 erections
    Whatever rakyat like 2 believe, voting WILL still b along RACIAL line (so successfully established by UmnoB/BN’s poisoned brain washing) – REAL politics
    DAP candidates still not likely 2 get large number of votes fr Malay/Muslim voters
    Skrued up by corruption or no, hudud or no, die hard voters still go 4 UmnoB/BN n PAS
    Lucky if DAP n PKR can still retain Pg n S’gor in d next erection

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