Let’s band together against the extremists in 2015

Zan Azlee
The Malaysian Insider
2 January 2015

Another new year has arrived and we are now in 2015. I have never declared or committed myself to any new year resolution because I think it’s all crap. You change when you want to change.

But this time, I’m going to commit to a resolution. It is simple. I will continue to use every platform that I have to promote moderation, open-mindedness, multiculturalism and religious pluralism.

I have done it for years and will continue doing it with even stronger force this year because 2014, to me, was the year of overbearing racial and religious extremism.

Groups like Isma and Perkasa, and individuals like Ridhuan Tee Abdullah, have been so loud throughout last year that my ears are still aching and ringing into the new year. They definitely do not speak for me.

And I’m very sure that this feeling is shared by so many of my fellow sane, rational and logical Malaysians out there. We should all band together and do something about these annoying extremists.

Since we all believe that these people who go on and on about preserving a specific racial and religious supremacy are the loud minority, then why are we allowing them to be so loud?

If they are such a small group (Perkasa is reported to only have 900 odd official members), why are we allowing them to shout so loud without any repurcussions?

If we are the silent majority, then we need not be too worried about showing our strength in numbers and not be silent anymore. What can they do to a whole huge bunch of us, right?

There are among us those who have already stood up to voice their concerns. There are the Prominent 25, former ministers and politicians like Tun Musa Hitam, Datuk Saifuddin Abdullah, etc, who have taken the lead.

And if we feel strongly about what the extremists are spreading, we need to also do our share and create a counter movement that will spread across the country.

I say it is enough what these loudmouths are trying to propagate. Malaysia is for Malaysians and it doesn’t matter what race or religion you are. We all have the right to live together with respect, understanding and harmony.

The days of Isma, Perkasa, Ridhuan Tee and their likes are numbered. Let 2014 be the last year of them having free reign saying whatever they please. We need to silence them and take Malaysia back starting this 2015.

Happy New Year Malaysia! – January 2, 2015.


13 Replies to “Let’s band together against the extremists in 2015”

  1. Only the Malays can decide when enough is enough. Everyone else are mere spectator and back seat drivers. They will, its a question of price and going by track record of the past catastrophe and misdeeds of many of their leaders, the price is extremely high, not on purpose, just the lack of it.

    Frankly, it appears to the rest of us, the price is not high enough yet..

  2. If possible export them to DESERT where they are happier a place they can be more contribute their skill of extreme ,more useful, full useful of their knowledge of extremist, hate and LIE!

  3. 2 rakyat, there is still 1 more PLANE unaccounted 4
    Pheew, now it’s reported 2 hv landed in Bangkok
    What a relief 2 all rakyat, who were worried dat it might suffer d fate of MH370 or QZ8501, never mind it had gone 2 London, New York, n Dubai
    Looks like d real peeM took d plane 4 a long long joy ride
    Perhaps meeting d Wolf or Wolfs of Wall Street in NY City

  4. On d other hand, dis 1DERful land is a living PARADISE
    Wow, rakyat so lucky 1! Where r d 72 virgins?

    “Malaysia, the top retirement country in Asia, earned high scores for ease of fitting in, entertainment and amenities, as well as low cost of living. A meal with a bottle of wine can cost as little as US$5 and a visit to the doctor just US$15.” – See more at: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/malaysia-among-top-five-countries-for-retirement#sthash.2bv7kKlX.dpuf

    Ai say man, WHERE aarr can I hv a meal with a bottle of wine 4 US$5 n a visit 2 a doctor just US$15?
    Me, PARADISE LOST, still hunting high n low 4 d 72 virgins, never mind male or female leh
    Perhaps hv 2 order them through alibaba or Amazon .com

  5. Right. Moderate Malays should stand up against extremists such as Perkosa.
    I hear UMNO wants to be in a coalition government in Kelantan; then only will the Federal Government do its duty to develop Kelantan. Master Yoda says, “Worse nonsense there not is.”

  6. We will have to wait and see how those Extremists try to handle the better educated Malay group, now they cannot try to simply create stories to back up their claims which we know are basically for the consumption of the poor folks who can’t read any paper except Utusan! It is hoped that many more join this Group and see what our Ministers have to say! Many of them have practically condoned characters like AI, ISM knowing well their aim is to cause confusing with half truths and certainly lies by the kilos!

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