I agree with several PAS MPs that PAS Muktamar decision to cut ties with DAP is final as PAS Muktamar is the highest decision-making body and there is no complaint that the resolution violates any Islamic law or Hukum

I agree with several PAS MPs that PAS Muktamar decision to cut ties with DAP is final as the PAS Muktamar is the highest decision-making body in PAS and there is no complaint that the resolution to cut ties with DAP violates any Islamic law or Hukum.

I have read the PAS Constitution, and in particular Article 7 which states that PAS Muktamar is the highest decision-making body in the party, unless the PAS Muktamar resolution violates the “hukum yang tertinggi sekali dalam peganan PAS ialah KITABULLAH dan SUNNAH RASUL serta IJMAK, ULAMAK dan QIAS yang terang dan nyata”.

Is there any complaint to the Dewan Syura that the PAS Muktamar motion to cut ties with DAP without debate violates “hukum”?

If there is a complaint that the PAS Muktamar motion to cut off ties with DAP violates “hokum”, who will be the defendants – the PAS President and the entire PAS Ulama leadership?

This is unthinkable.

In fact, the Muktamar motion to cut ties with DAP is meant to be of instant effect, as there is no qualifying clause subjecting it to the review either by the Majlis Syura or the central committee. Continue reading “I agree with several PAS MPs that PAS Muktamar decision to cut ties with DAP is final as PAS Muktamar is the highest decision-making body and there is no complaint that the resolution violates any Islamic law or Hukum”