PAS does not have the numbers for Hadi’s private member ’s bill motion in May Parliament

I do not believe that PAS has the numbers for PAS President and MP for Marang Datuk Seri Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill on hudud implementation in the May meeting of Parliament.

As Hadi was reported by Malaysiakini today, he had previously presented a similar private member’s bill in Parliament in 1996, but it had remained on the Dewan Rakyat Order Paper and never went to the stage of being presented to Parliament for debate let alone for a vote.

I believe the same will happen in the May meeting of Parliament where Hadi’s hudud private member’s bill motion will appear and remain in the Dewan Rakyat Order Paper but will not reach the stage of being presented to Parliament for debate and vote. Continue reading “PAS does not have the numbers for Hadi’s private member ’s bill motion in May Parliament”