Permanent secretariat in 199-word proposal

Dec 3, 2014

The royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on Sabah has made only one recommendation in its 376-page report – a permanent secretariat to address the problem of illegal immigrants in the state.

In its long-awaited report unveiled today after two years of exhaustive inquiry, the RCI came up with a 199-word recommendation where the main plank is for the government to set up another committee.

The four-paragraph recommendation also proposed the setting up of a management committee on foreigners with extensive powers to support the permanent secretariat.

However, the RCI stressed that if the concept of such a management committee is not acceptable to the government, there is the choice of forming a consultative council on immigrants and foreigners. Continue reading “Permanent secretariat in 199-word proposal”

The Sabah RCI report in a nutshell

By Ram Anand
Dec 3, 2014

The Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) report on illegal immigrants in Sabah was finally released today in Kota Kinabalu after much delay.

The commission was first mooted in 2012, and had hearings beginning Jan 14 up until Sept 2013.

It heard 211 witnesses before the findings of the commission were submitted to the federal government in May this year.

Former Borneo chief judge Steve Shim headed the five-man panel which heard testimonies from the witnesses, which included former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and PKR de-facto leader Anwar Ibrahim.

Over the course of the hearings, nobody took blame for the projects and operations that granted these citizenship to immigrants.

Despite being widely blamed for the “Project IC” or “Project M”, Mahathir denied knowledge of any such covert operations. Continue reading “The Sabah RCI report in a nutshell”