Is anger towards Hadi under Islam and any of the religions of the world permitted because he has been untruthful, insincere and dishonest in repeatedly violating PR Common Policy Framework and PR consensus operational principle?

(Scroll down for BM version of this statement / Terjemahan BM di bawah)

I am surprised and shocked that PAS President Datuk Seri Hadi Awang has invoked religion to say that it is an obligation for Muslims to vent their anger at DAP for opposing the implementation of hudud in Kelantan.

This is a very dangerous, divisive and retrograde step which can only undermine the process of Malaysian nation-building to create an united and harmonious multi-racial, multi-religious and multi-cultural Malaysian citizenry.

Is anger towards Hadi permitted not only under Islam but any of the religions in the world for being untruthful, insincere and dishonest in repeatedly violating Pakatan Rakyat Common Policy Framework and Pakatan Rakyat consensus operational principle – which is why the Pakatan Rakyat Leadership Council is in a crisis and has not met for more than three months as Hadi had unilaterally and arbitrarily disregarded the decisions of the PR Leadership Council or overruled PAS leaders who had attended in his absence, arrogating to himself a veto power over the PR Leadership Council?

Hadi first acted with utter dishonesty and insincerity during the May 2013 General Elections when he authorized PAS candidature to contest in six state assembly seats in the country which were allotted to PKR, resulting in three-cornered fights and the loss of PR in these seats. Continue reading “Is anger towards Hadi under Islam and any of the religions of the world permitted because he has been untruthful, insincere and dishonest in repeatedly violating PR Common Policy Framework and PR consensus operational principle?”

Which one of Najib’s highly-paid consultants was responsible for the most contrived, damaging and tell-tale statement in the Prime Minister’s FAQ admitting that there is serious public perception that Najib is implicated in the Altantunya murder?

(Scroll down for BM version of this statement / Terjemahan BM di bawah)

I do not think I am the only one mulling over the statement in the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s FAQ on his blog with regard to “Allegations regarding the Altantuya issue”, as the more one thinks about it, the more one is astounded by it.

Which one of Najib’s highly-paid consultants was responsible for the most contrived, damaging and tell-tale statement in his FAQ admitting that there is serious public perception that the Prime Minister is implicated in the murder of the Mongolian woman Altantuya Shaariibuu nine years ago.

This is the statement I am referring to:

“What is important is that the judgment brings justice to everyone, most importantly to the family of the victim, to the accused and even to me.”

Continue reading “Which one of Najib’s highly-paid consultants was responsible for the most contrived, damaging and tell-tale statement in the Prime Minister’s FAQ admitting that there is serious public perception that Najib is implicated in the Altantunya murder?”