Lim Kit Siang

In solidarity with UM8 – UM alumni, academics and concerned individuals

The Malaysian Insider
6 November 2014

We, the undersigned individuals, call on University Malaya (UM) to drop the charges against student leader Fahmi Zainol and all other students pertaining to the forum entitled “Empat PuluhTahun Dari UM ke Penjara” which took place on campus on 27 October 2014.

We support the right of Persatuan Mahasiswa University Malaya(PMUM), as an elected bodyrepresenting UM students, to organise events on campus. Their choice of topic for the lecture is reflective of the currently debated issue within academia and society.

We laud the students’initiative in seeking knowledge and critical views in understanding this issue further. The choice of inviting a politician as a guest speaker is not extraordinary as the university regularly haspolitical leaders coming to speak on its campus.

We wish to also record our serious concern and raise objection to the series of actions taken byUM in the handling of this event. The university’s response raises serious concerns regarding the professionalism of its administrators and the institution’s commitment to academic integrity and intellectual freedom.

First, instead of respecting the elected student body’s autonomy in planning the event, theuniversity declared the programme illegal and claimed that it would tarnish the university’s image.

Second, on the day of the event, UM staff members were instructed to leave the campus early and classes were cancelled under the guise of electrical malfunction and safety concerns. Instead ofengaging in a discussion with the student organisers, the administrators used excuses of bad weather and electrical malfunction to block the students’ activity.

Third, heavy control of traffic through the gates impinged on students’ right to move freely, culminating with a lockdown at the KL gate side, unnecessarily creating a climate of tension. Wenote that while it is unfortunate there was property damage in the form of a broken lock and chain and a dent to the gate, this could easily have been avoided had the university allowed themovement of people and traffic instead of locking the gates and barricading the campus.

Fourth, after the event, instead of engaging the student leaders in a productive dialogue, theuniversity chose to slap them with up to nine disciplinary charges, as a means of punishment.

We urge the university to move away from treating its students in a punitive manner. We note theirony that in the mishandling of this event, it is the administration that is tarnishing the university’s image, not only nationally but also within the global academic community.

As a university that aspires to be a “leader in research and innovation”, the suppression of intellectual freedom and diversity of opinion is contradictory to this mission. In order to createan environment of innovation and creativity, students must be allowed space to be independent and critical thinkers. UM’s aspiration to be a world-class university can only be achieved if itstrives to produce creative thinkers, not timid followers.

Historically, UM has always been a dynamic space for campus activities and student activism.This space of academic freedom has produced some of our country’s most important leaders in many different fields and industries.

We urgently call on the UM management to respect and uphold academic freedom, freedom of speech and freedom of assembly of students and academics in this premier university.

We reiterate our call for UM to drop the charges against the eight students and begin dialogue between the university administration and staff and students, on this matter.

Thank you.

This petition is signed by 210 UM alumni, academicians and concerned individuals. The following are the signatories:

UM Alumni

1. Adibah, UM 2003

2. Amarjit Kaur FASSA, Emeritus Professor of Economic History, University of NewEngland, Australia; UM BA Hons 1971, MA 1974

3. Dr Arlene F Ngan, Endocrinologist, Academic staff University Malaya, FacultyMedicine 1973-1985

4. Carol Yong (Ooi Lin), UM 2000

5. Cecilia Ng, UM 1985

6. Chan Wei See, Faculty of Science, UM 2003

7. Chang Yii Tan, IPT, UM 1990

8. Chee Heng Leng, UM 1990 (PhD)

9. Dr. Chen Tuck Pew, Senior Lecturer, Dept of Anaesthesia, University of Otago, UM 1983.

10. Cheong Siew Chyuan, UM 1982 Civil Engineering

11. Chew Phye Keat, UM Law 1986

12. Dr Chong Yit Sean, Monash University Malaysia, UM 1999

13. Choo Wei Hoong, UM 2007

14. Choong Shaw Mei, UM 1986

15. Clarissa Lee Ai Ling, UM 2002

16. Dato’ Agatha Foo, Bachelor of Arts, UM 1984

17. Dato Dr Amar Singh HSS, Consultant Paediatrician, UM 1983

18. Dato Dr Toh Kin Woon, UM 1971, 1982

19. Datuk Dr Khaw Lake Tee, UM 1978

20. Dr David Quek, UM 1979

21. Din Merican, Research Fellow, Malaysian Institute of Economic Research, UM Classof 1963

22. Evan Ngow, B.Ed.TESL Hons, UM 1997

23. Firdaus Husni, UM 2009

24. Gan Pei Boon, UM 1998

25. Gan Pei Fern, UM 2007

26. Geraldine Sebastian, UM 2007

27. Dr Greg Lopez, Murdoch University, UM 1992 / 1996

28. Dr Helen Ting, UM 1989

29. Henry Loh Kee Wey, Penang Women Development Corporation, UM Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) 1984

30. Ivy Josiah, UM 1980

31. Jacqueline Ann Surin, UM 1994

32. Janarthani Arumugam, UM FASS 2002

33. John Chung, UM 2000

34. Joseph Paul, UM FEA 1973

35. Jullie Lim, (Econs) UM 1984

36. Karen Phang, UM 2005

37. Khoo Kay Peng, UM FEA 1997

38. Dr KJ John, UM 1972

39. Lee Kee Hoon, UM1982

40. Leonard Foo Tet Seong, UM 1973

41. Dr Leong Choong Kheong, UM 1983

42. Dr. Lim Joo Kiong, UM 1983

43. Lim Mah Hui, City Councillor of Penang Island, UM 1969

44. Lim Pao Li, UM 1972

45. Lim Swee lm, UM 1976/1981, Faculty of Medicine, Universiti Malaya

46. Dr Lim Teck Ghee, UM 1968

47. Dr Linda Teoh, Consultant ophthalmologist, Tun Hussein Eye Hospital, UM 1983

48. Dr Mary Cardosa, Consultant Anaesthesiologist, UM 1983.49. Mary Suma Cardosa, UM 1983

50. Dr Melvin Kandasamy, UM 2000

51. Dr Misbah Ismail, UM Medical Faculty (1983)

52. Mohala Santharamohana, UM 1994

53. Mohd Akhir Bin Salleh, UM 1975

54. Nur Azrine Abdul Razak, UM 2005

55. Nurul Natasha Abdullah Sani, UM Law 2013

56. Ooi Lay Geen, UM 2009

57. Pathma Letchumanan, UM 2010

58. Patrick Koo, UM Law 1983

59. Prof Madya Dr Tan Eng Lee, Universiti Malaya 1978-2000)

60. Rafidah Abdullah, UM 2000

61. Sasikala Nair, UM 1982

62. Sean Ong Seng Leong, UM 2005

63. Sharon Sundlas, UM 2002

64. Soo Jin Hui, UM 1999

65. Stephen Law Fook Choy, UM 1981

66. Tan Lee Peng, UM 1969

67. Dr Tan Ooi Hong, UM 1991

68. Dr Teh Ban Hup, Class of 78/83 Medical faculty

69. Vinesh Prabhu Naidu, UM 2001

70. Voon Phin Keong UM 1965

71. Wong Pui Yi, UM 2009

72. Dr Wong Soak Koon, UM BA (Hons) 1971, Dip Ed 1973, MA 1975

73. Wong yan kheong, UM1982

74. Wong Yuen Yee, UM 1999

75. Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham, MP for Beruas, UM 1985

76. Yoong Yan Pin, retired CEO United Overseas Bank Malaysia, MU 1966

Malaysian academics

77. Ahmad Fuad Rahmat, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Nottingham University Malaysia Campus

78. Dr Andrew Aeria, University Malaysia Sarawak

79. Ang Sze Wei, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Hong Kong

80. Assistant Prof. Leong Kar Yen, Tamkang University, Taiwan

81. Assistant Professor Dr Fadzilah Din, International Islamic University Malaysia

82. Assoc. Prof, Dr Ng Swee Choon, University Tungku Abdul Rahman, UM 1975(Faculty of Medicine)

83. Associate Professor Dr Sharmani Patricia Gabriel, University of Malaya

84. Dr Azmi Sharom, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya

85. Boon Kia Meng, Kyoto University

86. Dr Chan Chee Khoon, Center for Poverty & Development Studies, University of Malaya

87. Dr Charis Quay Huei Li, Université Paris-Sud, France.

88. Dr Cheong Kee Cheok, Senior Research Fellow, UM & UM Class of 1967

89. Dahlia Martin, Flinders University

90. Dr Diana Wong, Former Visiting Professor, Kanita, USM

91. Evelyn Tang, MIT (USA)

92. Dr Francis Loh, President, Aliran; Professor (retired 2013), University Sains Malaysia

93. Goh Chun Fan, Carnegie Mellon University

94. Ho Seng Tat, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

95. Dr Isham Pawan Ahmad, International Islamic University

96. Jaanah, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya

97. Dr Jeff Tan, Associate Professor, Aga Khan University (International) in the United Kingdom

98. Johan Saravanamuttu, Lecturer & Professor, USM (1976-2006); Visiting SeniorResearch Fellow, ISEAS (2006-2014)

99. Kamal Solhaimi, University of Malaya

100. Keith Chin Wei Jun, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York.

101. Khoo Boo Teik, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo

102. Khoo Gaik Cheng, University of Nottingham

103. Khoo Teng Jian, University of Cambridge

104. Koh Sin Yee, City University of Hong Kong

105. Lai Suat Yan, University Malaya

106. Law Tzuo Hann, University of Pennsylvania

107. Lee Chee Horng, UM 1981

108. Dr Lee Hwok Aun, University of Malaya

109. Lee Kiong Hock, University of Malaya (retired professor)

110. Maimuna Merican, UM

111. Mustafa Kamal Anuar, Penang Institute

112. Nor Faridah Abdul Manaf,IIUM

113. Dr Ong Kian Ming, Lecturer, UCSI University & Member of Parliament for Serdang, DAP

114. Ooi Heng, Kajian Politik untuk Perubahan

115. Ooi Teik Khim, Singapore Institute of Management

116. Prof Wan Manan, Malaysian Academic Movement (MOVE)

117. Profesor Madya Dr Tan Eng Lee (Universiti Malaya 1978-2000)

118. Professor Terence Gomez, University of Malaya

119. Professor Zaharom Nain, The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

120. Rachel Gong, Stanford University

121. Rosli H Mahat, Universiti Malaya

122. Rosli Omar, Associate Professor (retired 2012), Universiti Malaya

123. Dr Rusaslina Idrus, University of Malaya

124. Dr Subramaniam Pillay, Associate Professor, Taylor’s University

125. Sumit Mandal, independent scholar

126. Tan Beng Hui, PhD, Universiti Malaya

127. Dr Tan Meng Yoe, Monash University Malaysia

128. Teo Lee Ken, National University of Singapore

129. Dr Tim Mak, University of Cambridge

130. TMB Krishnan. Swinburne University of Technology

131. Dr Yeoh Seng Guan, Monash University Malaysia

132. Yuwana Podin, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

International academics

133. Dr Andrew Filmer, Universiti Putra Malaysia

134. Dr Bridget Welsh, Senior Research Fellow, Center for East Asia Democracy, National Taiwan University

135. Dr Claire Marrache-Kikuchi, Universite Paris Sud, France

136. Dr Pascal Lederer, Université Paris Sud, Campus d’Orsay, France

137. Dr Tessa Houghton, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

138. Associate Professor Meredith Weiss, State University of New York at Albany

139. Daniel Esteve, Research director at CEA Saclay, France

140. Mallisa Corbert, Monash University Melbourne

Concerned individuals

141. Dr Abdul Halim Yusof, Kelantan Coalition of NGOs

142. Al-Mustaqeem Mahmod Radhi, Lingkaran Islam Tradisional

143. Anas Alam Faizli, Author, ‘Rich Malaysia, Poor Malaysians’

144. Anil Netto,

145. Anne Lasimbang, PACOS Trust

146. Bala Chelliah

147. Cheang Mun Leng @ Lynn Teo, Anak Bangsa Malaysia.

148. Cheng Eng Aun

149. Chew Yoke Kuan

150. Chow Chee Keong, MEd, MBA, BSc., principal, The Learning Garden

151. Chuah Siew Eng, USM 1992

152. Chung Sooi Chin

153. Clare Rewcastle-Brown

154. Diana Talit, Anak Malaysia

155. Fadih Nadwa Fikri

156. Faribel Maglin, Pusat Komas

157. Dr Gobinder Singh, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, Past President, MalaysianOrthopaedic Association158. Honey Tan Lay Ean, lawyer

159. Jannie Lasimbang, Jaringan Orang Asal SeMalaysia (JOAS)

160. Jasbir Singh

161. Jason Tan, freelance journalist

162. Jayanath Appudurai , University of Singapore, 1973

163. Jean Yap

164. Kalei Joethi Sahadevan

165. Lee Hong Jin

166. Lee King Yi

167. Lee Lin Yi

168. Lee Wei San, All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)

169. Leong Siew Shen

170. Leong Wai Kuan

171. Liang Phing, Anak Malaysia

172. Lim Chuan Yang, alumni UNMC 2014

173. Maria Chin Abdullah, Chairperson. BERSIH 2.0

174. Mark Bujang, Executive Director, BRIMAS

175. Mary Soh, Anak Bebas Malaysia

176. Mary Tan

177. Masjaliza Hamzah, journalist/human rights activist

178. Meera Samanther

179. Molly Khoo

180. Ong Guan Sin, business owner

181. Paramjeet Singh, air transport pilot/property developer, London UK

182. Poo Kok Chong

183. Praveen Nagappan, SABM Australia

184. py wong, tindakmalaysia

185. Satish Chand Bhandari, retired education officer

186. See-See Leong

187. Seet Ping, Secretary, Himpunan Hijau

188. Shamini Flint, author, Malaysian

189. Dr Sharifah Halimah Jaafar, Consultant O&G, UKM Alumni

190. Shaun Tan Zhi Ming

191. Suri Kempe, Sisters in Islam

192. Susanna George, social activist

193. Syahredzan Johan

194. Synna Ong

195. Tan Hui Chun, Humanity Library,KL

196. Tan Pek Leng, Aliran & Women’s Centre for Change

197. Tashia Peterson

198. Tee Fung Ching

199. Tham Siew Choon, UPM 2003

200. Thomas Fann, ENGAGE

201. Thong kok wai, MPSR

202. V L Kandan

203. Wong Ee Lynn

204. Wong Sui Pin

205. Yap Swee Seng, executive director, Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)

206. Yeow Ai Lin, WAO

207. Yim Fen

208. Yin Shao Loong, Institut Rakyat

209. Dr. Yolanda Augustin

210. Zainah Anwar
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