Has the IGP really gone bonkers with the crackdown against all and sundry who crossed him?

Two days ago, I asked whether the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Khalid Bakar had gone bonkers in his latest tweet command to his police subordinates to investigate University of Malaya senior lecturer, Dr. Khoo Ying Hoo for her article “Who owns the police” in The Malaysian Insider on 16th March 2015 under Section 500 on criminal defamation of the Penal Code when it is the height of the ridiculous to accuse of her of intimidation of the police although her article was quite critical of high-handed police actions.

Clearly, the IGP suffered from poor English comprehension problems.

This was not the first time when the IGP’s poor English comprehension led him to flex his IGP muscles, as the earlier ludicrous episode of his mistaking DAP MP for PJ Utara’s tweet on “Royal my foot” as an attack on Malay Rulers is still the joke in the country.

Unfortunately, the twitter trigger-happy IGP has committed a third transgression from his poor comprehension problem when the PKR Secretary-General and MP for Pandan, Rafizi Ramli was arrested because the IGP thought Rafizi was urging supporters to “break out” Anwar Ibrahim from Sungai Buloh prison – an idea which has never entered into anyone’s mind!

Horror of horrors, I have to ask whether the IGP has really gone bonkers with his crackdown against all and sundry who crossed him, the latest victims include the PAS Deputy President, Mohamad Sabu, PAS MP for Shah Alam, Khalid Samad and PKR MP for Batu Tian Chua.

It would appear that suddenly, Malaysians have become the most seditious people in the world – with an unprecedented number of people being arrested, investigated and charged under the Sedition Act.

Is this the case – that Malaysia has become the most “seditious” in the world”?

Or is it because the IGP has got a totally misconceived notion of “sedition”, which former IGPs had never been guilty of?

Yesterday Deputy Education Minister P. Kamalanathn competed for the title of being the clown of the day when he claimed that Malaysians’ command of English is better than Singapore’s.

It would be useful to have a survey as to which IGP in the world has the worst comprehension of English, for we may be in danger of topping such a list.

The IGP should return to his basic duty to protect Malaysians from crime and the fear of crime, instead of continuing with his frolic of a crackdown and harassment against Pakatan Rakyat leaders and NGO activists for exercising their democratic and constitutional rights of freedom of speech, expression and assembly.


One Reply to “Has the IGP really gone bonkers with the crackdown against all and sundry who crossed him?”

  1. I told my wife I was going to a protest…..
    She said: But I’m worried scared for you.
    I said: Don’t worry, the Police will be there.
    Then I realized that’s what she was afraid of…..

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