Najib not telling the truth if he said he could not visit earthquake-hit zones in Sabah on Friday because it was the birthday of Yang di Pertuan Agong

According to The Malaysian Insider, the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, told a crowd during his visit to Kundasang in Sabah today, near where Friday’s earthquake struck, why he could not visit Ranau/Kundasang earlier.

Najib said:

“I had intended to come earlier after hearing news about the earthquake. But that day was the birthday of the Yang Di-Pertuan Agong and then I had to leave for an official visit to Saudi Arabia as the king and the crown prince were involved.

“Because our bilateral ties are very important, I could not come to Sabah, specifically to Ranau, earlier.”

Najib would not be telling the truth if he had indeed said that he could not visit the earthquake-hit zones in Sabah on Friday because it was the birthday of Yang di Pertuan Agong as this was not the case.

The birthday of the Yang di-Pertuan Agong was on Saturday, 6th June 2015 and not on Friday, 5th June 2015. Continue reading “Najib not telling the truth if he said he could not visit earthquake-hit zones in Sabah on Friday because it was the birthday of Yang di Pertuan Agong”

There is no Pakatan Rakyat if there is no PR Common Policy Framework or PR consensus operational principle

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s concern from Sungai Buloh Prison about the fate of Pakatan Rakyat after the PAS Muktamar is the concern of the majority of Malaysians who had voted for PR in the last general elections two years ago, reposing their trust and hopes in PR to spearhead the political, socio-economic, educational and nation-building changes and end the corruption, cronyism and abuses of power rampant in the country if Malaysia is to achieve its full greatness as a nation.

DAP and I reaffirm our commitment to the PR Common Policy Framework and the PR consensus operational principle which had been the basis of PR’s success in the 2013 General Election, which ensured that the Najib government is a minority government for the first time in the nation’s history and denied the UMNO/BN coalition two-thirds parliamentary majority for the second general elections.

The UMNO/BN coalition is on its last legs, but there is no way Malaysians can continue to repose their trust and hope in Pakatan Rakyat if we cannot be steadfast, constant and consistent in our commitment to the PR Common Policy Framework and the PR consensus operational principle. Continue reading “There is no Pakatan Rakyat if there is no PR Common Policy Framework or PR consensus operational principle”

Selepas ‘cai’ tentukan pimpinan PAS

A Shukur Harun
The Malaysian Insider
9 June 2015

Dengan berbekalkan sekeping cai – kertas yang mengandungi senarai nama calon pimpinan PAS yang perlu dipilih – maka perwakilan di muktamar PAS minggu lalu pun mengundi dalam situasi di mana cai itu memberi arahan bisu supaya mengundi nama yang tersenarai dalam cai itu.

Walaupun sebahagian kecil perwakilan tidak menurut ‘arahan ghaib’ cai itu, tetapi kebanyakannya mematuhi arahan supaya mengundi calon yang tersenarai dalam cai itu.

Diberitakan, hampir 80% perwakilan dipengaruhi dengan kertas ‘cai’ itu. Ada pihak yang sempat merakam gambar perwakilan yang sedang ‘khusyuk’ meneliti cai, sebelum mengundi berdasarkan arahan cai tersebut.
Continue reading “Selepas ‘cai’ tentukan pimpinan PAS”

Trouble ahead for Pakatan

– Mohamed Nawab Mohamed Osman
The Malaysian Insider
9 June 2015

The outcome of last week’s PAS annual meeting is likely to change the Malaysian political landscape. It is the first time in nearly three decades that the Islamist party’s leadership has been dominated by leaders from only one faction within the party.

The conservatives (ulama) in the party, made up of religious scholars and clerics, effectively routed its rival reformist faction by winning all the party’s top positions and 17 of the 18 positions in the central committee.

The women, youth and religious scholars’ wings are now dominated entirely by the conservatives, which hold different views from the reformists on the implementation of Islamic criminal law (hudud), and whether PAS should continue to work with the opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) coalition.

Significantly, in the aftermath of the win by the ulama, the party has adopted a resolution to break all ties with its opposition partner DAP, throwing into question PAS’s political direction and that of the three-party PR pact. Continue reading “Trouble ahead for Pakatan”