Umno’s hypocrisy nauseating!

By P Ramakrishnan
Free Malaysia Today
June 16, 2015

Some Umno leaders seem to have taken leave of their common sense. They don’t make sense when they speak and there is no logic in what they say.


The reaction from two Umno leaders exposes their hypocrisy when they came out with their ridiculous statements with regard to the DAP’s willingness to build a mosque in Kampung Pasir Tumboh in Kelantan.

According to Kelantan Umno liaison chairman Datuk Seri Mustapa Mohamed, “The DAP’s plan to build a mosque in Gua Musang is an insult to Muslims in this country.”

Meanwhile, not to be outdone by Mustapa , Kelantan Umno Religious Affairs Bureau chairman Datuk Ashraf Wajdi Dusuki repeated the same silly statement: “The DAP’s plan to build a mosque in Gua Musang is an insult to Muslims in this country.”

Except for coming out with a sweeping statement claiming outrageously that it is an insult to Muslims in this country, none of them has cared to state in what way it would be an insult to Muslims if a mosque was to be built by DAP. Continue reading “Umno’s hypocrisy nauseating!”

Let us move on, as there is no time to lose on polemics to rekindle hopes among Malaysians who want change that such a possibility is still alive and relevant in the 14GE through an alignment of political forces

(Scroll down for English text)

Maju terus, kita tidak boleh membuang masa dengan polemik, demi menghidupkan semula harapan rakyat Malaysia yang mahukan perubahan bahawasanya peluang itu masih wujud dalam PRU ke-14 melalui penyusunan semula kuasa-kuasa politik

Saya berkenan betul dengan cara Ahli Parlimen PAS Parit Buntar Mujahid Yusuf Rawa menggambarkan senario politik negara hari ini. Beliau menyebut: “We need to die to be reborn, to live anew.” (Malaysiakini)

Ini sangat hampir dengan pepatah Cina, 置之死地而后生 zhì zhī sǐ dì ér hòu sheng.

Inilah sebab di sebalik keputusan yang diambil Jawatankuasa Eksekutif Pusat DAP semalam, ekoran daripada usul Muktamar PAS supaya PAS memutuskan hubungan dengan DAP, selain pencabulan Dasar Bersama Pakatan dan prinsip konsensus secara berulang kali. Pakatan Rakyat tidak lagi wujud.

Keputusan untuk memuktamadkan bahawa Pakatan sudah tidak lagi wujud bukanlah langkah mengalah, bahkan satu tindakan untuk mengiktiraf realiti yang disokong dengan harapan dan keyakinan untuk masa akan datang. Continue reading “Let us move on, as there is no time to lose on polemics to rekindle hopes among Malaysians who want change that such a possibility is still alive and relevant in the 14GE through an alignment of political forces”

Najib staged a second 1MDB “Nothing2Hide” disappearance when he absented himself from in Parliament yesterday to avoid having to personally answer the questions about the biggest financial scandal in nation’s history

In ten days, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak staged a second 1MDB “Nothing2Hide” disappearance when he absented himself from Parliament yesterday to avoid having to personally answer the questions about the biggest financial scandal in the nation’s history.

Not only Members of Parliament from both sides of Parliament, but ordinary Malaysians are entitled to ask why the Prime Minister can give a special briefing to over 1,000 UMNO division information chiefs and selected NGO representatives on Sunday on the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal, but he was not prepared to give similar briefing in Parliament the following day during the winding-up of the debate on the 11th Malaysia Plan?

Is this because the Sunday briefing for UMNO division information chiefs and selected NGO representatives was a tame one-way traffic and monologue while Najib would not be able to have a docile and timid audience in Parliament, especially as MPs, in particular DAP MP for Petaling Jaya Utara Tony Pua and PKR MP for Pandan, Rafizi Ramli would have endless minefields for the Prime Minister to negotiate if there is a genuine free-for-all in the Dewan Rakyat on the RM42 billion 1MDB scandal? Continue reading “Najib staged a second 1MDB “Nothing2Hide” disappearance when he absented himself from in Parliament yesterday to avoid having to personally answer the questions about the biggest financial scandal in nation’s history”

Kerugian besar dialami PAS

A Shukur Harun
The Malaysian Insider
16 June 2015

Muktamar PAS berlalu dua minggu lalu dengan keputusan pemilihan pucuk pimpinan menolak sepenuhnya golongan sederhana dan progresif menerusi senarai “chai” iaitu kertas yang mengandungi senarai nama calon pimpinan PAS yang perlu dipilih.

Adapun “chai” itu berasal daripada bahasa China yang merujuk kepada ramalan nombor ekor.

Isu “chai” ini walaupun menggamatkan, tetapi ia berlalu dan menjadi bahagian daripada sejarah PAS itu sendiri walaupun tidak pernah difikirkan selama ini.

Kini selepas muktamar berlalu, pelbagai pihak merenung kesannya, iaitu bagaimana ikatan ukhuwah di dalam jemaah atau kasih sayang di kalangan jemaah PAS terhakis, sesuatu yang paling malang. Malah ia menjadi “the biggest casualties” bagi PAS itu sendiri sebagai sebuah parti Islam.

Maknanya, segala usaha pendukung PAS sejak setengah abad untuk memperkukuh ukhuwah di dalam jemaah yang lumpuh akibat perpecahan yang berlaku yang ketara sejak muktamar tahun lalu di Johor dan lebih ketara lagi pada muktamar baru-baru ini. Continue reading “Kerugian besar dialami PAS”