Lim Kit Siang

Find out who wrote Beng Hock’s alleged suicide note, family tells cops

The Malaysian Insider
5 October 2014

Fed-up with Bukit Aman quizzing them about a so-called suicide note written by political aide Teoh Beng Hock, his family has decided not to give any further statements to the police until someone is arrested over the incidents which led to his untimely death.

The family’s lawyer, Teo Nie Ching, said this after Beng Hock’s wife, Sor Cher Wei, and his sister, Lee Lan, were questioned by federal police yesterday at the Batu Pahat district police headquarters.

According to Teo, senior investigating lawyer ASP Tony Lunggan had called up Soh and told her he wanted to record statements from her and Lee Lan over the “suicide note”.

Tony is part of a Bukit Aman six-member special unit tasked with re-investigating Beng Hock’s death.

The political aide had gone to the MACC office on July 15, 2009, to give a statement in the agency’s probe into graft allegations against his boss, Selangor exco Ean Yong Hian Wah.

He was found dead the next day on a landing on the 5th floor of the building. He was believed to have fallen to his death from a window on the 14th floor of the building.

The suicide note had emerged more than two months after Beng Hock’s death in 2009, and the coroner in the inquest into his death had noted that he could “only assume the authorship of the note was by the deceased”.

Last month, the Court of Appeal set aside the open verdict, ruling instead that “a person or persons were responsible for his death” and instructed a re-investigation.

“The death of Teoh Beng Hock was caused by multiple injuries from a fall from the 14th floor of Plaza Mazalam, a result of which was accelerated by an unlawful act or acts of person unknown, inclusive of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission officers involved in the arrest and investigation of the deceased,” the court said,

But Teo said they were disappointed that so far, no arrests had been made even though the court had ruled that MACC was responsible for Beng Hock’s death.

“He (Tony) wanted to know if they can confirm it was written by Beng Hock and if the family can provide any handwriting sample, such as a diary or birthday card.

“However, we told the police five years ago that the family did not have any handwriting sample and there is nothing to add,” Teo said.

She added that given the latest development, the family would not be giving any further statements to the police until someone is arrested over Beng Hock’s death.

Teo also said that the Court of Appeal’s judgment was very clear – that the suicide note could have been forged.

“The police should be investigating who forged the note and not come back and ask the family the same questions,” she said. – October 5, 2014.